Chapter 45

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We rebuilt Alexandra and Hill Top. Carol moved to The Kingdom to be with Ezekiel. We helped the people at the Sanctuary as long as we could. Started to rebuild the bridge. I was training Enid in the medical field. Daryl and I got much closer to each other after escaping from Negan. But just as things started to get better Rick died after blowing up the bridge trying to kill a hoard of walkers.

Daryl took off into the woods refusing to come home until he found a sign of Rick. Maggie left with baby Hershel and both Michonne and I found out we were pregnant. I knew Daryl was the father and I knew I had to tell him. So I went with Michonne to meet him one day. It's been about 4 months since Rick died. I had a small baby bump. I was terrified to tell him i was pregnant. 

"Daryl?" Michonne called out and Daryl walked out from behind a tree. We stopped when he saw me. We haven't seen each other this that fateful day. "What's she doing here?" He growled at Michonne. "I'll let you two talk," she said and walked away to give us privacy.

I had a jacket on so you couldn't see the baby bump. "I need to talk to you," I told him.

"Bout what? I ain't got time for this," he hissed at me.

"Daryl I'm... I'm..." I started and he snapped. "Spit it out! I ain't got all damn day!"

"I'm pregnant!" I yelled at him and unzipped my jacket to show the small bump that my tank top was stretched over. "Ain't mine!" He growled. I looked at him in shock.

"You're the only and last one I had sex with Daryl! I'm 4 months pregnant! This is your baby!" Yelled at him as tears ran down my face.

"I don't want it or you," he said and started walking off. I stood there just watching him walk away in complete shock until I stopped to my knees as I sobbed. Michonne quickly ran over to me and forced me up to go back to Alexandria.

I didn't see him again until 4 months later when Judith and the rest of the children in Alexandria went missing after Michonne let an old friend of hers inside the gates thinking she could trust her. She ended up calling Daryl to help look for them. After arguing with her to let me go telling her Judith was my niece we went to meet Daryl.

We had found tracks by an old swing set and waited there. I was in nothing but a long-sleeved black shirt the same as Michonne and it was in the middle of winter. When Daryl emerged from the woods he froze when he saw me. His eyes trailed down to my stomach and I looked into his eyes to see a flash of guilt before he asked Michonne what happened.

We were able to find them at an old school. But we were overpowered. Our hands tired above overheads only the tips of our shoes touching the ground. The woman had one of the kids brand us with a hot X-shaped brander. Michonne was able to get free and let Daryl down before going after them.

He hurried up grabbing his knife and cutting me down catching me as I fell. "Wow, you're alright," he said. He had his hands around my waist looking down at me. "I'm fine to go find Michonne," I told him. He looked at me for a second before running the way Michonne went. I took a deep breath before going after them. When I found them Michonne had blood splattered on her as the woman and the children lay dead at her feet. I gasped looking around until a small voice spoke. "Mommy?" I looked up to see Judith coming out of a camper and running over to Michonne.

I sighed in relief and walked over to them. "Hey, beautiful," I said kissing her forehead. The rest of the kids came out of the camper and walked over to us. One of the kids a little boy named Alex wrapped his arms around my leg. A group from Alexandria had found him when they were out and brought him back, that was 6 months ago.  I took the responsibility for him. He was only 3, had light brown hair and blue eyes.

He quickly attached himself to me. I wanted to tell Daryl about him as well that day I went to see him tell him I was pregnant but he walked away from me. "Mama," he said pulling on my hand. I looked down at him and he had his arms stretched up so I picked him up. He had just recently started calling me mama and I didn't feel the need to correct him seeing as he lost his real mother. He wrapped his arms around my neck and buried his face into it.

I turned around and looked up at Daryl who had a confused and shocked look spread across his face. "Come on, let's get these guys back to Alexandria," I said. Michonne took the lead as the kids followed her and I walked behind them still holding Alex.

Daryl came up beside me and walked in sync with my steps. "'m sorry," he said. "For?" I questioned him.

"Yellin' at ya and runnin' off like that. I ain't good that this relationship thing and I grew up with an alcoholic and abusive father. I wouldn't even know how to be a dad," he said looking down.

"Look, Daryl, I get it, okay? I'm not forcing you to be in the baby's life," I told him bouncing Alex further up on my hip. "Here, give him to me," Daryl said stopping in his tracks holding out his arms. I sighed and pulled Alex back so I could look at him. "This is Daryl, he's going to carry you for mama, okay?" I told him. He looked over at Daryl and back at me. I nodded my head and he held his arms put towards Daryl who took him.

"I know you want to ask me why he calls me that," I said and Daryl looked at me. "Group from Alexandria found him alone and scared they brought him back and I decided I'd take him in. He clung to me right away.  He just recently started calling me mama," I told him.

"You're a great mother already. Knew ya would be," he said as we kept walking. "Can I... can I be in the baby's life?" He asked softly not looking at me. I smiled and looked down "of course, Daryl," I told him looking at him seeing a small smile on his face.

A/N: So thank you for reading. Sorry, it took forever to update. I'm just not into this story anymore so I kinda just summed things up so I could end it.

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