Chapter 9

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"So doc I don't mean to bug you with questions this early," Shane said.

"But you will,"  Jenner said.

"We didn't come here for the eggs," Andrea said.

Jenner then led us into the "Big Room"  and told VI to turn the big screen on. To bring up TS19. The big screen in front of us turned on and an image of a Skelton outline. You could see the brain and how it was lite up with blue and red.

I walked forward and looked closer. "Is this someone that was bitten?" I asked.

Jenner looked down at me and back the screen "yes, they gave us permission to use them as a test subject," he said.

"See the front part of the brain that's the frontal lobe," Jenner said.

"Its what makes up the you part. It has your memories in it," I said.

"Yeah, that's right," he said.

"Doctor,"  I said pointing to myself.

Then the image of the brain went completely black. But then it only lite up the spinal cord part of the brain. "So whatever this is, it rest starts the brain bit only the part that gets you up and moving?" I said shocked.

"Yes. And it can take minutes, sometimes hours until it does. Just depends on the person," Jenner said.

"So what is it?" Someone asked.

"We don't know. It affects the brain like meningitis," Jenner said.

After a while, the screen was turned off. Everyone was kinda shocked and confused. Maybe even scared. Andrea swelled on the fact that there wasn't anything left out in the world. That every CDC around the globe had the same result. No one understood what was happening or why it was happening. And it wasn't just here in the US if was everywhere. It was in every city, every county, every state, every country.

The whole world was In the same state. We were all overrun by the dead. Everyone was running for their lives. Everyone was learning to survive without the help of grocery stores to feed us, the police, military, fireman to protect us, hospitals with doctors and nurses to care for us when we're hurt or sick. People have the freedom to do whatever they wanted to and no one would stop them.

"Doctor I don't mean to ask one more question. But that clock on the wall it's counting down. Why?" Dale asked.

I looked over to see a big clock on the wall with big red numbers and those numbers were counting down. "Shit," I whispered. This was not good if that clock was counting down it was counting down for a reason.

"The basement generators, they run out of fuel," Jenner said.

I started thinking and I remember someone I went to college with talking about how he wanted to work at the CDC one day. He knew everything he could know. His father had worked here before he passed away when he was only a kid. He had mentioned that if something w oild to happen like an apocalypse that the CDC would last as long as possible but once the fuel ran out completely that it was set to blow to keep anything from getting out.

"Rick!" I said.

He looked at me and o walked over to him and stood on my tiptoes. "If there isn't any more fuel down there this place will blow once that clock gets to zero," I whispered to him.

When I pulled away he looked at me and asked if I was sure and I nodded my head. "HITs will detonate and set the air on fire. It's to keep any disease from escaping it kills them all," I told him.

He nodded and called for Shane, Glenn, and T-Dog to go with him to the basement. The rest of us went back to the rooms to wait. Once I got back to my room that I was sharing with Daryl I quickly packed my stuff up. I folded my blanket and shoved it in my duffle. I swung my back on my back and grabbed my duffle and put it by the door.

I then made the decision to pack Daryls things and but it by the door as well. "The hell ya doin?" I heard Daryl growl. I looked up at him and just straight out told him. "If there's no more fuel this place is going to blow. It's designed to do that so nothing can get out," I told him.

"Whatever. Don't touch my shit," he growled.

Just then the lights and air turned off. We walked out into the hall and saw everyone else doing the same as Jenner walked down the hallway. "What's going on?" Dale asked.

"Anything that's not important is shutting down," Jenner said.

"Air isn't important? Lights smart important?" Dale asked.

"The building shutting it's self down," Jenner said.

"How's a building just shut it's self down?" Daryl asked.

Jenner just kept walking and went into the big room to sit down at the computers. Daryl turned and looked at me. "We got time to get outta here?" He asked me.

"Yes, as long as that clock is still counting down we have time to get our stuff and get out of here. But.." I paused.

"But what? Spit it out, woman!" He growled.

"But he needs to put the code in for the doors to open," I said.

Everyone In the big room now. Rick and the others came up from the basement. "Lori get our stuff packed were getting out of here," Rick said. Before anyone could leave Jenner shut the door to the big room locking us in.

"Did he just lock us in?" Glenn said panicked.

Daryl and T-dog tried using axes to break the door.  That won't do anything!" I yelled. But of course, they didn't listen.

"When that clock runs down HITs are going to ignite aren't they?" I asked Jenner and he just looked at me.

"What are HITs?" Lori asked.

"They set the air on fire," I said.

"It only takes a second. No pain. No suffering," Jenner said.

"Just open the door," I said.

Jenner didn't listen. "That door is meant to withstand a rocket launcher. So you know what this place is? We have had some really nasty stuff here. Smallpox that could wipe out the country," he said.

"We didn't ask for this Jenner so just open the door!" I yelled.

"Your head ain't meant to withstand a rocket launcher!" Daryl yelled and came at Jenner with the ax but Rick and Shane stopped him.

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