Chapter 5

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We all got in our positions and Glenn made his way to the guns. He dodged walkers and picked the bag up and started back but turned around to grab Ricks's hat. I had to chuckle at that.

I heard someone yelling from below and looked down to see Daryl with his hand over some kid's mouth. Glenn made it through the gate but then a car pulled up and two guys got out beat Daryl and grabbed Glenn. Daryl was able to shot one of the guys in the ass with an arrow before the drive off.

Daryl shut the gate and then Rick and T-Dog came running into the ally. I climbed down the ladder and told Rick what happened. He grabbed the guns and his hat and we went back to the office with the kid. We had to find out where they were going so we could trade him for Glenn. But he was disrespectful and it pissed Daryl off.

We ended up going to the old warehouse looking building and talked to the leader but he said not to come back until we had the guns. We went back to the office and made a plan then went back ready to fight.

We were interrupted by an old woman and she leads us into another building. It was an old folk home. One of the men was having an asthma attack and need his inhaler. We found Glenn there completely fine. And the dogs the guy said about turned out to be freaking Chihuahuas. Daryl got tee real story and gave the dumbass a gun and ammo then we left.

When we got back to where the truck was it was gone. "You would take it?" Glenn said.

"Merle," Rick growled.

"He's going to be taking some vengeance back to camp," Daryl said.

We started our walk back to camp and as we were walking up the road to the quarry we heard screams. We stopped looking at each other and then took off running. When We got to camp it was full of walkers. We all had a gun and started shooting. Once they were all dead rick ran to Carl and Lori. I looked around in the dark at the camp. We had lost a lot of people.

Once the sun rose we got to work burning the walkers and putting the members of the camp in a separate pile to be buried. Ed had been one of the people who lost his life. Amy had also been bitten. Once in the forearm and then in the neck. She lay on the ground in front of the RV and Andrea sat beside her in a shocking state.

No once could get her to let us take Amy. Daryl was getting pissed about. Rick tried and she pointed her gun at him. Dale was able to talk to her a little but she still there. We let her be and continued our work when we heard growling. Looking over there was Andrea hold Amy back telling her she was sorry and then she put her gun to Amy's head and pulled the trigger.

"A walker bit Jim!" Jacqui yelled.

Everyone turned to look at Jim and he started to panic. Shane had told me earlier yesterday they found him on the hill digging holes. He said he thinks he had heatstroke. They ended up tying him to a tree and cooled him down. "I'm okay. I'm okay," he kept repeating to us.

T-Dog grabbed him from behind and Daryl's life's his shirt up to show a clear indent of teeth marks. We cleared away from him. Rick then sat him down on an upside-down bucket behind the RV. We talked about what to do. Daryl wanted to him but Rick wouldn't let him. It got to the point Rick out Jim on the RV and had people watch him.

Rick walked over to me and I looked up at him. He had pleading eyes "no. Rick no. There's nothing I can do," I said.

"There's got to be something," Rick pleaded.

"Rick, once you're bitten that's it. I mean if it was on his leg or forearm or might be able to be amputated before it spread but it's not. The disease whatever it is has already spread through his body. He has a fever of 103.4, he's pale,  clammy, he's sweaty like crazy, and he delusional. There's nothing I can do. They only thing we can do is make on as comfortable as possible," I said and patted him on the shoulder before walking away.

We buried everyone Andrea insisted she could bury Amy alone. She was one of those she gets to act tough in front of everyone and she has a big mouth that likes to start shit. She likes powerful men too she used to a civil rights lawyer. After that, we talked about what we would do now. Rick wanted to go to the CDC thinking he could get help for Jim even though I told him he can't.

Shane wants to go Fort Benning. Of course, Rick won though. So we were going to be going to the CDC. I had my doubts about the place. I don't think it'll be up and running everyone probably fled when things got really bad. It's close to the city and the city was a huge hot spot.

I just shook my head and walked off towards my tent. I wanted to try and get some sleep before packing things up. I was never nice when I was tired either. "Hey," I heard a gruff voice say.  I turned to see Daryl standing at his tent.

"Yes? Did you need something or help with anything?" I asked him.

"Can I ask ya a question?" He asked.

"Umm. Yeah. Yeah sure," I said walking closer.

This was odd Daryl was never nice to me he always called me a bitch under his breath or snipped at me for no reason. So it was shocking he was talking to me normally. Maybe it's because Merle isn't around anymore. He always seemed to mimic his brother. Merle put him down if he even tried to be civil with anyone. He told him no one here cares about him and wouldn't help if he needed it. That he would be the only one to ever care about him.

Their thing was that blood stuck together. Everyone else wasn't important and could suffer. Daryl wasn't even glaring at me. He almost seemed shy to ask me the question. Like I would regret it and tell him to go to hell or something.

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