Chapter 2

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The next day Daryl had gotten up early and left. Glenn and the other left a few hours after that. I was already up before Daryl left.  I had trouble sleeping so I decided to take a walk down to the lake. As I was getting ready Daryl walked out of his tent woth his crossbow on his back. I had to admit the man was attractive.

I bring the clumsy person I am tripped over air and fell into him. That of course didn't make him happy. "Oh my god Daryl, I'm so sorry," I saod standing up and brushing myself off.

"Watch where the hell yer going," he growled out.

"I'm sorry. I've always be a clumsy person," I said laughing a little but stopped when I noticed he was glaring at me.

He then pushed by me hitting me in the shoulder as he did so. "Stupid bitch," I heard him mumble as he walked into the woods.

After that I decided to just brush it off and I finished my walk to the lake. I didn't really think anything of it at first because that's just how the Dixons were. But my anxiety wouldn't let me forget about it. I started fiddling with the end of my shirt when I heard someone clear their throat  making me jump.

I turned around to see Shane standing there. "Jesus Shane, you scared me," I said.

"Sorry. I saw what happened with Daryl and wanted to make sure you were alright," he said.

"Oh. Yeah no I'm fine. I just couldn't sleep so thpught is come down here for a little," I told him.

"You should go anywhere alone," he said.

"Shane. I'm a big girl I can take care of myself," I told him.

"I know. I know. But Rick would have my head of I let s onetging happen to you," he said.

"Yeah, he would,"  I said chuckling a little.

After the sun came up we walked back up to camp. By that time Glenn and the small group he was taking with him had left. They were going into the city for supplies.

People were starting to wake up and get ready for the day. As the day moved on people their chores. Whether it was doing laundry or helping to gather wood for the fire. Lori was at the fire pit getting ready to cook dinner up. Amy had brought her mushrooms and then Lori went off into the woods asking me to watch Carl. When she was gone I asked Dale to keep and eye on Carl and followed Lori.

I saw here picking mushrooms and somewhere I heard a twig snap. Then Shane showed up covering Lori' s eyes from behind her. She turned around and hit his shoulder. "You scared the sgit out of me," she said.

"That's what ya get for keeping me waiting. What took so long?" Shane said smiling.

"Amy the mushroom queen had to wait for her to get back," Lori told him.

Then I couldn't believe what was happening in front of my eyes. Shane kissed her and she had no problem kissing him back. She took his shirt off then her came off. Next thing I knew I was turning around when they dropped their pants. I hurried back to camp. I couldn't believe Lori and Shane were sneaking around.

"Aunt Nik," Carl said pulling me from my thoughts.

"Hey buddy. What's up? Everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah, could you play tag with me and Sophia?" He asked.

I smiled up at him and laughed a little "of course buddy," I sais and stood up.  You're it," i said and ran.

"Hey! Thats cheating!" He yelled after me as he and Sophia chased me around.

Eventually I let them both tackle me. We all fell to the ground laughing. "Okay. Okay. You got me," I said laughing.

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