Chapter 35

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Daryl showed both me and Beth how to track and he even showed Beth how to use the crossbow. As we walked Beth was tracking something and ended up tripping and twisting her ankle.

"It's just sprained. We'll need to find somewhere to rest for a few hours or even the night. It should be okay to walk on after that," I said.

Daryl ended up giving Beth a pigging back ride after we found a cemetery and there was a tombstone that said father on it. We all held hands and stayed there for a few minutes then headed to a house or what I assumed was the funeral home.

"Looks someone lives here. It's clean," Beth said.

We found a kitchen and found the cabinets filled with food and drinks. We found the morgue and there was a dead walker on the table. "Looks like whoever lives here is trying to give them a proper burial," I said. Beth found a piano and started playing and singing. Daryl jumped in the casket and I laid across the chairs. Then we went to the kitchen with Daryl carrying Beth Bridal Style. We were eating when we heard the cans rattle. It turned out to just be a dog but it ended up running off. Then a few minutes later the cans rattle again but when Daryl opened the door there were walkers.

As he tried to keep the door shut he told me and Beth to run. As we ran out the back way I stopped. "Just go! Run we'll meet up with you I promise just hide somewhere safe," I told Beth. She tried arguing but ran. I ran back inside with my knife in my hand.

I started killing walkers as I made my way down to the morgue. I killed the walkers and saw Daryl killing them from behind the steel table. Once we both killed them all he looked at me pretty pissed off.

"Where's Beth!" He yelled.

"I told her to run. Now come on. Oh, and your welcome!" I yelled and ran up the stairs and out the door.

We ran through the woods finding the black book bag and a car speed away. "Beth!" We screamed and ran after the car with a white cross on the back window.

We ran even after we lost the car. Eventually, we stopped and fell to the ground. I just started to cry "this is my fault. If I would have just stayed with her," I cried.

"Nah, it's my fault," Daryl said.

"Daryl. What are we going to do? We lost Beth. If we find Maggie she's going to hate us. Oh my god. I got Beth kidnapped," I cried more.

That's when we had people surrounding us and Daryl stood up quickly pulling me up and pulling me against him. They all had bows pointed at us. "I claim her," a guy said.

"Excuse me? You can't claim me," I said.

"Oh I think I can," he said looking me up and down.

"Well, I think my husband would disagree. Right babe?" I said looking up at Daryl with pleading eyes.

"Yeah, she's mine," he said.

"Well, then she's already claimed," the man who I assumed to be the leader said.

We stayed with these people for a while. They were looking for a man who had killed one of theirs. One of them ended up being beat to death when he tried to frame Daryl. Then we walked and happened to come across the man they claimed killed their own man. Me and Daryl looked at each other when we saw it was Rick and Michonne.

Daryl tried stopping them from saying to kill him. But Joe the leader ordered his men to beat Daryl while he killed Rick. One of the men held me down on the ground and another dragged Carl out of the truck and had him pinned to the ground. Eventually, though we were able to kill them all. Rick ripped Joe's throat out with his teeth which distracted the others giving us the advantage.

When they were all killed Michonne took Carl into the truck he was pretty shaken up. I sat outside against the truck with Rick and Daryl. I was checking out Daryl's injuries trying to clean them as best as I could. "Well, ya stop. I'm fine," he grumbled.

"Shut up, and stop being a baby," I said.

Rick snorted. "I'd listen to her, brother. She's a doctor and pushy," Rick said.

"Excuse me, I am not pushy," I said looking at my brother.

"Well, you're definitely not as shy and timid as you used to be. You've changed since the start of this. More confident,' Rick said.

"I don't know about that," I said.

Daryl scuffed and I looked at him. "What're you Scuffing about?" I asked with a raised eyebrow.

"You took your shirt off in front of me. While looking me in the eyes," he said blushing.

I felt my face get hot, my eyes widened and my mouth fell open. "You did what?" I heard Rick but I could tell he had a smirk on his face.

"He... he... he got blood and brains all over me and Beth. I had to change my shirt!" I said stuttering a little.

"Like I said more confident," Rick said laughing. "You two make a cute couple," he said laughing more.

"We are not a couple," I said.

"Fuck off," Daryl said to him.

"Me and Daryl? A couple? No... no... what?" I said stumbling and laughing nervously.

"Well, to be fair, sis. You are straddling him and his hand son your hips. Soo....." Rick said with a sly smirk.

I looked and stood quickly. "I was helping him. I'm a doctor Rick! That's what I do!" I said a little loud. My face was so hot and my heart was pounding.

Rick laughed "It's so cute when you get flustered. Still get all nervous and red so so so red. And defensive," he said cracking up.

"Oh, laugh it up. What's about you and Michonne? Huh?" I said and he stopped laughing.

"I don't know what you're talking about," he said a slight blush on his cheeks.

"Yeah, see tables have turned big brother. Someone has a schoolboy crush," I said smirking.

"All right. Shut up. I get it. I get it," he said. And I sat down between the two making them scoot over a little.

"So what happened to Beth?" Rick asked and me and Daryl froze.

"I lost her," Daryl said.

"No, I lost her. You told us to run and I didn't listen," I said.

"I'd probably be dead if you didn't listen. I shouldn't have tried to take them on or hold them off. We all should have run," he said.

"What are we going to do? Where are we going?" I said.

"We follow the tracks to Terminus. If the others saw the same sign, that's where they'd head too," Rick said.

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