Chapter 16

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Carol had gone to talk to Daryl about him not saying anything bout Lori going missing. Apparently, she said something to him that made him change his mind. He, T-Dog, and Andrea was going to go after Rick, Glenn, and Hershel. They were making the truck with stuff and getting ready to head out when Hershel's red truck came flying down the lane.

Rick parked and he, Hershel, and Glenn got out. Maggie ran passed Hershel to Glenn who ignored her. Rick asked Lori what happened and she told him. Then Rick came over to me after Lori whispered in his ear.

"Nikyla," he said which was never good when he said my full name.

"Rick, let me guess she botched about me bitching at her?" I asked.

He grabbed my arm lightly and walked us away from everyone. "Yea, she did. Did you need to be harsh?" He asked.

"Okay well sorry, I was so harsh next time I'll let her kill herself and that unborn child. Not like she cares anyway she cheated on you. She's never liked me and you know it. You remember right it was my fault I was abused and almost killed by that asshole!" I whispered yelled.

"You been drinking?" He asked.

"Last night I'm fine now. Who the hell is in the back of that truck and why is he here?" I asked.

He turned and looked "That's Randall. His group left him he fell off a roof onto a fence post. I had to rip his leg off of it Hershel needs to do surgery," Rick said.

"Well, I'm sure he'll want my help so I'm going to go get scrubbed in and save someone that probably tried killing you guys," I said and walked away.

I was in the shed with Hershel and Patricia doing surgery on the kid's leg. "Hershel, can I ask you something?" I asked as we were finishing.

"Of course," he said.

"Why are we doing this? Why did Rick save this kid?" I asked.

"Told him to just leave him but he refused said he was just a kid and couldn't leave him," he told me.

"But he and his friends tried killing you?" I said.

"Yes, but Rick killed two of their men first," he said and walked off the shed.

After we were finished we had a small meeting on what to do about Randall after he healed. It had been decided Rick and Shane would talk him 19 miles out and drop him off with supplies to last a few days.

Of course, that idea didn't work and backfired. He knew Maggie from high school he knew the Greene farm. He could go to his people and bring them right to us. So Rick and Shane brought him back and handcuffed him in the shed. Shane, of course, wanted to kill him and at this point, I didn't care. Dale didn't like the idea of killing an innocent boy but what other choice was there.

Daryl had gone in and interrogated him. Found out he had about 30 men in his group and they lots of weapons. They also were not the friend type. He had mentioned the kid says the men in his group had killed men and raped the women. Dale begged Rick to give him a day to talk to everyone before just making a decision.

We had another meeting afterward and everyone agreed to just kill him. Dale argued talked about us needing to keep out humanity. Other ideas were thrown out there like making him work but that just lead to someone needing to watch him at all times.

Rick, Daryl, and Shane took him to the barn and Rick was going to shoot him. It was the most humane way to do it. He would suffer and he wouldn't turn. But that night backfired as well. Carl ended up wanting to watch and Rick couldn't do it. So Randall went right back to the shed.

We lost Dale that night when he walked into a field after hearing a noise. A walker had gotten on the farm and attacked one of the cattle. It attacked him and ripped him open there was nothing we could do. Daryl took the responsibility from Rick and put him down.

We had a service and Hershel decided everyone would move into the house. It would be a tight fit but it was safer that way. Rick decided he and Daryl would take Randall out and drop him off. Rick didn't trust Shane apparently he tried killing Rick when they went to drop Randall the first time. Shane is jealous of Rick and Lori. Shane is in love with Lori.

When T-Dog went to go get Randall he came back saying he was gone. He wasn't in the shed but the shed was locked. Everyone was gathered around asking questions when Shane came out of the wood line and shouted for Rick. His nose looked to be busted.

"What happened?" Rick asked.

"Little bastard snuck up on me. Clocked me and took my piece," Shane said.

"The kid weighs a buck twenty-five and you're saying he just got the jump on you?" Daryl asked suspiciously.

"Yes, we gotta find him," Shane said.

"Alright. Glenn and Daryl go that way. Shane and I will go this way. Everyone else to inside and stay there," Rick said.

While Shane, Rick, Daryl, and Glenn went off into the night looking for Randall everyone else went to the house. After a while, we heard a shot. Then shortly after that Daryl and Glenn walked in.

"Did you find him?" Hershel asked.

Yeah, he's dead," Daryl said.

"He was a waller," Glenn added.

"Did you find the walker that bit him?" Hershel asked.

"That's the thing. He was bitten, his neck was broken. Shane and his tracks were right on top of each other," Daryl said.

"How's that possible? If he wasn't bitten or stretched how was he a walker?" Someone asked.

All I all could think about was what Jenner said. That everyone was infected and no matter how you die you turn.

"Where a Rick? We heard a shot" Daryl asked.

"He's still out there with Shane," Lori said.

"Can you go back out to find them?" She asked.

"Yeah," Daryl said and everyone got up and went out on to the porch.

What we saw was unbelievable. Terrifying. The farm had a huge herd of walkers coming towards us. Thousands of them everywhere. It was time to go to fight and die or leave and live.

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