Chapter 33

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A few days later we had heard shots coming from Cell Block D. We ran in to see people screaming and walkers attacking people. After they were taken care of we found out the main source. Patrick the kid that was Carl's age. He had what looked like gotten sick, died then turned. He had blood from his eyes, nose, and ears. Looked like he had choked on his own blood.

As the day went on more people were getting sick. The council had met and decided that death row was the best place to put anyone that was sick. Then Hershel mentioned the veterinary school it had antibiotics and they were the same as we took.

So Michonne and Daryl along with Bob and Tyresse at the last minute left to go get those antibiotics. We had some left of the stash we had when we had first moved into the prison but not enough. Dr.S went in and so did I to take care of everyone. Sasha was in there, and then Glenn cane in. Hershel ended up coming in to help even when he should have been downstairs with Beth and the kids and the elderly. Maggie wasn't happy about him being in there and she was even more upset that Glenn was in there sick. But I assured her I'd keep him safe and take care of her.

Before Tyresse left he had gone to see Karen who had gotten sick along with David. Tyresse found blood and a trail leading outback he followed it to find their bodies burned. Rick promised to investigate it and find out who did it. Later Rick and Carol left to go on a run. When Rick got back Carol wasn't with him. He told me that Carol was the one to kill Karen and David.

A lot of people had died from whatever this sickness was. Hershel had left and gone out to get berries to make a special tea. Maggie had ended up break into the cell block to help us with Glenn who had gotten worse and started choking on his own blood. We were able to save him and just as we did the other got back with the medication. Dr. S had died too.

The night Maggie had come into help me and Hershel Rick and Carl were outside dealing with the walkers. They were trying to fix the fence and prevent it from falling in. But there were too many walkers pushing against the fence. They knocked it over and they ran up to the courtyard to where we stashed the guns and ammo in old lockers and laundry bins from the prison. The walkers had knocked over another fence and they started shooting until the walkers were all dead.

The next day Hershel and Michonne helped out them on a trailer and take them outside the prison to burn them. I stayed with the patients making sure each of them got their antibiotics. Shasta had gotten better and Glenn was as well. I was lucky enough that I didn't catch anything. I had noticed Jason was in one of the cells he had gotten sick but never got better so I put him down as he reached through the bars of the cell.
People worked on putting the fences back up and securing them. Helping clean up. Cell Block D would need to be scrubbed and decontaminated.

What we didn't know at the time was that the governor had found Michonne and Hershel and kidnapped them. We didn't know until the building shook. Daryl, Maggie, Carl, Beth, Rick, and I were outside. There he was with a new group of people who had a tank. He had Michonne and Hershel on their knees in front of him. Rick walked down closer into the field to talk to him.

The Governor wanted us to leave so he could have the prison. He wanted what we had and would do anything to get it. Rick told him we could all live together that the prison was big enough. But the governor didn't want that. They talked and argued. Then the governor took Michonne's sword and held it to Hershel's neck. Daryl had handed me, Carl, Maggie, and Beth guns. Rick tried to talk the governor out of it but he wouldn't listen. He lifted the sword above him and the brought it down right into Hershel's neck.
Maggie and Beth screamed and we all started shooting.

It was a full out war again. We got people on the bus and it left. We had to leave. I found Beth and grabbed her. "We need to run!" I yelled. She tried arguing but eventually ran with me. We ran into Daryl and the three of us ran into the woods and we didn't stop until we couldn't run anymore. We had all collapsed in a field if long grass just laying there breathing hard. We didn't know if anyone else got out. We were alone only having each other. Daryl grew cold again snapping easily. He's mostly stayed quiet not talking. Beth still had hope that our family was alive and out there somewhere and we'd all find each other again.

Daryl said they were all dead and I wasn't sure. I hoped they lived and were out there but a part of me was scared that no one else survived. I was so conflicted but as we walked o thought about it. Our group has survived so much and we were all tough. We knew how to survive and defend ourselves. The more I thought about the more I was on Beth's side. We stopped to make camp and Daryl made a small fire. The next day we kept walking until we came to a road. We were going through a car when a small herd of walkers was coming up the road. We all three of us squeezed into the trunk of the car.

Me and Beth got in then Daryl got in using his red rag to put through the hole where the lock should have been and held it shut. Beth was behind me hold onto me with her head in my back. I was behind Daryl tight against him. I couldn't help it there wasn't much room. We were lucky me and Beth were so small. I didn't notice it but I had grabbed Daryls shirt and held onto it tight. I wasn't aware I was doing it until I felt him tense more than he already was.

I ignored it and laid my head on his back trying to keep my breathing even. I was in a cramped small place and I was starting to panic. My grip tightened on his shirt and my body started to shake, my breathing picked up. I felt Beth hug me tighter and then I felt Daryls reach back to grab my hand and pull it around him. It surprised me he even did it. But I assumed he had noticed I was starting to panic so he did what he had to, to keep me calm so I wouldn't attract the walkers. We ended up staying in there until daylight came again. Me and Beth had fallen asleep while Daryl stayed awake holding the trunk door shut and keeping us safe.

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