Chapter 11

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I looked around and found a car with its doors open so I walked over to it. There was blood all over the inside of the car. I backed up and ran into a hard chest. I grabbed my knife and spun around ready to kill who or whatever It was. "The hell!" Daryl growled grabbing my wrist.

"Daryl! What the fuck! You shouldn't just sneak up on people like that!" I said.

"Rick w antes me ta come after her dumbass after your our burst of being a drama queen," he grumbled.

"Whatever Daryl,  I'm not sorry for what I said. She's always been like that. She's always been stuck up and thinking she's better than anyone she comes by," I said.

"You know all about that don't ya princess," Daryl growled.

"You don't know me Daryl you just think you know me," I told him.

He moved closer to and got I my "I know exactly what kind of person you are," he hissed and a shrunk back putting my head down. I wanted to cower away from him. He was taller than me so he towered over me and he was much much bigger than I was.

"I'm sorry. Just please don't hit me," I whispered I had failed not to cower it was just a natural instinct for me.

Daryl backed away and looked down at me "I ain't gonna hit ya," he said almost softly.

"We should get back," I said and walked around him.

We started walking down the road back towards the RV. I was lost in my thoughts when Daryls hand went over my mouth and he pulled me down behind a car.  "There's a group of walkers come this way," he whispered in my ear and I calmed down a little. 

I grabbed my knife out of my holder on my belt and peaked around the car. I saw T-Dog cut his arm on a car door. "Shit. T needs help he just cut his arm pretty bad he's struggling," I said to Daryl.

He huffed and got up and we ran down towards T. Daryl killed the walker that was about to fall on top of him and then dragged him in between cars. I pulled Daryls red rag from his back pocket and wrapped it tight around T-Dog's arm and told him to put pressure on it as best he could. Me and Daryl laid down and he placed a dead walker on both of us after he had placed one on T.

We waited in silence as the group of walkers dragged by. After we were sure they were gone Daryl pulled the walker off me than the one-off T-Dog. Daryl helped him up and we helped him get back to the RV. "Don't worry T I'll get ya all fixed up as best I can," I told him.

"Thank Nik," he said and I nodded my head.

As we passed by we say Lori and Carol standing by the guardrail. Carol was crying that couldn't be good. Then Shane came running down the road. Daryl stopped and I kept going with T-Dog. 
Once back at the RV I had him sit at the table and I grabbed my backpack. I sat across from him and sat my bag beside me on the bench. I pulled out the gauze, tape, saline solution, alcohol wipes, and an int disinfectant cream.

I gently pulled his arm gently towards me and took the red cloth off his arm. The cut was pretty deep and would need stitches but unfortunately, I had none of that stuff to be able to stitch it. "This may sting just a little. It's just saline solution though," I told him. I had to clean out the wound.
I opened the tab and poured the saline over the gash. T-Dog hissed but stayed still.

I ripped open the alcohol wipes "this will sting," I said. I carefully cleaned around the wound and he hissed and jerked his arm a little. I fanned air over it with my hand to dry it. I took the cream and dabbed it around the outside and then took gauze and tapped it over it.

"Okay that should hold it for now but it needs to be stitched up so if I can find a needle and thread or floss I can do that. Maybe we can find some antibiotics in one of these cars," I told him.

"Thank you, Dr. Grimes," T-Dog said smiling.

I rolled my eyes "you're welcome Mr. Dog," I said.

We both burst out in laughter and then decided we better go out and find out what was going on. We walked outside and I walked up to Shane. "Hey what's going on?" I asked.

"Sophia was chased onto the woods by a couple of walkers and Rick went after her," he said.

"Oh my god. That's horrible," I said.

"How T?" Shane asked.

"He's good. He'll need stitches but I don't have anything. So if anyone finds a sewing kit with needles and thread or even for a needle and some floss o can stitch it," I said.

"Floss really?" He asked.

"Yes, really," I said.

Rick had come back but he came back without Sophia tho king she had made her way back to the highway as he told her to do if he didn't come back. He took Shane, Glenn, and Daryl out to where he had her hide while he killed the walkers after he leads them away from her. Shane and Glenn came back saying Rick and Daryl were following her trail. Once it started getting dark Rick and Daryl came back. They had blood on their clothes saying they took a walker down and cut it open to make sure it had been near Sophia. They said it hadn't been near her.

The next day everyone but T-Dog and Dale went out into the woods to search for Sophia. We came to a tent and checked it but Daryl only found a guy who he said opted out. Then we heard church bells and ran towards them. When we got there the church didn't have a steeple but Rick ran to it anyway. We went in to find a few walkers sitting in the pews. We took care of them and then heard the bells again only to find that it was on a timer. Glenn cut the cords and Carol went back inside the church.

Rick and Shane decided they'd stay and look around some more and Carl stayed with them while the rest of us followed Daryl back to the highway.

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