Chapter 32

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Rick, Carl and Michonne returned with a lot of guns and other things like ammo and other weapons. They also had a crib for Judith. That's what Carl decided to name her after his 3rd grade teacher. We brought everything inside and sorted everything out. Michonne was now a part of our little family.

The next few days we set up for the war against the governor. We packed everything and put them in the cars and Hershel, Beth, and I took the kids and drove out into the woods to hide. Michonne, Rick, Carol, and Daryl went to the tombs and Maggie and Glenn hid on the one run way. Early Glenn had asked Maggie to marry him and Hershel did just that.

The Governor and his men had came. Rick and them chased them out of the tombs out to the court yard where Glenn and Maggie shot at them and the others came running out shooting ad well. They all took off and when it was clear. Me, Beth, Hershel and the kids drove back. Hershel told Carl about shooting a kid. Carl tried to argue it was self defense.

Michonne, Rick, Daryl, Maggie and Glenn went after the governor only to find that he killed his men. He and his two hench men were gone. One woman survived and took them to Woodberry. They found Andrea there. He had locker her in a room with a walker and chained her. She got bitten and Michonne stayed with her as she killed herself before she could turn. They came back with a bus full of people from the town.

We cleaned up cell block D for the new comers. Rick had stepped down from being leader and started farming with Hershels help. He took Carl's and his gun and put them in a box and buried them. He wanted Carl to be a kid. We would being others that we found out on runs. We had another doctor now too, DR. S. We made a system so we could get running water into the prison from the lake. We found a way to get power. Since Rick wasn't the leader we now had a Council. Michonne, Daryl, Carl, Sasha, Hershel, and I were all on it.

We built and outside kitchen. And had a system for killing the walkers at the fences who h got worse over the passed year. Everyone had jobs. We had the prison cleared of walkers so we had the whole thing. We had showers and we had the library. Everything came had been good. For a while Michonne and Daryl went out looking for the governor but when Daryl lost his tracks he stopped. Michonne though kept going and would be gone for weeks.

I was in the kitchen outside talking to Carl when Daryl walked over. We walked over to him and said hi and handed him a bowl of deer meat. Then Patrick a kid about Carl's and shook his hand saying thanking for the deer he had brought in and then walked away. "Mr. Popular. Everyone seems to love you," I said and he scoffed. Carl then took him off to the gate to show him the walkers that had gathered at the fences. It had gotten worse over night.

Daryl and I had been more civil with each other. We talked more and got along a little better. He could still be an ass but I learned to ignore it. I was walking back to the prison to go to the imfirmary for my shift when I was stopped by Jason one of the guys that was saved and brought in a few months ago. He was around my age, dark hair, brown eyes, about six foot, kinda muscular. He was cute but I didn't really have an interest in him. But he seemed to have interest in me. He was always flirting and touching my arms lightly. He had been on law school when it all started. Mommy and daddy were both layers. So he grew up rich and privileged just like Trevor.
Beside I still had my eye on Daryl.

"Dr. Grimes!" He called out for me and I turned around.

"Jason. What can I do for you?" I asked.

"I was wondering If you were free tonight?" He asked.

"Oh. Um. I think I might have watch with Daryl tonight but I'll check. Why?" I asked.

"I was going to say maybe you'd let me take you on a date. Well I guess a little picnic there's a nice quiet slot on the other side of the prison we could go to," he said.

The other side of the prison I avoided that area since Trevor tried to kill me. I noticed Daryl glaring over at us and scroll nudged him. "Umm. I don't go on that side of the prison. I'm sorry. And I'm really not interested in getting involved with anyone," I told him.

It doesn't need to be a date just two friends hanging out," he said.

"I don't know," I said.

"Promise no making any moves just friends. Get to know each other," he said.

"Um. I'll let you know what my schedule looks like and get back to you," I told him and walked off.

Daryl and a few others had gone on a run to the Big Spot. They came back with one less which was Beth's boyfriend. And then Bob who was injured. A shelf had fallen on his leg. Daryl had told Beth about it he said she had seemed completely find she told him she didn't cry anymore.

He was getting ready to go out for guard duty when I caught him leaving his cell. "Daryl!" I said. He turned looked at me and I nodded for him to come into my cell. "What?" He asked.

"Can I go on guard duty with you?" I asked.

"Don't ya have a date with her boyfriend," he growled.

"What? Jason is not my boyfriend for one and for two I'm asking to go with you so I can't. I don't like him he reminds me of..." I said trailing off. "Anyway, he wants to go to the other side of the prison Daryl. I don't trust him.  Please," I said.

He sighed and his features softened. "Yeah, alright," he said.

I was walking outside with Daryl and Jason was there waiting. "Jason," I said.

"Hey, so are we hanging?" He asked.

"Nah, she had guard duty with me," Daryl said and surprised me when he slung his arm o we my shoulder.  "Sorry," I said and we walked away to the tower.

I could see the anger on Jason's face. I could also tell he was one of those controlling guys. He was used to getting what he wanted and who he wanted. In the old world he could impress girls with his money. Now all he had to us was his charm which was much. He was just another Trevor and I wanted to avoid that at all cost.

"Thanks for that," I said to Daryl once up in the tower.

He didn't say anything just leaned against the railing and lit a cigarette. "Why not give him a chance?" He asked. "Seems like the other woman here like him,"

"Because i know guys like him. Mommy and daddy were rich so he was a spoiled privileged brat. He's used to being in control and getting what and who he wants. He was pissed seeing you put your arm around me. He probably had one of those problems where he would get obessed with a girl and stalk her. And when he did have a girlfriend he'd be possessive and abusive and would get super jealous but later say sorry and convince her not to leave and he'd promise never to do it again. But he would and she'd leave and he'd get violent.  He would always get away with everything because his parents were lawyers so they could make it all go away," I said. "Just not my type. But seem to attract that type,"

"Hmm. So what is your type?" He asked lowly. He wouldn't look at me. I could she a tint of red on his cheeks.

"I don't know. I guess, rugged, tall, strong, blue eyes, knows how to survive. I want someone I can survive with. Someone I can trust with my life and not need to worry they'd stab me in the back and leave me. Skilled and caring. Someone that won't push me to do stuff I don't want to do. Someone that will be patient with me," I said he just nodded his head and flicked his cigarette.

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