Chapter 26

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I was currently trying to take my shirt off but I was having a little trouble. I needed to change the dressing blood had seeped through it and my shirt and I was pretty sure some of the stitches had ripped so I'd need to redo them. "Fuck!" I said.

I heard someone clear there throat so I turned around to find Daryl standing in the doorway. His face was red and he avoided looking at me. "What?" I hissed.

"Need me ta get Hershel?" He asked.

"No. I can do it myself. I've been doing it myself. Not that you care," I said and turned back around.

I went back at trying to pull the shirt over my head. "Fuck! Fuck! Fuck!" I said. "Shit!"

"Wow. Hey, stop. At least let... let me..." Daryl said clearing his throat. "Let me help you," he finished.

I had ripped another stitch. And I knew I needed help but I was still hurt and pissed off. "No. I said I got it," I said.

"No. No, ya don't. Damn woman just let me help ya before ya too all the damn stitches," he growled.

I ignored him and tried again then I felt rough shaky hands stopping me and go to the hem of my shirt. My heart was beating so fast I thought it would beat out of my chest. Daryl slowly and carefully lifted the shirt over my head and threw it on the floor. "What do ya need?" He asked.

"Gauze, the suture kit, alcohol, tape, and scissors," I told him.

He grabbed all that stuff out of the bags I had in the corner of the cell. Once he had everything he laid it on the table and I asked him to open the gauze and dump alcohol on it. It would burn like a bitch but also kill anything. Once he did that I had him have dry ones ready. I slowly pulled the bandage I had on off hissing as I did.

I grow it on the table and took the alcohol-soaked gauze from him and started cleaning everything. "Fuck!" I said.

"Thread that needle please, " I said.

He did as asked and hand it to me and took the now bloody wet gauze. I started stitching the wound back up and then when I was done Daryl help put the new bandage on. I was on so much pain I was shaking. "Thank you," I  said.

"That bloody gauze should be burned," I told him.

I was starting to feel light-headed and grabbed the top bunk for support. "Hey. Wow. Wow. Okay come on lay down," he said and helped me lay down.

I scuffed at him. "Why the fuck are you here? Why are you helping me? If you don't give a fuck about me, then why are you here helping me?!" I hissed.

"It was either that or let ya too ya self-open and bleed out," he growled.

"Oh fuck you. Like you'd care if I bleed out," I said.

"You left with Merle. Why'd you come back! No one wants you druggy racist, sexist, asshole brother here! He kidnapped Glenn and Maggie then beat the shit out of Glenn!" I yelled.

"You said it yourself. You don't like me, far from it actually. I'm just a burden. I'm here because I'm a doctor not because I'm wanted here. I'll just end up getting myself or one of the group killed. What is this Daryl you just like to fuck with me make me think things are turning around and maybe we could be friends then turn around and tell me how I'm a dumb bitch and worthless," I asked.

"I came back because Glenn was right. This is family and I feel like I belong. Yeah, my brother is an asshole but he's still my blood.  You'd do the same if it was Rick. Ya, piss me off. But I respect yer brother I ain't gonna let ya die. Not after he just lost his wife. He's going fucking crazy seeing her and shit. Couldn't imagine what would happen if he lost you too," Daryl said bitterly.

"Just go. I said thank you. I can get the rest. I wouldn't want to burden you," I said.

"What the fuck ever. Fucking be stupid and get ya self killed to see if I care," he said and he started walking out if my cell.

"You should have let him kill me," I whispered thinking he wouldn't hear me.

But of course, he did and stop spinning around  "the fuck you just say?" He growled.

"Nothing. Forget it," I said.

"You're really fucked in the head. Ain't doctors supposed ta be positive or some shit. You're just depressing. Sitting here feeling bad about yourself. We got more important shit ta worry about then yer bullshit pity party!" He yelled.

He yelled loud enough for Rick to hear him and come running up the steps. "What's going on here?"  He said sternly.

"Her dumbass sister is having a pity party. Ya know what she was doin when I came up here? Tryin to take her shirt off to a rich herself back up. She ripped almost all her stitches. She just told me I should have let that asshole kill her. You sit and bash my brother maybe you should take a good look at her sister before you go bashing Merle!" Daryl yelled.

"Just calm down. I'll take care of it," Rick said get to g in Daryls face. "You don't know shit about my sister or what she's been through. Your brother is a racist, sexiest drug addict. My sister has anxiety and depression big fucking difference!" Rick growled.

"How about you both just fuck off and leave me alone," I said.

Shut was escalating and quickly. We all just needed to step away before all hell broke loose. We had the Governor to worry about. "Or you can tell me what the bell happened outside," I said.

They both stopped and looked at me. Rick came over and sat on the side of the bunk. "You need to let Hershel help you with this," he said. "And no arguing about it," he added.

"The Governor showed up with a few of his mean. Blew up a tower. Shot at us killed Axel. Then they drove a truck through the front gate and released a bunch of walkers into the field," Rick told me.

"You wanna tell me why You were out there? Carl said you're seeing Lori," I said.

He just nodded his head. "Maybe you should take a break from leading for a while," I told him.

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