Chapter 34

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Chapter 34

I had awoken to my arm still around Daryls waist and Beth tight against my back. Daryl was still hilding the trunk shut. "Do you think it's safe?" I whispered in his ear.

"Yeah, have my heard nothin'. And it's startin' to get light out," he said.

I patted Beth's hands and called her name to wake her up. "Time to go," I told her.

Daryl slowly pulled the rag out of the one hole and opened the trunk just enough he could see outside. Then he swang the door up and got out. He pulled the rag out of the hole and stuck it in his back pocket. I got out and then helped Beth out. We had gathered our things we got from the car and headed back into the woods.

We followed Daryl and cane to a creek. We filled the large water bottle we got from the car and kept walking. Daryl ended up killing a snake and we made a small camp. Beth ripped a few pages from he journal she had and gathered a few twigs and tinder, and used part of the side mirror and positioned it so the sun so it shines onto all three of the times until there was smoke. She gently blew on it until a fire started.

Daryl skinned and gutted the snake and cooked it on the fire. We cut it in three pieces and sat in silence and ate. It wasn't the best up you couldn't be too picky these days with what you ate. As we sat in silence Beth had put her piece down. "I need a drink," she said. Daryl throw her the water bottle towards her and she set it aside. 

"Not that kind of drink," she said.

"You mean, like alcohol?" I asked.

"Yes, I've never had a drink before. Daddy never kept in the house and I never tried it before. I want to now," she told me.

She ended up getting into an argument with Daryl and she stormed off. "You're just going to sit there? Let her go out there alone? She's only 19 years old. She a teenager. And the world has ended before she could start her life. She needs us, Daryl, we're all she has now," I said. He just sat there not saying a word. I sighed and went after her.

Daryl had eventually gathered everything and put the fire out. He came after us and we continued walking. We ended up coming to a feild that looked to be a golf course. There were walkers coming so we ran to the country club and shut the doors locking them.

We looked around going separate ways. I heard a crash and ran towards it Daryl behind me. Beth was fighting off a walker until Daryl killed it. She had found a bottle of alcohol but when the shelf fell over it fell on the floor and the bottle broke.

We went into another room and Beth was trying to take half a walker off the bottom half of a mannequin. She said we couldn't leave her like that so Daryl throws a blank over her. We ended up having to fight off walkers. Daryl hit one and blood and brain hit both me and Beth.

I looked down at my blue shirt and sighed. "Thank you, Dixon," I said. And just to get back at him and because I was feeling a little confident for some reason I looked him in the eye and lifted my shirt up over my head. I saw his face turn red before he turned around. I laughed and walked over to the shirts hanging on the wall and picked a light pink shirt and slipped it on.

"You're cute when you're flustered," I said to Daryl just low enough for him to hear.

He was gathering a bunch of stuff up. And put it in a bag. Then we walked into the bar area. Beth instantly went to the bar and started looking for something to drink. Daryl played darts but used a picture that had men on it. "All I found was peach schnapps," Beth said.

I walked over to Daryl and stood behind him. I leaned up and whispered in his ear. "You're not going to let her first drink be fucking peach schnapps are you?" I asked.

He sighed and walked over to her and took the bottle and throw it. "If you're going to have your first drink, it sure the hell won't be Fucking peach schnapps," he said.

We then left and followed Daryl. We came to a run-down shack of a house. Daryl walked over to a shed and opened the door to find a crate filled with mason jars of a clear liquid.

"What is that?" Beth asked.

"Moonshine," Daryl and I both said.

We walked into the house and Daryl poured some of the moonshines into a cup for Beth. She looked at it and then said. "Daddy, always said moonshine would make you go blind,"  and she took a drink and making a face.

Eventually, we all were drinking and started playing never have I ever. But it got worse and turned into a pissed off Daryl after Beth said "never have I ever been in jail." That set Daryl off thinking she thought he was some criminal. He went into the kitchen and pissed on the floor. Then a walker was heard walking outside.

Daryl grabbed Beth and dragged her outside. "Daryl! Let ton of her!" I said.

"She wants to learn how to shoot a crossbow. How's the perfect time!" He growled. He nailed the walker to the tree with his knife and got behind her making her hold the crossbow. Then everyone broke down. Daryl thought it was all his fault because he stopped looking for the governor. It ended with me and Beth hugging him.

She hugged him from the back and I ran over to him wrapping my arms around his neck and bringing his to my shoulder. He wrapped his arms around my waisted and put his face in my neck.

After that we sat on what was to be a porch and talked. Beth asked Daryl what he did before all this and who he was.

"I was a nobody. Just followed Merle around and did whatever he wanted to do," he said.

"What about you Nik? Besides being a doctor," she asked.

"Umm. Nothing, I sent to school and work. And when I was off, I'd stay in my apartment or go visit Rick. I didn't have friends, well I had one friend but he was like me. Didn't do anything but school and work," I said.

"I hope this doesn't upset you. But who was that guy that stabbed you and why'd he do it?" She asked.

I took a deep breath and looked at Daryl. I put my head down and thought for a little on how to say everything. "In sorry. I shouldn't have," Beth said.

"No, it's okay. He was my ex. I started dating him when I was 19. Thought he was the best thing ever. He was my first everything. My first kiss, first boyfriend, he took my virginity. He was amazing at first, took me on dates, and bought me flowers for no reason. But then after a year of being together he started drinking we started drinking more and he started fights with me and blaming me for everything. One he came home late and started yelling at me about stealing from him in his own home. He beat me and he went to throw something at me but I ducked and it went through the window. That pissed him off more and he picked me up off the ground by my neck, choking me, and then pushed me out of the two-story window. A piece of glasses embedded it's self in my thigh and when I fell I broke my shoulder. I had to crawl to the neighbors for help. His intentions were to kill me but that failed. Rick and Shane caught him and put him away. So when we got to the prison and he was there he wanted to finish What he started," I told her.

"I'm sorry. You didn't deserve that," she said.

"It's fine. It's over with and he's dead thanks to Daryl. If he wouldn't have followed me if be dead and Trevor would still be alive," I said.

"Ain't nothin," Daryl said.

We then decided to burn down the cabin. Daryl had mentioned he had lived in a place like that as a kid so we decided we'd burn as a way to burn part of his past. We dumped the rest of the moonshine all around and Daryl lite a stack of money and throw it setting the place ablaze. We stood there and put our middle fingers up to it then walked off.

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