Chapter 25

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Rick and Carl came back inside but they had a visitor. Carl was carrying a basket full of formula. Rick was carrying a dark-skinned woman over his shoulder. "Hey, stay," Daryl said.

"Daryl, she looks hurt," I said.

"Damn it, woman! You're hurt! We got Hershel!" He said.

He left the cell block and went into the common area. I stood by the door and watched. "She was shot in the leg," Rick said.

Daryl got Rick and he came into the cell block to see Carol and hugged her. She met Lil ass-kicker. And we told her what happened with Lori and how Maggie had to do the C-section.

Rick then went back out to find out what the woman was doing here and why she had a basket full of formula. I wanted to help but Daryl was being weird and all overprotective. I was starting to think he actually liked me and cared about me. I was still curious about why he lied about promising Rick he'd look out for me when he wasn't around.

The woman said Maggie and Glenn were taken by some guy. And there's a place called Woodberry with a guy that runs who calls himself the governor. I stood at the door listening. Rick told her that we could fix her up. "I can do it. I'm great with sutures," I said.

"No, Nik!" Rick said. "This is Hershel he'll fix ya up. That pretty girl is Maggie his daughter," To k told the woman.

I huffed and walked away. I needed to lay down. I started walking up the steps but stopped on the third on. I was in a lot of pain. Moving around too much today. "Here," I heard Daryls gruff voice, and then I was being gently lifted into his arms.

"Daryl. You don't need to carry me," I said.

"Shut up," he said.

He sat me down on my bunk. And stood there looking at me. "Rick, me, Oscar, and that new woman Michonne are going to go get Maggie and Glenn. Stay in bed and rest," he said and started walking towards the door.

"Daryl wait," I said and he turned around.

"Why'd you lie? You said you promised Rick you'd look out for me when he wasn't around but he said he never had you promise that. So why did you lie?" I asked.

He looked down. His jaw tense, his shoulders tense, hands curling into fist. He was pissed and probably embarrassed. "Because we don't need ya doin something fucking stupid and getting ya self killed or one of us killed. Someone has to watch your reckless dumbass," he growled.

"Don't be think I liked ya because it's far from that," he hissed out before leaving.

I sat there stunned and I had tears in my eyes. It was all just false hope. It was all a lie. I was just a burden to this group. I put them in danger and I was only being kept around because I was a doctor. I stayed in my cell for the rest of the night. I ignored anyone that came in. I didn't eat anything I just laid there. I checked my own wound. Cleaned it and changed the dressing. I had the supplies in my cell so no one needed to worry about it.

Rick, Maggie, Glenn, and Michonne didn't get back until the next morning.  I noticed right away that Daryl wasn't with them. Carol looked really upset about it. I was standing on the top landing in the cell block. Glenn was all busted up and Maggie seemed to shut herself out. Rick walked up the stairs and stood beside me.

"Merle was with the Governor. He kidnapped Maggie and Glenn. He beat Glenn. When he saw Daryl he helped us out. We didn't want him here so Daryl left with him," he said.

"Well good for him," I said. "Is Maggie alright? She seemed off," I said.

"I don't know she won't talk about it," he said.

"You don't seem to upset about Daryl being gone like the rest of us. Why?" Rick asked.

"Rick, Daryl doesn't like me he never has. Before he left I asked why he lied about promising you to protect me. He said he only did it because I would end up getting myself killed or one of you killed with my stupidity I put you all in danger. He said himself he doesn't like me. I'm only here because I'm a doctor. And don't say it not true because I know for a fact if I wouldn't have been put aside with Hershel at the farm I would have been left behind. No one here actually likes me. I know you're tired of having to watch put for me and save me all the time. But it's okay I'm used to it," I said. I just kept looking forward to the small windows that had bars on them.
"How could you think I'd ever leave you behind? I'll always protect you Nik, you're my little sister and I love you," he said.

I looked over at him with no emotion on my face. I wanted to cry and break down but I didn't want to do it in front of Rick   I'm going to go back and lay down my stomach hurts," I said.

"I'll have Hershel come up and look at it," he said.

"No! I can't take care of my damn self!" I growled and pushed passed him.

I walked into my cell and leaned up against the wall. I listened to Rick's sigh and walk down the metal steps. I was shaking and my heart rate picked up. I started taking deep breaths to try and calm me. It did hurt to hear Daryl just left without any hesitation. I had called for the man when he saved me then he stayed by myself and helped me. I tricked myself into thinking he might have me possibly liked me back. I did this to myself. I'm the cause of this heartache not him.

For the next few days, I stayed in my cell. Carl informed me Rick was outside the fences just walking around. He told me he had. Found people on the tombs and Rick freaked out of them telling them to leave so they left. He believes his father is seeing his mother. Hershel went outside to talk to him. Carol and Axel the other prisoner were outside putting reinforcements up. Beth took care of the baby and Maggie was avoiding Glenn. She didn't want to talk about what happened to her.

Shortly after we heard gunfire. So Carol left and he and Maggie got guns and took them outside for Carol. Michonne was already out there in the overturned bus watching out for Rick. All I could do was stay inside with Beth am and the baby. It went on for a while before the shooting stopped. And we heard the doors shut and everyone coming inside. I got up and walked out onto the landing. Daryl was back and Merle was with him. Glenn was yelling about bot wanting him here and about what he did to him. Michonne wasn't happy about it either. I just stared at Daryl. The things he said to me replaying in my head. He must have felt someone looking at him because he turned and looked right up at me. I looked down and ducked my head then walked back into my cell.

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