Chapter 10

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After Shane and Rick stopped Daryl he went back to the door. Rick tried talking Jenner into opening the door. Shane ended up losing his temper and shot one of the computers and Rick had to fight him to the ground. The kids, Lori, and Carol were all crying and begging him to let us out.

"Please, Jenner you don't need to do this. Just open the door. We just want to survive as long as we can. We don't want to die. Or might be horror outside and dying like that would not be great but we just want a chance," I said.

"You know what's out there why would you want to go out there?" Jenner said.

"Because we want to live as long as we can. And besides, you have no right to make that decision for us," I told him.

After a while of begging and arguing Jenner finally opened the door. "I can't open the other doors," he said. Then he stopped me and Rick before we left. "Everyone carries the disease," he whispered to us. Rick then ran off and I just stood there. "What did you say?" I asked I just could believe it.

"Everyone is infected no matter how you die you will come back," he told me.

I saw Jacqui was sitting down and so was Andrea. Dale was trying to talk Andrea into coming. I slowly turned around and started to walk towards the door. "Come on! What the hell are ya doin?!" Daryl appeared in front of me. He grabbed my wrist and we ran to the stairs and up to the top floor.

Shane, Rick, and T-dog were trying to break the glass. "It won't break its shatterproof. You'd have to blow it out," I said.

Rick! I think I have something that will help," Carol said going through he bag.

"Nail file isn't going to help Carol," Shane said.

"The first day in camp when I washed your uniform I found this," she said and pulled a grenade out of her purse.

Rick took it and told everyone to get down. He put the grenade by the window and pulled the pin then ran. When it went off he went flying and the window shattered. We all stood up and jumped out the window running for the cars. Daryl throws our bags in the back of his truck and we got In as we were getting down Dale and Andrea ran out of the building and ducked being sandbags. As the building blew Daryl throw his body over mine.

I don't understand why he would care or if Rick made him promise he's protecting me or if it was the fact I'm a doctor and important to have around. I could feel the truck shake as the ground shook under us and I could feel the hot air from the explosion. Daryl sat up and then I did as well. Looking at were the CDC once stood was now just a pile of rebel and ash and smoke.

Andrea and Dale got in the RV and we all started to go but Shane's jeep broke down. As we were leaving he had to go jump out and run towards the RV. Walkers were starting to get closer being attracted to the explosion. Once Shane was in the RV we took off.

I got on the walkie and radioed Rick. "Hey Rick, I think I know where we could go for the night or a few days," I said.

Daryl looked over at me and raised his eyebrow "the nursing home," I said and he nodded.

"Where would that be?" Rick asked.

"The nursing home. Maybe we could stay with them for the night. We did help them," I said.

"Yeah that's a good idea it's not far from where we are," Rick said.

We ended up parking the cars and RV close by and walked the way we were taken when we came into the city to find Merle. Bit when we got there and ran inside trying to get away from the walkers there was no one there. The place was a mess and people were dead. It had looked like they were attacked. We blocked the door and went upstairs to be a floor up away from the door. We had beans and some junk food that we had for dinner. We made a watch schedule and went to bed or watch for the night.

In the morning we made sure it was clear and then made our way back to the cars. We ended up pulling into a church lot and T-Dog ditched his van and took the gas for the other cars and Daryl ditch his truck doing the same thing. He took Merle's bike off the back of the truck and was going to ride that. We but the mattress and our bags in the RV.

Rick, Lori, Carol, and the kids were in Carol's car. Dale, Glenn, T-Dog,  Andrea, Shane, and I were in the RV and Daryl on the bike. We headed out of the city and made our way onto the highway.  Once we got a good way out of the city
We came to a huge traffic jam. Daryl went ahead and then turned around. He came up to dales window so he could talk to him. "You see a way through?" Dale asked. Daryl nodded his head and turned and started to lead Dale around the cars when the RV broke down and started to smoke.

Everyone got out and walked around the front of the RV.  "I told ya that felt wasn't going to last long. And were in the middle of nowhere with no hopes... of... finding.... okay that was stupid," deal said looking at all the cars that surrounded us. Daryl started going through a car just picking at stuff.

"There's lots of things we can find here," he said.

"Maybe food," T-Dog said.

"Some water," Carol added.

We were making a plan to go through the cars and gather whatever would be useful and things we need like food and water. "Rick, I don't know this. This is a graveyard," Lori said.

I was getting pissed from her whining all the time so I turned around and blow up. "Look, Lori, you don't have the option to go to a rocket store and by you organic apples and shit.  You can't go to the mall and buy your expansive clothes and shoes. Get over it the world is gone these people are dead and don't care that we take their stuff it's not like they're going to use it. Stop acting like the world has ended and were going to all live peachy little lives. Because we're not it's about survival now get on everyone else's page!" I yelled and the stormed off.

"Nik! Nikyla!" I heard Rick yell but I kept a going. I needed to get ad far away as possible. I need space. I could feel my chest getting tight and I was shaking. I needed to calm down.

Once I was where I could see anyone anymore I stopped. I looked around to make sure no walkers were around or hell any living person. I had a feeling the living would be worse the dead now that it's all about doing whatever you have to do to survive. It's going to be. kill or be killed and that won't just apply to the walkers if apply to living breathing human beings too.

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