Chapter 21

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Nothing but ringing that's all I heard. Everything seemed to be in slow motion. He was alive and in this prison. He was going to kill me. He would do anything to finish his job. "Nik? Nik, sweetheart?" Carol was saying but I couldn't hear a thing just the loud ringing. My vision started to blur and I started to feel dizzy. My breathing picked up. He's alive.  He survived and he's here.

I could feel someone shaking me. I don't know who I was too far into a panicked and shocked state. I don't know how long I had been standing there or how long everyone was trying to snap me out of it. "Nik! Come Nik, I need you to snap out of it now!" Rick started shouting. He shook me and tapped my cheek.

"What's wrong with her?" Carol asked.

"Her ex is here. He tried killing her years ago I put him away," he simply said.

"Move!" Daryl said pushing Rick out if the way.

I could feel myself slowly coming out of whatever state I was in. Someone had their hands on my face. My Vision was slowly coming back and the ringing in my ears started to fade. "Nik, hey! Snap out of it woman!" I heard a muffled voice. I lived my eyes to see...Daryl? "He's alive," I whispered.

"Hey, I'm not going to let him near you,"

Rick? That was Rick. I looked over and like always there stood my big brother promising me he wouldn't let him touch me ever again like he has a thousand times. Slowly the world around me was back to normal. "I need you to stay calm and not go back into whatever state you were just in," Rick said.

"What?" I asked.

"When we were helping them go clean out another cell block on the way the big got scratched one of the others killed him. Them at the same man throw a walker at me so I killed him. Two of the guys cooperated. Trevor and another one got away. I don't know where Trevor went. The other ran into walkers," Rick said.

"So... so you're telling me... telling me Trevor is somewhere in this prison?!" I half yelled as I started to panic even more.

"We're going to find him. I'll find him and I'll kill him this time," Rick said looking me in the eyes.

"Hershel is going to fine. I'm going to my cell," I said and walked up the stairs.

I could feel the eyes on me as I went. I could feel the pitty they all had for me. Trevor was loose in this prison. He was going to do everything he could to get to me. I walked into my cell and sat down on the bunk. He looked the same as the last time I saw him.

Trevor Sterling was seven years older than me. I met him when I was 19 so he was 26. Rick wasn't happy about the age gap even though it isn't that big. He had these piercing blue eyes and golden brown hair, 6'2, well-toned body muscular but not too muscular, had a six-pack but not one of those overly toned sux packs. It's like he was a Greek god. He has this smile that made me melt you know that sexy little smirk and then he did that thing where guys stick just the tip of their tongue out and lick their bottom lip. And then he'd wink at me. Used to make me weak at the knees.

In the beginning, he was sweet. Opening doors, pulling out my chair, always held my hand or hand his hand on my lower back. He'd help me study and buy me little things to cheer me up. He'd buy me flowers and say it's just because I saw them and thought of you. He'd take me on picnics, we'd have date nights at least twice a week.

It was great the first year and a half we were together. Then things slowly started going downhill. He stopped buying me things and flowers. We stopped date nights. He'd get mad when I would be up all night studying. He would go out with his friends come home drunk and start yelling.

The first time he hit me we had gotten into a fight about something stupid. He was mad because I wouldn't stay at his house. I told him I need to get up early for class because I had an exam which meant I'd be studying all night anyway.  He got so mad he backhanded me. He of course apologized the next day buying me a bouquet of sunflowers and a teddy bear. I of course forgave him.

Over the next few months or got even worse he'd hit me, push me to the ground kick me. He was drinking more. I was sure he was cheating on me. He worked at his father's company so I knew it had to be one of the girls at one of the many functions they had.

The last time was when he accused me of stealing from him in his own house, beat the hell out of me, tried strangling me, and pushed me out of a broken two-story window. We had been together for three years. I thought I had found the one. That one person I'd spend the rest of my life with. I let him take my virginity, then he took my confidence, my trust, he broke me. I haven't been with another guy since Trevor. And I thought I'd never see him again.

To be honest, when the world fell apart I thought for sure he'd died of a horrible death of being eaten alive. But here he is loose somewhere in a prison we broke into to make a home out of. I was like a trapped rat. I was in a never-ending maze with too many hiding spots and no way out. I would have to sleep with one eye open. I'd have to live in that fear I felt almost four years ago again.

Rick said he'd find him last time and he did. This time he has more help. He has Glenn, Daryl, T-Dog. He would probably make sure someone was with me at all times. I hated the thought of that though. The thought of being babysat. I needed to overcome my fear. I needed Trevor to see I wasn't afraid of him. If o can deal with a rotting corpse coming at me to bit into my flesh then I could deal with Trevor..... I think.

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