Chapter 1

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It's been 2 months now since the dead started walking and eating the living. Military, government, hospitals all gone. People we knew, loved dead. The outbreak happened to fast and whatever it is that's causing it seemed to spread fast. We were told to head to the cities that's there  would be refugee camps. But that wasn't the best idea. It got out of control the dead took over the cities attacking everyone. So this solution was to bomb the cities. When the outbreak happened they went to the hospitals and shot anyone and everyone and then bombed it.

So now I sit in an old quarry with people o just met two months ago. Dale was an older man he had an RV and was on a road trip his wife had passed not to long before all this happened. He saved two sisters Andrea and Amy they were also on a road trip. Jauqci and T-Dog both went to the same church and T-Dog saved her and a few others from their church. Jim was a machanic before the world ended he lost his family. Carol her daughter Sophia and her husband Ed. Ed wasn't the nicest he was abusive to his wife and daughter. Morales and his wife and kids.

Then there was Lori and her son Carl Grimes my sister-in-law and nephew. Lori lost her husband my brother before the outbreak he was shot and when his best friend Shane Wlash went back to get him he lost him when they bombed the place he was still in a coma. Shane saved Lori and Carl and everyone knows Lori and Shane are sleeping together. Glenn he was a pizza delivery boy knows the city like the back of his own hand. Then there's the Dixon brothers. Merle is the oldest and he's a racist, sexiest asshole. Daryl is younger he doesn't say much just kinda scrolls at people. But they know how to hunt and survive out in the wild. 

Then well there was me. Nikyla Grimes or Nik or short Ricks little sister. I'm 25, 5'4, natural dark blonde hair, blue eyes, 135lbs a little muscle I'm not strong but I'm not weak either. I can hold my own when I need to hell I've knocked Shane on his ass a few times already. Rick taught me how to fight after a girl in the 9th grade kept bullying me.

Before the world ended I was in medical school to become a doctor. I wanted to help people it was my calling. I was smart and very observant I thought I'd put it to good use and become a doctor. I was top of my class I advanced fast. When I was supposed to go to fifth grade I skipped and went to sixth then I skipped tenth and went to eleventh. School was nothing to me it was a breeze. After I graduated I went off to Mercer University  School of Medicine. Yes I was young I was 16 when I graduated.

I turned 17 that summer after I graduated and before I went to collage. So 8 years already in medical school. I did my four years of medical school and became a resident at 21. I was four years into my residency when the outbreak happened I only had three to five more years left to before I became a licensed doctor. The Emergency Department was where I liked to be do it was long hours.

When Lori called me to tell me Rick had been shot I admittly took time off school to go back home. It was the summer so it wasn't a big deal no one objected. It was an hour and half drive back home. As soon as I got to the hospital Rick was in I went to the floor Lori gave me and found her, Shane and Carl in the waiting room.

"Lori," I said and she looked up. She got up out of her seat and ran over to hug me. I never got along with her but I was civil for Rick. "What happened?" I had asked her.

She stood up and walked over "Hey Nik," he greeted. "We got a call that there was a car with 2 suspects. They robbed a bank in the next county over and headed into Kings County. We throw spike up and they flipped. We took down the two in the car but there was a third man no one saw.  He got out and shot hitting Rick," he explained.

"He's in surgery now," Lori told me.

After his surgery they put him in a room. He was in a coma and they didn't know when he'd wake. When the outbreak happened we were told that he'd be med evacuated to Grady Memorial Hospital in Alanta which was perfect because I was doing my residency there.

Shane had tried to go back for him but when he went the police and military were taking over. They came in and shot anyone and everyone. Then they bombed the place. When that happened the machines shut off and Shane said he listened for a heartbeat but couldn't hear one. He assumed Rick was dead so he came and got Lori, Carl and I.

Now we're at an old quarry outside of Alanta. Unfortunately the safe haven in the city didn't work out. It got over run by the dead and they bombed it. So anyone that was on the highway that we met all gathered and came to the quarry. We have tents set up all over along with Dales RV.

I set my tent up a little further away from everyone Daryl and Merle did the same. I wasn't much of a people person. I know but you're a doctor. Well yes, but I've always been shy around people i don't know. Once I do get to know them and I'm comfortable around them I'm a whole different person. When I'm working it's different I'm a professional those people are my patients.

Let's talk about soneone else who is shy and quiet.  Daryl Dixon. He's rough around the edges I guess. He doesn't say much Merle does most of the talking. And when Daryl does talk he's snippy with people. He acts like everyone hates him. Of course I have heard Shane saying he's nothing but a dirty redneck and if it wasn't for the fact that he could hunt he wouldn't even let him or Merle be there.

Like I said before I'm observant so I watch people and their body language. Daryl seems to always been tense and he keeps himself in a fighting stance when talking to someone. It's like he thinks everyone is going to fight him. I've seen teenage boys like that who were brought into the ER who had been because they're father best them go the point of almost death. I never wanted to assume things but I was taking the safe bet that he was abused my his father.

Merle wasn't nice either. I've never seen him hit Daryl but he puts him down all the time and Daryl just takes it. It was no wonder he was so closed in on himself and glared at everyone like they hated him.

I've never talked to Daryl  he always seems to avoid me as much as he can. And if we are in the same place he glares at me. I accidentally ran into him being the clumsy person I am I tripped on air and ran right into him. He shoved me away and glared then stormed away. It was embarrassing and I felt bad but I knew he wouldn't listen if I tried to apologize.

He was getting ready to go out on a hunting trip anyway tomorrow. Then Glenn is taking a group with him into Alanta to get supplies. He's not to happy about it and he's nervous going with a group but he agreed. So Andrea, T-Dog, Morales, Jacqui, and of course Merle are all going.

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