Chapter 28

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A few days later Andrea came back and set up the time to meet with The Governor. A few days after that Daryl, Rick and Hershel left to go to the meeting. Maggie and  Michonne kept their promise and made sure Merle didn't come anywhere near my cell. When I would go downstairs I'd shut and look at the door. Merle wanted to go after them and ambush them. Of him and Glenn got into a fight.

After a few hours Rick, Hershel, and Daryl came back. Daryl saw me sitting at one of the tables and came over to me. "What ya doing down here?" He asked.

"Needed out of that damn cell. Don't worry it's locked," I said.

Ya feel in better?" He asked.

"Yeah, no more fever. And the redness is going away. Still a little painful but I'm moving around better. You're brothers an asshole," I said.

"Yeah I know," he said.

"So what happened?" I asked.

"Dunno. He really didn't say anything to us," he said.

"Oh. Hey, do you think we could go outside? I'm kinda feeling trapped in here," I asked.

"Yeah. Come on," he said and got up. He helped me stand and we walked outside. 

"God this feels so good," I said.

"Hey, can I talk to you," Rick said to Daryl.

I nodded my head and sat at the picnic table. "Yeah," he said and walked off with Rick. Hershel had joined them as well.

After a few minutes I got way too curious as to what they were talking about so I slowly got up and walked over to them.

"He wants Michonne. He said if I give her up he'll leave us alone," I heard Rick said.

"You are not giving that woman to that psychotic asshole Rick Grimes! He'll fucking kill her!" I growled.

Dammit, Nik! What donyp do u want me to do? We have no other choice," he said.

"Oh, and what you're going to have the guys to deliver her to him? Oh no, wait you'll get Merle to do it won't you?" I asked looking at all three of them.

Daryl had his head down and Rick looked guilty. "She's right Rick this isn't the right choice," Hershel said And walked away.

"I'll talk to Merle," Daryl said.

My eyes widened and I looked at him. "Nikyla, don't it's what we need to do. And I'll talk to Merle," Rick said.

"You can't be serious Rick!" I yelled.

"It's that or war! He has more men and firepower!" He yelled and walked away to find Merle. 

"He'll change his mind. He ain't gonna let that prick have her," Daryl said.

"You know if say you were right before all this but now... now I just don't know," I said.

"Come on let's take a little walk," he said.

"Walk? Where? We're surrounded by fences with walkers outside them," I said laughing a little.

"Dunno. Round the building," he said.

"Around the building? Isn't the other side, like...  collapse or something," I said.

"So we don't go that far. Or we can chill on the guard tower. Ya know so you can get out of there. I got guard duty anyway," he said looking down and Scuffing his boot against the ground. His ears turning red.

I let out a little giggle and slapped my hand over my mouth. "What? What's so funny?" He asked as he got defensive.

"Nothing. You just really aren't good at this stuff are you," I asked.

"The hell ya talking about?" He growled.

"Talking to a woman. Flirting. Trusting people," I said.

"I ain't flirting with ya!" He half yelled.

"Okay. Okay. No flirting," I said holding my hands up. "But... yeah, I'd like to join you for watch," I said.

"Oh, but first gotta get some stuff and make sure my cell is locked. Ya know because of Merle. No offense or anything I just don't just him around the medication," I said.

"Nah. You're right," he said.

"Of course I'm right, women are always right," I said smiling.

"Pfft. Now you're delusional. Maybe we should get you to bed," Daryl said.

"You want to take me to bed?! Daryl, you dirty dirty man," I said laughing as his eyes widened and his ears turned red along with the rest of his face and neck. I laughed harder and started to walk towards the cell block.

You just going to stand there and stare at my ass or are you going to help me?!" I yelled back to him.

We walked in and I asked Carl for his keys and I walked to my cell. I opened it and grabbed my backpack shoving some meds and bandages in it along with a blanket and my jacket. "So her the doctor," I heard and spun around.

"What?" I said.

"You got and good pain killers in there?" He asked and started walking into my cell. I grabbed my gun off the table and pointed it at him. "If you move one more inch I'll shoot you," I hissed.

He laughed "Oh, you're a feisty one huh. I see why my baby brother likes you," he said smirking.

"Get. The. Fuck. Out!" I yelled.

I heard load heavy boots running up the steps "fuck off Merle," Daryl said.

Merle put his hands up in defense and backed up.  "Ya fuck her yet? Hey, she'd feel real good," Merle said licking his lips as he stared at me.

"Daryl came in and stood in front of me. Then o heard more heavy footsteps running up the steps. Rick detained Merle and took him downstairs and locked him in the one cell in the common area.

Daryl turned around "Ya alright?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'm fine. But you almost didn't have a brother," I said.

"M'Sorry bout Merle," he said.

"Not your fault," I said and grabbed my backpack, gun, and knife holster. "Come on, we have watch duty," I said walking passed him.

We went to the guard tower and opened the door letting me and then closed the door. He walked up the steps before me and opened the heavy door and walked up into the tower then he helped me and closed the door.

I walked out onto the balcony part and looked out at the prison grounds.  It's actually pretty up here. Ya know besides the walkers and their stench and hissing or growling whatever that is they make," I said.

"Ya can see the stars a little better from up here," he said.

I looked at him and smiled "is that why you brought me here? To look at the stars with you Dixon," I said.

"Stop," he said as he turned red.

We stood upon the guard tower and looked out at the grounds and the tree line. It was quiet but it wasn't awkward. It gave me time to think. I was starting to fall for Daryl Dixon and I knew I had to stop myself before I got too far in. He didn't like me that way. Maybe we could become friends or acquaintances at least.

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