Chapter 13

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Daryl came back and said he found an old farmhouse. He said there was a cabinet and it had blankets and a pillow that was just big enough for a child. Carl had woke up and was doing great. Rick was able to organize the search for Sophia properly.

He, Shane, T-Dog, and Andrea were going out to look for any sign of the little girl. They had colored rags to nail to trees to let each other know that the area was already scanned. Hershel's youngest daughter Beth's boyfriend Jimmy lied and said Hershel was alright with him going out. So Andrea and T-Dog took the responsibility to watch him. Daryl took a horse out and went off searching by himself. The only thing was he didn't ask Hershel for permission.

Hershel found out and had a talk with Rick. As the sun was starting to set Andre a had yelled that a walker was coming our way. Rick, Glenn, T-Dog, and Shane ran put towards it telling her not to shoot. Of course, she didn't listen and shot anyway and missing. I heard Rick screaming No and ran out into the field with Dale and Andrea behind me.

"What happened?!" I asked.

"The bullet skimmed his head. And he's bleeding from the abdomen," Rick said.

I knelt down and looked at Daryls head. "Alright, he's going to be fine. We need to get him back to the house now!" I said.

Shane and Rick picked him up and we made our way back to the house. Something bad had happened because he was alone and the horse wasn't with him and he had walker ears around his neck. Once inside we took him to a room and laid him on the bed. I ripped his shirt open and looked at the wound.

"Looked like one of his arrows impaled him," I said.

While I was cleaning around the wound he woke up. "Fuck! Be careful!" He grumbled.

"Don't be a baby. What happened?" I asked.

"The damn horse throws me and I fell down a fucking cliff! Was impaled by my own arrow," he hissed.

"No need to swear at me," I said and pressed a little harder on the wound just enough to make him twitch a little.

I stitch his head and side while he showed Rick and Shane where he found Sophias doll. Hershel asked him where the horse went and of course, he had a nasty comment. "The one that almost killed me? Left the country if it's smart," he said.

"That's Nelly ad in nervous Nelly," Hershel said. "I could have to you that if you bothered to ask," he told Daryl.

After a couple of days, Daryl was able to go back to his tent. Andrea went to say she was sorry for shooting him. I went to go go check on him and see how everything was doing. Glenn and Hershel's oldest daughter Maggie went on another run into town to the pharmacy to get more antibiotics.

"Daryl? Hey, how are you feeling?" I asked. I had my backpack in case I needed to change his bandages.

"I'm fine. I don't need ya checking up on me!" He growled.

"Okay. Fine, I'll leave you alone," I said.

"Good. Now if you could always do that it'd be better," he said.

I walked out and left to check on Carl. "Hey, buddy how are you feeling?" I asked him.

"Hi, Aunt Nik, I feel good. It a little tight," he said.

"That's normal. Your skin stretches when you move so it just has to get used to it," I told him.

Glenn and Maggie came back and Maggie had gone up to Lori and went off on her. I saw her throw done packets of pills and walk off. Lori picked them up and went inside her tent. I walked over and stood at the entrance of the tent as o watched her take the pills out of the packets and shove them in her mouth and swallow them with water.

"Ya know plan B isn't an abortion pill," I said making her jump.

"Nik," she said surprised.

"Don't tell Rick, please," she begged.

"That's your job, not mine. It's Shane's isn't it," I said to her.

"What? No, why would you say that?" She asked nervously.

"Don't play that. I saw you two in the woods at the quarry," I told her.

"I thought Rick was dead. I was lonely," she defended. 

"Yeah, well maybe instead of finding ways to kill you unborn child maybe you should talk to Rick about it," I said and walked away. 

Later I saw her running down the lane and then not long after Rick ran after her. I assumed she threw the pills up and talked to Rick. I had a feeling Rick already knew about Shane and Lori.

Carol had come to me saying she found Daryl in the stable wanting to go out to look for Sophia and he got mad when she told him she wasn't sure she was even out there. He throws a saddle and hurt his side and then stormed off to the lake. She wanted me to make sure he was alright.

I sighed and reluctantly grabbed my bag and went to the lake. I found him sitting on the edge of the dock with his feet in the water.

"How's the water?" I asked walking up to him.

"The hell do you want?" He growled as he turned to look at me.

"Carol was worried about you. Said you hurt your side throwing a saddle," I told him.

"I don't need her damn help! Why can't ya learn ta stay outta people's business!" He yelled at me.

He stood up and put his shoes on and walked closer to me. "Just leave me the hell alone. I don't need you to the car a for me I can care for my damn self!" He growled in my face.

"What's your damn problem?" I asked him.

"My problem is you! Always bugging me or me needing ta running off he save your stupid ass! Shoulda left at the CDC," he hissed.

"I don't understand what I did for you to hate me," I said.

"I know what ya think of me what all of ya think of me. I know your kind. Rich, stuck up, snobs like you look down on people like me," he said.

"You don't know me, Daryl! I'm not rich or stuck up and I sure the fuck ain't a snob! I'm just a girl who is trying to help people who need it. I lived in an apartment with a living room that was also my bedroom, had a small bathroom,  and a small kitchen. I never had real friends. My ex abused me and pushed me out a window trying to kill me! So you do not know me or know what I think!" I yelled at him. I pushed passed him and ran off back to my tent trying bot to let him or anyone see me crying.

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