Chapter 43

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Chapter 43

We came around a tree and two woman jumped up one woth long brown hair am d another with short blonde hair.

"You found us, okay? Here we are. We earned what we took."  The girl with brown hair said.

I heard another twig snap and as me and Daryl went to turn around a man came up hitting both of us with a thick branch knocking us both out.

Daryls PIC

I opened my eyes to see it was dark out. There was a fire going with two woman and a man sitting on the other side of it. I started going in and out of consciousness. When I came to again I saw the woman with brown hair shoving my crossbow into a bag they were talking but I couldn't make out what they were saying. I ended up falling back into unconsciousness.

  When I finally came to again the man was in front of me. "Hey, get up. Hey, get up" he said.

I was proped up against a tree MY hands tied in front of me.

"Where moving" The guy said point a gun at me. I just glared at him then it dawned on me Nikyla was with me.

"Where is she?" He growled.

"Where is who?" The guy asked.

"The girl! Where she is?! I'll kill ya if ya hurt her!" Daryl growled.

"She's fine she's over there" the guy said. I looked over where he was pointing to see Nikyla laying on her side still knocked out.

"You don't say shit and I won't have to" the guy told him.

"We ain't who ya think" Daryl told him.

"Say something else. Go ahead." The guy said pointing the gun at my head. He grabbed me by the front of my shirt and pulled me up to hmy feet.

"Follow them." He said.

"I ain't goin no where til she's awake" I said.

The man lead him over to you "get her up or I kill her" he told me.

I glared at him but knelt down. "Hey, Nik. Wake up" I said and nudged her with my tied hands.

"Hmmm" shehummed.

"Come on. Time to get up Nik." I told her.

She opened your eyes "Daryl?" She said.

"Yeah, it's  me. I need ya ta get up"  I said. She looked up at me and noticed my hand were tied. Her eyes widen and she shot up seeing a man with blonde hair and the two woman behind me. She looked down to see her hands were tied together as well.

I stood up helping her get up the best the I could. "It's gonna be okay" I told her. She stood up looking at him then at the blonde haired man, she walked over and started to walk behind the two woman.

"Here, drink the rest." The brown haired woman said handing the other girl a bottle of water.

"We should save it." The blonde woman said.

"We'll find some more. Drink. You're supposed to stay hydrated. It all works together." The brown haired woman told her.

"Yeah, it does." The girl said and drank the water. She handed the battle back and then the woman took it handing it to me "here take it" she said but I ignored her. The blonde guy took it walking over to me.

"We don't need you falling down. Drink." The guy said.

I took it walking over to Nick "here drink" I said.
She took the bottle drinking some of it and giving it back to me.I took it drinking the rest of the water.

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