Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

The caravan came to a stop. Shane walked passed the truck and up to the RV. Daryl got out of the truck and looked at me. "You just going to sit there?" He growled.

"Yes, I'm sure it's just something wrong with the RV," I said.

"Whatever," he said and walked away.

After about ten minutes he walked back and to my window. "Rick needs ya. It's about Jim," he said.

I sighed and opened the door and shit it once I was out. I walked up to Rick "yes?" I asked.

"Jim wants us to leave him here," he said.

"Okay so leave him here," I told him.

"I don't think he lucid," Rick said.

I huffed and walked into the RV. "Hey Jim, you sure you want this?" I asked.

"Yes, my bones feel like glass. I just want to be with my family," he said.

I nodded and walked back out to Rick. "He's aware of what he's asking for. He doesn't want to suffer any more Rick. He's in pain he won't make to the CDC. He'll die and turn before we got there," I told him.

He went to argue but I put my hand up to stop him. "Don't try to argue Rick. There's nothing anyone can do. I'm sorry," I said and walked back to the truck.

I got on the truck and waited. I watch Shane and Rick help Jim up the hill and sit him against a tree. Everyone said goodbye and headed back to the cars. Daryl got in the truck and started it. The caravan got back on the way and made it's way to the city to the CDC.

"Jim looked pretty bad. Looked to be in a lot of pain," Daryl said.

I looked over at him and nodded my head. "Yeah. He said his bones felt like glass. Which does say how much this thing affects your body," I said.

"When this first started going around with the rumors. I talked to a colleague of mine. He said that people who either got bitten or even stretched would get a fever within an hour. They'd have cold sweats, slowly lose color, complain of pain. Extreme pain as if they moved in their body would shatter. The fever gets so bad that it causes you to hallucinate and become delusional. Then it kills you and turns you into a mindless monster," I told him.

"Shit," he whispered.

"Yeah shit. They tried treating with the strongest antibiotics and used the high dose they could and it did nothing. So if the CDC is still running I still doubt they have anything because they would need fresh samples to study. And this thing whatever it might be could affect everyone differently. And I don't think anyone is immune. Everyone gets it if they're bitten," I said.

We ended up pulling up to the CDC as the sun was setting. It was littered with dead bodies of walkers and military personnel. The smell of rot was in the air and it was strong.  I looked over at Daryl "this doesn't feel good. I have a bad feeling about this," I said.

Everyone got out of the cars and we walked around and over bodies up to the steel rolled down doors. Some of us kept an eye out for walkers. Shane and Rick tried getting the doors up but they wouldn't move.

"No one's here Rick," I said.

"They have to be," he said and started banging on the door.

Walkers started getting closer and the kids started crying. "Rick, we have to go. We can't be near the city this late," Lori said holding Carl.

Daryl put down a couple of walkers and I pulled my knife and went to help him. "Shane get him and let's go!" I said.

Shane went to pull Rick away and he started saying he saw the camera move. He pulled away and started yelling at the camera saying they were killing us. Eventually, Shane got Rick to start waking to the cars when a bright light flooded out of the building behind us.

We slowly but, quickly went inside cold air conditioning air hitting us in the face. We looked around and saw a man standing up the small stairs pointing a gun at us. "Anyone in your group bitten?" He asked.

"One of us but he didn't make it," Rick said.

"What do want?" The man asked.

"A chance," Rick told him.

"That's asking a lot these days," he said.

"I know," Rick said.

"You admit to a blood test that's the price of admission," the man told us.

"We can do that," Rick said.

"Grab any bags you have. Once those doors close they won't open again," he told us.

Lori and Carol stayed with the kids along with Jacqui and the rest of us ran out and got the bags. I grabbed my book bag and Daryl handed my duffle. "Thanks," I said. We ran back inside and the man shut the doors again then lead us to an elevator.

"I'm Dr. Edwin Jenner," he introduced himself.

"Rick Grimes," Rick said.

"Dr. Nikyla Grimes," I introduced myself.

"Nice to meet you. You're pretty young to be a doctor," Jenner said.

"She's pretty smart graduated at 16," Rick said as we packed into the elevator.

I was stuck in the back right in front of Daryl. My back was against his chest. I could not only feel how tense I was but how tense he was. We finally got to the bottom and were lead down a hall.

"Are we underground?" Carol asked.

"You claustrophobic?" Jenner asked.

"A little," she said.

"Try not to think about it," Jenner said.

He took our blood and Sophia was up next after Carol. She was scared to have it done so I walked over and knelt beside her. "Hey Sophia, I like your doll," I said.

She looked over at me "Thank you," you said shyly.

"Ya know I have one similar. I carried her everywhere I went. Her name was Marilyn Monroe. I've always loved her she was an actress in the 40s,50s, and 60s. My doll had this blonde yarn hair and big blue eyes. She has this cute little white dress. I still have her she's in my bag maybe later on if it's okay with your mommy I'll show you to her," I said.

She smiled and looked up at Carol how nodded her head and smiled back. "All done," Jenner said.

I stood up and Sophia hugged me. "Thank you," Carol said. I just nodded and smiled at her.

Andre was the last person when she stood up she got light-headed. "You alright?" Jenner asked.

"She hasn't eaten in days none of we have," Jacqui told him helping Andrea.

After that Jenner leads us to the cafeteria. We cooked up and a big meal and had wine and whiskey. Everyone was laughing and joking. We even talked Lori into letting Carl try wine. He tries it and scrunched up his face. Lori poured the rest of it in her cup. Rick made a speech thanking Jenner.

" booyah!" Daryl yelled and everyone joined in.

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