Chapter 6

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"What's the question?"  I asked.

"What do ya think of the CDC?" He asked.

"Well, honestly I don't think Rick is going to find what he's looking for. Atlanta got bad I mean there's thousands of the dead walking around in the city. I don't think the military lasted long out there. I think people probably fled when it got to its worst. I don't we'll find anything at all," I told him.

He nodded "so there a int no help for Jim?" He asked.

"Unfortunately no. The fever will eventually kill him and he'll turn," I said.

It was silent for a while then I spoke up "for what it's worth.... you're right we should just him out of his misery," I said.

Daryl's head popped up and he stated at me. "Aunt you a doctor or something?" He asked.

I nodded my head "yes, I was 4 years onto residency when shot hot the fan," I told him.

"How is that possible? Yer young. I'm old then ya are. Don't it take like 10 years to become a doctor?" Daryl said.

"Umm. Yeah. Yeah, it does. I skipped fifth grade and went to sixth then I skipped tenth grade and went to eleventh. I graduated when I was 16 and was off to college when I turned 17," I told him.

"So ya a int just smart her like a genius," he scuffed.

"I wouldn't say I'm a genius. School just was easy for me I guess. And I read a lot, I kept to myself, never went to parties. I didn't have any friends I usually tagged along with Rick and Shane. People bullied me and Rick taught me how to defend myself," I said looking down.

"You were bullied? That's bullshit. You were one of those smart popular bitches. Has tons of friends. Probably homecoming and prom queen. Date the football quarterback," he growled walking closer to me.

"No. No, I was not Daryl," I said trying to shrink back.

"Yeah ya were. I know your type. You're nothing but a rich snob who thinks she's better than everyone here," he growled right on my face.

"We got a problem here?" I heard Shane's voice.

I took a deep breath and lo ked over at him. "yeah. Everything's fine. Daryl was just asking me a question. Didn't want to talk too loud," I said.

Shane looked between Daryl and me and nodded his head. "Okay. Well if you need me hollar," Shane said glaring at Daryl.

"Yeah. Sure. Thanks, Shane," I said and he walked away.

"You sleeping with him too?" Daryl growled.

"What? Gross no. Shane's like my brother," I said. Then I did something I shouldn't have done.

"Why Dixon?  Jealous?" I asked him.

He huffed and got closer and in my face "I'd never fuck a stuck up rich bitch. You think you look good but you don't," he hissed.

I made sure to keep eye contact not wanting him to know he got to me. It was a lot harder then I thought it would be. It just brought back memories. Bad bad Memories that I've worked hard to forget.

I just nodded and looked down trying to will those tears not to fall. "Not so smug now are ya?" Daryl said. He stepped to the side and walked passed hitting me in the shoulder as he did. I quickly walked to my tent and sank to the ground. I started to breathe heavily and the tears finally fell. 

I fell asleep not long after and woke up to daylight. I got up and started packing my things. I let the air out of the mattress, folded the sheets and blanket. I packed my clothes and other things in my duffle bag. "Aunt Nik," Carl said poking his head in the tent.

Hey bud, what's up?" I asked.

"Dad said to come help you," he said.

"Of course he did. Wanna help me roll this mattress?" I asked.

He nodded his head and we folded the mattress in half then we started rolling it. "I'll go get dad or Shane to help carry the stuff out," he said.

"Okay. Thanks buddy," I said and he ran out of the tent.

I looked around to make sure everything was picked up and put away. Then I moved everything to beside the entrance to the tent so it was easier. I bent over and picked my backpack I kept all the first aid stuff in and swung it on my back and the picked my duffle up and throw it on my shoulder. I turned around only to drop my duffle. "Rick said ya needed help," Daryl said standing in the doorway.

"Oh. Umm. Yeah, thanks," I said.

He picked the mattress up and walked over picked my duffle up. I tried not to make eye contact. I just shrank back not wanting to agitate him. He walked passed me and out of the tent and I followed shortly after. He walked over to his truck and throw my bag and mattress in the back. "Rick said yer riding with me. I already tried to argue with him," he said. His jaw was clenched when he turned around so I just nodded.

Glenn took down my tent and then Rick and Shane went over rules and what to do if we need help, and the channel the radio will be on. Morales and his family decided not to go with us so they gave them a gun and ammo.

I walked over and got into Daryls truck. And sat as close to the door as possible. It was bad enough he hated me I didn't need to give him a reason to get mad even more and hit me. I've learned that lesson years ago with my ex. Just sit, shut up and look straight ahead. I could feel my body tense when Daryl got in the truck.

I had my backpack in between my feet on the floor. I laid my hands in my lap and looked straight ahead. Daryl started the truck and followed everyone out of the quarry.  Dale was leading with Rick in carols cars behind him. T-Dog was in the van, then Daryl and I, and Shane brought up the back.

"I'm sorry Rick had you help me and for him making me ride with you. I'm sure you would rather be by yourself. Got to admit I'm glad I'm not with Shane. He tends to flirt and it's disturbing. He can get annoying too," I said looking at him quick only to see his hands gripping the wheel so tight his knuckles white.

I cleared my throat "just how I'm annoying you now. Sorry. I'll sit and shut up and look straight ahead," I said swallowing the lump in my throat.
I saw Daryl look at me quickly from the corner of my eye before he looked back at the road.

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