Chapter 37

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Rick, Michonne, Sasha, Bob, and Father Gabriel went into town to the goodwill or something where there was food from a food donation before the outbreak. I went with Daryl and Carol to find water.

We walked down the road hold two jugs of water each. We ended up coming by car and Carol stopped to check it. Out it wouldn't start so she popped the trunk and looked through things. She found a charger and put it in the battery. She said it was for just in case we needed to get out and got separated. After that, we went back to the church just as the other got back and that night we had a feast.

Abraham asked us to come along with them to D.C. Rick thought about it and finally agreed on it. I noticed Daryl walking out the door so I hurried up and followed. "Hey, where are you going?" I asked.

"Ta find Carol. Go back inside," he said.

"I'll help you," I told him...

"Nah.  Just go back inside," he said.

"No. I'm going to help you. Plus I really don't want to be in there," I said.

He just huffed and walked off. I quickly ran after him until I was walking beside him. "Yer fuckin' stubborn. Ya know that?" He said.

"Yeah, well, I'm a Grimes. Get used to it," I told him.

We came out onto the road where the car was to see Carol putting the charger back in the trunk. "You leavin'?" Daryl asked.

She was startled and turned around to look at us. "No," she said. But we could clearly tell it was a lie.

Daryl argued with her and I stood on the road looking around. Then I saw a car and as it went by I saw the white cross. "Holy shit. Daryl, look that car has the same cross on the back," I said.

He broke the lights out of the car and all three of us got in the car and followed it. "What are we doing?" Carol asked.

"That car, it has the same white cross on it as the one that took Beth," I said.

We ended up following then all the way into the city.  They had stopped so we waited and watched as they took out a walker. They got back in and drove off. Our car had run out of gas so we had to get out and walk. Carol said she knew a place we could stay.

We ran in through ally ways. We came to the ally behind the building we were going into. We decided to go through the back way instead of being exposed out front. "Hurry, walkers are coming," I said. Daryl pulled a piece of  board away and kicked the door open. Me and Carol hurried inside and Daryl followed.

Carol lead us up the stairs to a small office than through a door. "Me and Sophia stayed here when I left Ed one time," Carol told us.

We went to a room that had a bunk bed. Carol put her stuff on the top bunk and I sat my stuff on the floor between the bed and desk.  Daryl put his stuff down and looks around we started to hear banging so we walked out to see what it was.

We ended up coming to a room and we could see a shadow of a woman and a child banging on the door. We turned and walked back to the room. Carol had looked upset about it. I was sure she was thinking about Sophia.

"You guys get some rest, I'll keep watch," Daryl said. Both Carol and I laid down to sleep. I had trouble sleeping and after about an hour of trying I sat up. Daryl looked at me and I stood up and walked over to him where he was sitting by the window. "You can sleep if you want, I can't do I'll keep watch," I told him.

"Nah, I ain't tired," he said.

"I feel like we should put those walkers down. Put them at peace," I said.

"Yeah, I was going to do that when daylight hit," Daryl said.

"Do you think we'll find where Beth is?" I asked.

"Dunno. But they gotta be here somewhere," he told me.

We stay there looking out the window in silence and as soon as the sun came up we quietly walked out the door. We went back to the room where the mother and her child were and Daryl opened the door. We put them down and wrapped them both in sheets.

Daryl made a fire on the roof and we carried them both out and placed them on the fire. As Daryl was carrying the child out through the window we saw Carol. We all stood around for a while and watched the fire. "Thank you," Carol said and we both nodded. We went back inside and pack up and left.

We had walked back the way we came. I had noticed Daryl taking the book that was on the desk. About this to help those who were victims of child abuse.  We made our way into a breezeway that had tents set up and sleeping bags. In those sleeping bags and tents we walkers.

Since they couldn't get out we simply walked passed them. The door had a chain on it so Daryl held it open so Carol and I could get through then he followed. We walked into another building walking into an office. There was a desk in the middle of the room with windows from ceiling to floor behind it. They had a water cooler against one wall and some interesting artwork on the walls.

I walked around the desk and looked out one of the windows. Daryl stood to the left of me and looked around. I looked across the way from us to see a van teetering on the edge on the bridge. "Daryl, look," I said Ponting a finger in the direction of the van. "It looks like it had that cross on it.

He looked and then took carols rifle and looked through the scope. Sure enough, the van did have the same white cross on it as the car that took Beth. We started heading and Daryl had mentioned that the one painting looked like a dog dragged its ass across it. I snorted at that shaking my head.

We walked back the way we came as we were squeezing through the chained door a boy around Beth's age stood in front of use with a knife. He demanded with through him our weapons. Daryl gave him his crossbow and Carol gave him her rifle. I pulled my gun from my thigh holster and handed it to him.

He took them and then as he walked by the tents he cut them open. Carol pulled a gun out and was going to shoot him but Daryl stopped her. After he left we killed the walkers and headed to the van that was on the bridge.

It had Grady Memorial Hospital on the side of it. As we stood their walkers start coming from both sides. Daryl told us to get in the van and he closed the doors as walkers started banging against the van.

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