Chapter 40

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Chapter 40

I had woke up from a loud clap of thunder. I noticed I was laying on something and looked down. Nope, I was laying to someone. That someone being Daryl. The doors were rattling and I heard the growls of walkers.

"Daryl," I said shaking him.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"Get up. There walkers at the doors. The storms blowing the doors open!" I said and stood up.

Daryl jumped up and we ran over to the doors. We put both hands on the doors and tried to keep them shut. Everyone else waking up and coming over to help.

After the storm settled and we didn't hear the walkers anymore we all went back to sleep.

Later in the morning Maggie and Sasha came back with a man. Said his name was Aaron and he was a community. He told Rick he had photos him his bag. Said he had been following us for days and thinks we would make great additions to the group.

Rick of not trusting anything he said had us go out where the vehicles were and check around to check that it wasn't an ambush. Once we saw he was telling the truth we argued about going to the community or not.

Rick didn't want to go. He didn't trust the man. But in the end, we did end up going. We met up with Eric who was Aaron's boyfriend. He had twisted his ankle running from walkers. We were in some old buildings.

We were waiting for Rick, Glenn, Michonne, and Aaron to come to meet us. I knelt in front of Eric and looked over his ankle. "It's just sprained. Just need to keep off of it for a while," I told him as I bandaged it up.

"Are you a nurse?" He asked.

"No. I'm a doctor," I told him. "Dr. Nikyla Grimes."

The next morning we headed towards the community called Alexandria. Pulling up to tall walls and a gate. We walked in and Aaron leads us to Deanna the leader's place.

The place was untouched. It looked completely normal like the world never ended. People were living like dead people were walking around eating people.

We stopped in front of the house and Aaron explained that Deanna would want to talk to us all separately. Rick had gone first. When he came out he told me it was my turn.

I walked into the house and a living area. "Please sit," I heard a woman say and looked over to see a woman sitting on the couch.

I sat in a chair in front of her.  I hope you don't mind me filming this," she said and I shook my head.

"Please state your name," she said.

"Nikyla Grimes," I said.

"Do you relate to Rick?" She asked.

"He's my brother," I said.

"So, Nikyla, what did you do before all this?"

"I was in medical school. I was in my residency," I said.

"Wow. You're so young and you were a resident already?" She said

"I graduated high school when I was 16. Skipped three grades," I said.

"Wow, so your the doctor for the group?"


"Were you in a particular field?" She asked.

No, I was kinda just helping in the emergency department," I said.

"Well, we do have a doctor here. He's a surgeon. Maybe you can work with him in the infirmary," she said.

Yeah, I guess. I can go now?" I asked.

"Of course. Could you send Daryl in please," she said and I walked out of the house and down the steps.

'Daryl, you're up," I told him.

After everyone did we were lead to two big houses. We check them both put but decided to all stay in the biggest one together still not trusting this place. I walked upstairs and into a bedroom. There was a large queen-sized bed and a walk-in closet that had clothes in it. I went through the clothes.

I found a pair of jeans and a tank that looked like would fit me and I head into the bathroom attached to the bedroom.

I turned the shower on expected only cold water but I figure I check. Once the water started heating my mood changed from crappy to happy.

I stepped into the shower and let the hot water wash over me and wash all the dirt, blood, and grime off of my body and out of my hair. After I was finished washing I got out and wrapped the fluffy towel around me. I stood at the sink and brushed my teeth and my hair before getting dressed and walking outside.

Daryl was sitting on the porch with the opossum he killed. He was gutting it. "You gotta do that now?" I asked.

He turned and looked at me "pfft," he huffed.

"What?" I asked.

"So what, your trust this place?" He said.

"Daryl, I wanted to be clean. Just because I got a shower does not mean I trust this place. But we need to give it a chance. It's better than being out there," I told him.

Later that night we all gathered pillows and blankets and slept in the living room. Deanna came over to see how we were settling in. She wanted Rick and Michonne to be constables. She hasn't figured out what job would be good for Daryl yet. She walked over to me and stood in front of me.

"Nikyla I wanted to give you these," she said handing me a white lab coat and stethoscope.

"Thanks I have my stethoscope though so I won't need that," I said taking the coat.

The next more I got dressed and put the lab coat on and grabbed my stethoscope. And went outside to head to the infirmary.  I saw Daryl on the porch cleaning his crossbow. "I hose you down!" I heard Carol yell as she walked down the street.

"You look ridiculous!" He yelled back.

"You ever going to shower?" I asked him.

He looked up and scuffed. "What now?" I asked.

"Now that you're back to being in the white coat you think you're better than the rest of us?" He said.

"Excuse me? What the hell is up your ass? I did nothing to you. And I sure the hell don't think I'm better than anyone!" I yelled.

"Whatever," he said.

I scuffed and walked down the steps "Yeah, whatever is right, Dixon. Take a fucking shower!" I yelled and walked towards the infirmary.

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