Chapter 14

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"Nik?" I heard Rick's voice outside my tent.

I wiped the tears off my face and walked out of the tent. "Hey, what's up? I asked.

"I need to ask you something," he said.

"Yeah, sure what is it? Is everything all right?" I asked.

"It about Lori,"

"Oh. About how she's pregnant?"

"Yeah. Wait, you knew?" Rick asked surprised.

"Yeah, I found out right before you. I caught her taking the pills," I told him.

"So. Umm... is she going to be alright?" He asked me.

"Well, she threw the pills upright?" I asked and he nodded.

"Then yes, she should be fine. Plan B isn't an abortion pill bit taking enough of them could kill the embryo. Bit she didn't have them in her system long so she and the baby will be fine," I said.

"Good. Good," Rick sighed out.

"Rick, you do know that there's a high chance that this child is Shane's right?" I asked him.

"Yeah, yeah I know. I had a feeling when I found you guys," he said.

"I'm sorry Rick," I said.

"It's fine. She thought I was dead you all did. I'm going to go talk to Hershel about letting us stay," he said and walked off to the house.

Later I was sitting on the porch talking to Maggie and Glenn. Everyone else was shattered around as well waiting for Rick. Shane walked up to us with the bag of guns. We had just found out a couple of days ago that there were walkers in the barn. Hershel thought they were only sick and that there would be a cure.

Shane went on about needing to protect ourselves and Hershel was just going to have to understand. He handed out the guns, handing me mine.  Maggie got mad. He went to hand one to Carl and Lori stopped him.

"What's that?" T Dog said.

We all turned to see where he was pointing and say Jimmy leading Rick and Hershel out of the woods. They both had a walker in a pole. "What is that? What is this?" Shane yelled as he ran down to the barn where they were headed.

The rest of us ran down after him. He stopped him in front of Rick and Hershel. "Shane move," Rick said.

"No, Rick, this is enough," he said.

"If you want to survive. If you wanna live. We have to take a stand. These things they kill people. They killed Amy, they killed Otis," Shane yelled.

"Hershel man, could a living breathing person survive this?" Shane asked and shit the walker Hershel was holding three times. "Why's it still coming?" He asked. Then he shot again "That's it's heart. It's lungs," he said.

"Shane, that's enough," Rick said.

"You're right man, that is enough," Shane said and walked up shooting the walker Hershel had in the head.

Then he went to the barn and broke off the lock and opened the doors. We got into position to get ready to shoot as walkers slowly started stumbling out of the barn. We shot and once they were all killed we stood around looking at them. But then we heard a small groaning and a small child size walker came stumbling out the door. It lifted its head and we all gasped.

"Sophia. Sophia!" Carol cried and started to run after her but Daryl stopped her.  I fell to my knees completely shocked. I looked back to see Lori holding Carl as the sat on the dirt ground. Rick walked up to Sophia and shot her. She crumbled to the ground and he just stood there. Then I heard Beth's voice.

"Mom? Mom?" She cried.

She knelt beside a woman and lifted her head onto her lap. The walker grabbed ahold of her and she started to scream. We all ran over to her and grabbed her to pull her away. Andrea killed the walker with a sicle.

Shane started yelling at Hershel saying he knew Sophia was in the barn. Maggie ended up slapping him for getting hostel with him. Later we covered the Greene's family and little Sophia with blankets. We dug graves and buried them and had a service. Carol though didn't want to attend to it. She said that wasn't her little girl that her little girl died alone in the woods.

We gathered the other bodies and put them in a pile and burned them. Then Shane, T-Dog,  Daryl, and Andrea who thinks she's miss macho woman went out to check the whole property for walkers and weak spots.

"NIK!" I heard someone scream my name.

I walked out of my tent to find Lori running towards me. "What's wrong?" I asked concerned.

"It's Beth she's on some kind of catatonic state," she said.

I grabbed my bag and ran up to the house and up to Beth's room. She was laying there just staring at the ceiling. I checked her vitals and asked Patricia to start an IV to give her fluid. I then gave a sedative to help keep her body from working to hard. Hershel went missing and Maggie called Rick in. He discovered Hershel was packing his wife's things and found an old flask. He asked Maggie what the name of the bar was in town. Then he and Glenn left to go after him. 

I walked out and looked at Maggie " she should be fine. What happened?" I asked her.

"She was doing dishes and just collapsed,' she said.

"I think she's in shock from what happened the other day. She her mother like that thinking she would get better. And then watching her be shot and then almost being killed by her. She's most likely traumatized from it all. But she'll be all right. I have her something that will help slow her body down from working to hard," I said.

"Thank you," Maggie said and gave me a hug before going to sit with Beth.

I went back out to my tent and laid down and fell asleep. When I woke up it was night time. I stepped out of my tent and stretched I saw Lori walking back from where Daryls tent was. He had moved far up in the field away from everyone. "Hey, Lori,  why were you up at Daryls?" I asked.

"I asked if he could go get Rick I'm worried they should have been back by now. But he snapped at me and he's being selfish," she said.

"Selfish? He's being selfish? Are you fucking kidding Me? He has been the one saving everyone's ass and he's the one that went out every day to look for Sophia he took a bullet and arrow looking for her. He's selfless not selfish maybe you should look in the mirror if you want to see someone that's selfish," I said. She looked at me in shock and then walked away. 

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