Chapter 15

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I decided to grab the whiskey I had snuck in my bag from the CDC and go up to Daryls tent and try to make peace. It was a long walk up there and as I was walking I saw Maggie's car go up the lane. I could only assume it was Lori being stupid and going after Rick.

I finally got up to Daryls tent and saw a fire going and Daryl sitting on a log making arrows. "Hey," I said.

He looked up and rolled his eyes "The hell do you want? Told that dumb bitch I wasn't going after Rick," he growled out.

"Yeah, I know. That's not why I'm here," I said.

"Then what the hell do ya want?" He asked.

"Brought a peace offering?" I said and held up the bottle of whiskey.

"How do you have whiskey?" He asked.

"Took from the CDC figured it come in handy," I said.

I walked over to him "May I?" I asked as a gestured to the space beside him.

He moved over a little and I sat down. I opened the bottle and took a sip and handed it off to him. "Hey, I'm sorry about Lori. She can be a Royal bitch. She has always thought everyone should do everything for her," I said. Daryl took a sip and handed it back to me. I took a couple big sips and handed it to him.

"When my ex first hit me she told me it was my fault. Then when he almost killed me she told Rick it was my problem, not theirs," I said.

Daryl looked at me and handed me the bottle and I took a few more big sips. I took his silence to just keep going. "I'm sorry about the other day when I went off," I said.

"Don't worry bout it. I should be the one to say sorry," he said. "So, your ex abused you?" He asked.

"Yeah, he liked to go drink a lot. They might he tried to kill me, he came home drunk. He could hardly keep himself upright. I was staying at his place and was in bed sleeping. He came in the room screaming about I stole money from him and no one got away from stealing from him in his own home," I said.

I took the bottle and took one big gulp before handing it back to Daryl. "He grabbed me by the hair and pulled me out of bed. I tried telling him I didn't steal any money from him but he wouldn't listen. I don't think he cared. He hit me a few times. Pushed me to the floor for on top of me and hit me more. I was able to get away from him and stand up. I tried getting to the phone to call Rick but he picked something up and throw it at me. I dodged it and it went through the window. That pissed him off even more and when I tried running passed him he grabbed me and started choking me. He was so much bigger than me he just picked me right off the ground. He said if I was going to lie and steal from him then I was going to get punished for it. That's when he pushed me out of the broken window. A piece of the glass cut open my leg and embedded itself on my leg. When I landed I landed on my left shoulder and broke it," I said tears rolling down my face.

I took a deep breath and whipped my face. "I had to crawl to the neighbor's house screaming for help. They called 911 and an ambulance and the cops showed up. Rick and Shane were there. My ex had already been long gone once he heard the sirens," I finished.

"Damn, M'Sorry. My old man was a drunk used to beat me and Merle. Merle used to take most of it but when he left our old man beat me even more," Daryl said.

"Daryl, I'm...I'm So sorry," I said.

"Did they find the guy?" He asked.

"Eventually yeah. When I was in the hospital I heard Lori arguing with Rick and Shane about going after him, to let someone else do it. That it wasn't their problem. That I let myself get in that situation. They didn't listen and caught the asshole," I told him.

"I told Rick not to marry her and he didn't listen," I said.

"She always been like that?" He asked and I nodded my head.

"Yeah, she's always been, Miss. Stuck up. It's gotten worse since this whole world went to shit thing," I said.

"I'm sorry about Merle. I know he's the only family you have. I would have reacted the same way if it was Rick. He's the only one that's really ever been there our parents didn't like how quiet I was or how I didn't have friends. Rick always let me tag along with him to parties and shit," I said.

"Merle used to drag me parties. Never wanted ta be there always full of drugs and shit wasn't my sense but better than being at home I guess," Daryl said.

I noticed it was a little easier to get Daryl to talk when he had alcohol in his but I also knew to keep things calm and not push him because he'd get mad so I never asked questioned just nodded my head.

After a while, I said good night and left Daryls tent. When I got back down to the house Lori was yelling at Shane. "How else was I going to get you back here?" Shane asked.

"I have to make sure you and the baby are alright," Shane let slip.

"You're having a baby?" Carl asked.

"Shane's right. You should have never left that was reckless of you. Glenn and Rick can take care of themselves and so can Hershel. You could have been killed you could have killed that baby," I said.

Everyone went inside and Carl asked questioned. Lori explained they never had the talk with Carl. Lori wanted someone to look for Rick and I lost it.

"Jesus, Lori, just learn to calm down. I just said they can take care of themselves if by tomorrow afternoon they aren't back then we can go look for them. They are probably just holding up for the night you know the night is the most dangerous time. You need to just chill and relax maybe talk to your son and be the mother he needs instead of running around places you have no idea where you're going. You got lucky you only got a few cuts and bruises and that nothing happened to the baby," I said and walked out the door and back to my tent, I was truly fed up with her and her shit.

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