Chapter 125

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Lily's agreed to meet us Marauders in the boys dorms to plan our prank. She's been briefed on the general idea of it all, but we have yet to go through what each of our parts will actually include in detail.

It's a beautiful, sunny Saturday morning. Sirius says he wants to take me out on a date. Says in a relationship your partner should never stop putting in the effort for you. With that being said, we're off the second we finish up with this prank meeting.

Peter is absentmindedly stroking Lord Pickle while animatedly telling me about the recent gossip he's eavesdropped on. "Jasper is actually dating a Hufflepuff, Poppy is her name. But Jasper is meant to be dating this other Slytherin girl, right? So I did some digging, asking around and all that, and I found out that Jasper is only fake dating the Slytherin girl to make his parents happy. If they find out he's actually in love with Poppy, they'll probably murder him or something."

"It's ridiculous how all of these pure-blood families think one is superior to the other. I'll never understand the whole house prejudice thing. What does it matter, you know?"

"I know, it's the stupidest thing." Peter says.

I smile in appreciation of my friend. "I just love it when you tell me all of this stuff."

"Moony tells it better." He waves me off.

"Take the compliment and stop putting yourself down. You tell them good, Wormy." I ruffle up his blonde hair until he cracks a smile. I toss his toad a square of my chocolate but he only stares back at me blankly as the chocolate bounces off his round body.

Lily then comes bounding into the room clutching a clipboard to her chest. James perks up the moment she enters the room, "Good morning, Evans!"

"Potter, good morning." Lily curtly nods her head at him in greeting, tucking a strand of red hair behind her ear as she gives her clipboard a once-over. We gather around in a circle on the floor, me between Sirius and Lily.

Remus hugs his legs close to him and rests his chin on his knees. "What's that you've got there?"

Lily clears her throat and starts explaining. "I've taken the initiative of writing out a plan for us. And I split us all into groups for each part of the plan. So it'll be Chiara and Sirius, Remus and Peter, and then me and James." I discreetly exchange a look with Sirius. Sirius and I planned on making switches if she wasn't paired with James, now we don't have to.

Lily runs thoroughly through her foolproof plan. Once she's finished, she looks up to find us all staring back at her with big eyes and surprised looks on our faces. She blushes bright red, "Look, if we're going to do this then we're going to do this right."

She leaves quickly after that, but not before wishing me and Sirius a good time on our date, and James, Remus and Peter a nice rest of their day. She's such a sweetheart when she's not angry with James.

"Did you hear what she said, Keeks? She said us! It felt like she was part of our group, didn't it?" James exclaims, following me around the room looking all giddy.

"It definitely did, JJ!" I tell him. I smile for him. He looks so happy just because she was here at all.

Sirius gets out of the bathroom wearing his black leather jacket over a black jumper, dark washed jeans, black converse, and a big grin. He walks over to me with a slight skip to his step. "Are you ready to go, my love?"

"Mhm, you look handsome."

He dips his head down and kisses my smiling lips.

"That's so cute, your shoes match." Peter comments from the opposite side of the room.

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