I sit on the bench in the Quidditch Changing Rooms as calm as can be. Though my peaceful state puts James and Sirius off. They keep looking at me as if I'm a bomb about to go off. I roll my eyes with a smile, "What?"
"Nothing nothing...you just seem all too chipper for someone who could possibly die today." Sirius tells me.
"Yeah!" James nods and snaps his fingers at Sirius in agreement. "Not two days ago you were crying in my arms about dying too young. What changed?"
"Well, I spent the whole night conditioning my mind to see the positive side of things. As it turns out, pulling an all-nighter was the key. I couldn't give a what about anything right now! Additionally, I'm exhausted so if I'm destined to pass this afternoon then I'm looking forward to it."
James looks into my eyes and frowns. "Keeks, now I'm concerned about you. Your eyes are glossy and they have really dark bags under them. Are you sure you can play like this?" I nod excitedly and wave him off carelessly. "At least drink this." He uncaps his bottle of water and shoves it towards me.
"I don't need it, JJ." I giggle.
"Just drink the damn water." James says firmly, feeding it to me himself.
Robert claps his hands together to gain the team's attention. "Who's ready to kick some Slytherin arse!" A chorus of cheers erupt from the Gryffindor players making Robert happy. "That's what I like to hear! Now does everyone –" His gaze gets caught on me and James. "What am I looking at?"
I wave at our captain while James keeps a firm hand on the water bottle. "I'm watering her, mate. Carry on."
"Okay," He drags out the word before shaking off the thought and putting on a more commanding voice. "Is everyone clear on the notes from last practice?" The others mumble vaguely in response and that seems to be enough for Robert. "Brilliant, now let's go and win this thing! Remember losing is not an option! Do you hear me?!"
"YEAH!" Everyone shouts.
I finish off the bottle of water and the moment I do, James takes my face in his hands and stares me in the eyes with his nose touching mine. "Little close, even for us." I muse.
"I may love Quidditch but I love you more. If you're too tired to play just say the word and you're out."
I snort, "Wood would have a heart attack."
"Are you sure you're alright?" He asks me sincerely.
"I've just dry drowned but other than that I'm super." At that James flicks me on the forehead and walks after the rest of the team who are already making their way onto the field. Sirius hangs back and holds his hand out for me to take. He pulls me towards the loud cheering and tickles my side. "Luck out there, love." He winks at me.
"I won't be needing it." I wink back.
I separate from his side and sprint to my starting position on the pitch. Madame Hooch releases the Snitch and Bludgers into the air and calls, "I want a nice fair match! Mount your brooms!" We do as we're told and the game begins.
I kick off the ground and glide up into the winter air.
I whiz around the pitch to warm myself up and begin aimlessly swinging around my Beater's bat. I take to defending Violet but the more balls I swat away the more strength my arms lose. My energy is slowly draining away and I feel my body shutting down from my lack of sleep. "Oh no not now, body!" I scold myself, pinching my arms to stay awake. "Please not now!"
The sounds around me are slowly beginning to fade, becoming mere whispers in my mind. I face the stands where the professors sit and find Professor Lucinda already staring back at me in concern.
"Wake up!" I slap myself as hard as I can in the face and that seems to help as I get a boost of energy. "You're okay, you're okay, you're okay." I whisper over and over to myself under my breath as I continue to beat Bludgers away from my teammates.
James whips past me, Quaffle in hand, and throws the ball through a hoop. "JAMES POTTER SCORES! ANOTHER TEN POINTS TO GRYFFINDOR! GRYFFINDOR IS IN THE LEAD FORTY TO TWENTY."
I grin at my best friend and put my bat under my arm so I can hold two thumbs up in his direction. He smiles back at me but his face quickly morphs into one of horror as he looks past me. James cups his hands to yell, "KEEKS! LOOK OUT!"
I whip my head back in confusion only to see a Bludger darting straight for me courtesy of one of the Slytherin Beaters. The Bludger is closer than anticipated and with my weak body I don't have time to react.
The killer ball hits me in the back and it's as if everything goes silent as my bones break so loudly in my ears. The pain is so unbearable that after releasing one anguished scream, I lose consciousness and plummet hundreds of feet down.

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."