chapter 84

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It's just as Peter predicts. About a half hour after Sirius left the dorm, the door opens just a crack and Sirius sticks his head into the room wearing a sheepish look. "C-Chiara?" He calls out to me hesitantly.

I lift my head from Remus' lap and my heart picks up in speed. "Yeah?" I reply uneasily.

"Could, uhm, could you come talk to me outside?" He pauses before adding, "Please?"

James goes into protective-mode and looks at me as if questioning if I'm okay to handle this alone. I nod my head and shake a hand at him dismissively. I follow Sirius out the door and the moment it closes Sirius starts talking. "I don't even know what to say, Chiara. Everything I said –"

"It's not okay to go off on me like that, Sirius. You really hurt my feelings with what you called me." In the half hour I've had to think, I came to the realization that even though Sirius has it tough it's never okay to take his anger out on me. If I don't call him out on it now, that's a bad habit waiting to happen.

"I'm so sorry, love. I don't think you're stupid. Or an idiot for that matter. I love the way your mind works...and I love that you try to see the good in everyone."

"Do you honestly think that some people don't have any good in them?" I ask quietly.

He looks deeply into my eyes for a moment before shaking his head. "No. No, I don't. Please don't stop looking, Chiara. You see things others don't. Take Filch for instance. You see something in the man that no one else does, and you never give up on him. I admire that. I admire you. Don't lose what makes you special because I was a gormless twit."

A smile tugs at the corners of my lips and Sirius mirrors my smile with his own. "Are we okay?" He asks.

I roll my eyes, smile still present. "Yes, we're alright. You're lucky I think anger is a wasted emotion." He grins happily and brings me in for a tight hug. When I pull away, I smirk up at him. "Don't get too excited. The boys are all cross with you, too."

His toothy smile disappears and he groans, "I'm not looking forward to this."

"Serves you right for yelling at me." I smile patronizingly and pat him on the back. "In you go, kiddo."

He wrinkles his nose at the nickname but turns the knob and walks in. I, casual as ever, move to lie back on James' bed. Meanwhile Sirius awkwardly stands in the middle of the room with all eyes on him.

James doesn't even wait for Sirius to say anything as he stalks right up to the boy. He stands so close that the two are practically nose to nose. I watch as Sirius' Adam's apple bobs as he swallows nervously. "I-I apologized to Chiara, mate. She's forgiven me and we...we're okay." He splutters out.

"If you ever yell at Keeks like that again, I will forget the fact that I love you, and I will hex you into tomorrow." James all but growls. The anger doesn't last though, as Sirius nods his head in acceptance. James grins and pulls his best friend in for a hug. The two boys pat each other on the back and smile as they pull away.

Sirius then looks over to Remus and Peter with a sheepish grin. "Alright?"

"What James said stands for us too. If you hurt Chiara, we hurt you." Peter says assertively.

"I won't do it again. And if I do I'd happily let you lot hex me for it."

"Well come on then! Let's hug it out!" Remus exclaims, beckoning his friend over with a bright grin. The three boys engage in a little cuddle-hug and I giggle warm-heartedly at the scene.


"I don't wanna go to the library, Chiara." Peter whines, though continuing to trail after me. "Madam Pince always looks at me funny like I'm about to blow the place up. You break one chair one time and you're immediately labeled as bad."

"She looks at everyone like that, Petey. To be fair, you also spilled ink on one of her books. I'm sure that didn't help your case so much either." I reason, walking backwards to face him as we go. "Anyhow, you know how we get when we procrastinate. We have to finish our essays. They're due tomorrow and we've got nothing. So unless you'd fancy failing..."

"No, I suppose not." He sighs, clutching the strap of his shoulder bag.

"We need something to look forward to." I start, piquing his interest. "We'll go in there, write these damn nuisance essays, and then take a nice trip to the kitchens as a reward!"

His pale blue eyes light up. "I could go for some tea and chocolate chip cookies. I think I'll have a nice cup of peppermint tea. Peppermint tea helps with stress, you know. And Merlin knows I'll need the relief after writing this stupid essay." He babbles on animatedly. "Oh! Did you know that saffron tea releases serotonin? You should recommend it to Duke."

"That's so thoughtful. What are you, the tea expert? How do you know all of this?" I giggle as we walk into the library.

He lowers his voice to a whisper. "I like to have something to read while I eat. I've read all the boxes of the different types of teas we have at home. They're surprisingly informative."

We set ourselves up at a table way in the back, as far away from Madam Pince's frightening leer.

Studying or doing any sort of homework with Peter is not an easy task. The boy gets restless and distracted with every little noise. And when he isn't voicing his random thoughts, he's shaking his leg or tapping his quill.

I've learned to just deal with it, by either stuffing a treat into his mouth or kicking him under the table.

Halfway through writing my essay I am interrupted by the sound of Peter bashing his head repeatedly against the table. "Stop it!" I whisper-scold. "What's the matter?"

I put my hand under his head to keep him from hurting himself. He rests his head against my hands and groans. "I'll pay you any amount to murder me right now."

"What for?" I laugh. He doesn't answer me so I slip his roll of parchment out from under him and skim over the words. "You're really a smart boy." He sends me a look. "You are! You just have to read through the instructions more carefully, that's all. It's a good essay, it's just..."

"It's just about the wrong Goblin Revolution entirely!" He yells a little too loudly whilst throwing his arms up in frustration. Madam Pince emerges from seemingly nowhere and shushes him with a firm glare.

"God, she's got it out for me I swear it." Peter growls. "We aren't even in the year of our O.W.L.s yet and I'm already struggling."

"You'll do okay. This essay would've kicked some serious arse if it was meant to be about the revolution of 1612." I smile, trying to make him feel better. "Just let me finish up with mine, and then how about you write half and I write half? We can be done and out of here in no time."

Peter's ears turn red and he sinks into his chair. "You're so nice to me."

I playfully bump his shoulder against mine and take out a fresh roll of parchment for him to work with. "You've got this! Half an essay and then you can tell me more about the types of teas you like to read about."

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