"Here's how the game works, in case you've forgotten; You wear this blindfold and I'm going to place something in your mouth. All you have to do is try to guess what it could be. Got it?" I grin.
"No way! Last time we played this game, you fed me a peanut." Violet reminds me, her eyes wide in horror of the memory.
"And how was I supposed to know that you were allergic to them? Besides, it wasn't that bad of a reaction."
"Not that bad?! Your dad had to bring me to St. Mungos. I nearly died." She raises her brows at me, crossing her arms.
"Yeah, well..." My eyes dart around as I try to come up with a retort. "this time will be different. I promise, you're in no danger in my hands."
She stares at me a bit longer, before slowly nodding her head and placing the blindfold over her eyes.
"Quick question," I flip the jar over to read the ingredients label. "there aren't nuts in Nutella, right?"
Violet whips the cloth off her head and tosses it down on the floor. She walks away mutter "I'm done, I'm done!" over and over again.
"What? It tastes like chocolate!" I call after her. "Wait! Are there nuts in chocolate?" I frown to myself. "No...yeah? No, no there aren't."
"Violet, dear, are you sure you can't join us for dinner?" Mum asks her.
"No, I'm afraid not. I should really be getting back to my family. But it was lovely to see you all again!" Violet replies politely.
"Alright, well, you're welcome here anytime! We just adore you, Violet. Our home is yours!"
I bite my bottom lip to hold back the laugh that threatens to leave my lips.
Violet makes leaves and when the door shuts, I allow the giggle to escape.
"What?" Mum asks.
"Oh, we just adore you, Violet! You're the second daughter I've always wanted." I mock her.
"Chiara, stop that. You know I love you." She tells me while I just scoff.
"It wouldn't kill you to actually study and to stop with the childish pranks. I do love you. That won't change."
I roll my eyes. I want to tell her that I know where I'm going with my life. I want to tell her that I do enough in school to get by. I want to tell her that Zonko believes in my potential and my dreams, so why doesn't she?
But I just stay silent.
I haven't told my parents about me and Sirius just yet. The time has never been right. Though, I decide that since the right time is taking too long to make an appearance, so I make the right time during tonight's dinner.
The five of us sit in a comfortable silence around the dinner table, scooping up bit of food with our forks and stuffing them into our mouths.
I feel my stomach twist and turn as the nerves get the better of me. I straighten my back and put my fork down with a loud ping, causing all of them to meet my gaze.
"Mum, Dad, I've something to tell you." I squeeze my eyes shut tightly. I pop one eye open and continue shakily, "Sirius and I..." My cheeks flush a bright red. "are dating."

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."