chapter 49

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A rush of elation from her confession runs through my body and in one big step forward, I tackle Violet in a bone-crushing hug, jumping up and down wildly and screeching like a banshee making her laugh uncontrollably. After pulling away I grin like a mad-woman. "I knew it!" I boast, wagging a finger up to her face.

Suddenly it's as if some dark thought overtakes her mind causing her face to turn gloomy. "Oh, I'm being entirely ridiculous. I am so stupid. No one could ever fancy me. I don't know what I'm expecting to come from this." Her cheeks turn rosy. "I really like him, but, there is no way someone like him could ever feel the same way about me. I mean, just look at me – I'm unfit!" I frown at her self-deprecating words and slap her, hard, on the arm. "Ouch!"

"Violet Marie Irvine!" I scold angrily, all trace of earlier amusement gone. "I don't ever want to hear you talking about yourself like that again." She casts her big blue eyes down to the ground in shame. "You're bright and beautiful and kind and anyone would be bloody lucky to have you. Remus already seems to like you quite a bit, I wouldn't be surprised if he already has eyes for you too."

"I don't know." She sighs sadly. "How do real relationships even begin? Who makes the first move? How long is this whole thing going to take to work itself out? What are the chances of two people returning the same feelings for one another? Will he ever fancy me back? Oh, it's all so easy in Muggle books. These books have set me up for unrealistic expectations of love. I'm just about expecting Remus to somehow know how I feel and make some sizeable romantic gesture to let me know he feels the same way. But this isn't a book, is it? This is real life and nothing is planned out for me." She falls quiet after speaking a mile a minute. "I've just made myself sadder."

I can't help the small smile that tugs at my lips. "Violet, c'mere." I pull on her hand and lead her to sit down on the floor directly in front of me. I keep her hand held in mine as I speak up. "I'm going to help you."

Her eyes flick up to mine. "How?"

"I'll be your wing-woman!" I propose happily. "Remus is my best friend so that certainly grants me some pull with him. I won't tell him how you feel, so get that look off your pretty little face, but I can find out where he's at and subtly work you into conversation to see how he reacts."

She furrows her brows, taking it all in. Finally she nods. "Okay. Yeah, what's the worst that could happen?"

"Pluck up, that's the spirit!"

She eyes me. "No, really, what's the worst that could happen?"

I pat her back gingerly. "Take it down a notch, worrywart. Allow me to deal with this. You just focus on getting a grip."

I suppose having eaten Remus' chocolate stash the other day is proving to have its' benefits for he and I are headed to Hogsmeade tomorrow to purchase it all back. It'll be the perfect time to talk to him about Violet without the rest of the boys interfering by teasing him.

I make my way down the halls of Hogwarts, absentmindedly admiring the always aflame torches on the walls with my hands slipped casually into the pockets of my robes. My fingers graze over something or other.

A packet-full of Dungbombs. They must be leftovers from when Fabian, Gideon and I were setting them off at unsuspecting passersby. The corridors aren't crowded but there's enough people around to cause some delightful chaos for a while. After all, I've got no other plans for the rest of the day so this should keep me occupied for a while.

I couldn't tell you how many I set off before I end up caught but it can't be less than seven. The next thing I know, I'm following Professor McGonagall as she leads me to her office.

"Take a seat, Ms Holland. I'd like to discuss what on earth you were thinking."

I have to bite my lip to keep myself from laughing as I pick up a chair from her office and and walk straight out of the room with it.

I don't see her face but judging from her loud voice bellowing down the hall, I know she isn't pleased. I saunter back into the room clutching the chair to my chest while still sporting my casual grin. "Is something wrong?"

"You think you're funny, do you?" Her lips are tight into a fine line.

"Pish posh, Professor!" I shake a hand up at her with a bemused smile. "I was only doing as you told me to do."

"I'm getting too old for this job."

"You don't look old." I continue to wind her up. "You're still youthful and sprightly to me." She remains unamused. "Well, er, a weeks worth of detention sounds reasonable to me. Azkaban might be cutting it a little close but I'd understand entirely if you think it's best."

"None of that will be necessary." She laces her fingers together and places her clasped hands over her desk, looking at me pointedly behind her rectangular spectacles. "Why is it you insist on unleashing widespread destruction wherever you go?" I mimic her movements, placing my own clasped hands on her desk in front of her. "For fun, of course."

She breaks eye contact and rolls her eyes. "Detention with me tonight. Be here at eight, don't be late."

"It's a date, I can't wait." I grin cheekily. "We're brilliant rhymists, aren't we, Professor?"

"Yes. Off you go." She loves me.

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