Being away from the boys is messing with my sanity. Granted, we've only been apart a week but even so, it's been difficult. James is not included when I say the boys since he and I have been seeing each other everyday of break. At this point, I'm practically a Potter and he a Holland.
The jingle of our doorbell sounds throughout the manor and I grin, immediately rushing down the stairs to greet my friends. The moment the door swings open, James crushes me in a hug. "I missed you!" He cries into my shoulder dramatically.
I giggle and return the hug, gently patting his back. "I saw you this morning when I went over for breakfast but okay."
"Can we get in on the action? Or is James going to hog you the whole day?" Sirius pipes up with his signature smirk.
I shove James away before meeting the other three boys in a group hug. "I really don't feel like showing you lot around, so all you really need to know is the bathroom is that way. If you have to do a poo, do it in the downstairs bathroom." I explain nonchalantly.
"Why would we do a poo at your house?" James asks with a chaste chuckle.
"I actually do need to go." Peter admits.
"You just had to wait until we got here to take your dump." Remus says sassily.
"I didn't realize I had to go until she mentioned it!" The blonde boy says defensively.
"No worries, Petey. Just go do your business and once you're done tell Buddy, our house-elf, to clean up after you." I say with a warm smile directed at the pudgy boy. He sends me a thankful smile back and stalks off to the loo.
I return my attention to James, Sirius and Remus with a bright smile. "Alright," I clap my hands together. "now that that's taken care of, shall we move the party to my room?"
I climb the many steps and lead the boys to the room closest to the spiral staircase. I open the door and Remus and James immediately begin sniffing the air with goofy grins and dreamy, far-off looks. I look to Sirius who doesn't seem to be as allured by the Amortentia wafting around the room, and instead looks rather curious at all the knick-knacks decorating my sanctum.
"Doesn't my room smell extra specially good?"
Sirius looks at me. "Yeah, you always smell great."
I roll my eyes playfully and gesture around myself with a smile. "Not me silly, my room."
All he does is look at me sideways and laugh awkwardly. "Your room smells like you."
My mouth clamps shut and the smile slowly falls off my lips. I miss the way Remus and James exchange knowing looks and focus my gaze down on my wooden floor with a confused look etched onto my face. I don't have much time to dwell on the incident as Peter soon rejoins us and we begin our gift exchange.
I hand Peter his gift with a smile too big to be inconspicuous. "What's wrong with you?" James asks, afraid. "What's wrong with her?" He looks to Remus who simply shrugs his shoulders in response.
"I'm just excited is all." I continue grinning devilishly at Peter, watching as he lifts the lid off the box only to pull out another box. He frowns in confusion, eyeing me warily but continues to lift lid after lid of box after box. Eventually, later than I'd expected, Peter grows tired of the gag and glares at me. "What is this?"
I laugh at his grumpy face and poke his cheek. "It's a never ending box of boxes!" I cheer happily, throwing my arms up into the air.
"Brilliant!" Sirius praises, picking up the box to examine it more closely. "Where'd you get it?"
"Made it myself." I inform smugly.
"Atta girl!" James pats me on the back with a proud smile.
"This is really impressive, Chiara." Remus says next.
"Yeah, because you lot didn't just spend the longest time opening a box of boxes." Peter mutters bitterly.
"Oh, Peter!" I slap his arm with a smile still tugging at the corners of my lips. "That isn't your real present, I was only messing around." I slide another package from behind my back towards him and smile fondly when his eyes light up.
Everliah appears in the doorway with a sweet smile. "Hello James...and others!" She greets.
"Alright, Ever?" James grins.
"Alright." She confirms. "Benji and I are about to bake some cookies, would you guys like to help?"
"Hell yeah!" James yells, standing up from the floor and stretching his arms above his head.
Remus and Peter nod their heads as well, but before Sirius has time to react, I say, "I'm actually good here. You three go ahead, Sirius and I are gonna stay back."
"We are?" Sirius asks. I give him a look. "I mean, we are!" With that said, Everliah disappears with James, Remus and Peter not far behind. I get up and plop down onto my bed, laying on my back. Sirius gets up to do the same and we lay side-by-side in a comfortable silence for a bit until Sirius breaks it. "How's it going with your mum?" He asks.
"Actually, she and I had quite a breakthrough." I say, turning my head to look into his eyes.
"That's great!"
"Yeah, she even admitted to envying the way I live my life. Said she admires how I'm brave enough to be myself when she wasn't. I actually felt sorry for her. I'm just glad she's making an effort, really. How are things at home going with you?"
His smile fades and he averts his gaze down to his fidgeting hands. "Not so good. It's actually pretty rough right now. Mother brought out the Crutiatus curse again." He admits softly.
I emit a surprised gasp and immediately move to hug him. "Oh, Sirius." I sigh sadly. "I really hate that you live there, you know? Would it be possible for you to stay with me at mine?" I ask genuinely, my arms wrapping around his waist protectively. "I have bunk beds. You could sleep in the bottom bunk." I pat the mattress beneath us.
He shakes his head with a small defeated chuckle. "I don't think it's that simple."
"Why can't it be if you want this?"
"I can't leave Regulus." He admits. "Your little brother." I say and he nods. "Yeah...I can't leave him alone in that house. I know we aren't so close anymore but I still care about him. Always will."
"I understand." I begin running my fingers soothingly through his hair. "What if you both come live here? There's always the guest room just down the hall. Regulus can stay there."
His swirling grey eyes meet my sparkling ones and he smiles, playing with a strand of my hair. "Your eyes are gold. Did you know?"
I giggle softly. "Yes, I've been told once or twice by my reflection in the mirror."
"It's odd."
"Is that a good thing?"
"A great thing."

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."