I skip up towards where Professor Dumbledore is seated alongside the rest of the professors this morning and smile up at him, patiently waiting for his conversation with Professor Sprout to come to an end. She stops talking when her eyes land on me and she coughs and points to me in amusement and Dumbledore's head turns to me. "Oh!" He smiles. "Ms Holland, are you well?"
I grin sweetly with a small nod. "Oh yes, very well. I was just about to have breakfast."
The conversation dangles with mystery until Dumbledore hums and looks down at me with a twinkle in his bright blue eyes. "Is there something you wish for me to add to the menu this morning?"
I smile with all of my teeth showing and hold my hands down together in front of me. "Ice cream please, sir."
"A good choice. I could go for some as well. Why not make it a sundae themed breakfast on this Friday?" He chuckles lightly at his own words.
"Well thank you." I giggle. "Don't forget butterscotch." I wink at him before swaggering off back to my seat. Lily looks at me funny. I meet her eyes and smile brightly. "Wait for it."
Perfectly in time with my words, the tables switch from being filled with bacon, eggs, sausages and toast to being covered in hundreds of flavours of ice cream and sherbet. I wiggle around in my seat excitedly taking in the colourful food. "Oh Merlin, I've arrived in heaven!"
The Great Hall looks magical right now, more so than usual. Between the rainbow of desserts colouring each of the four tables and the sun streaming sparkling morning light through the windows, I can't help but feel a warmth spread through me. I dump scoop after scoop of butterscotch, raspberry, pistachio, cookie dough, and chocolate into my bowl until it's filled to the brink.
Sirius slips into the seat beside me while the other boys take up the ones around me. Peter wastes no time in digging into the various flavours and I nod at him in approval, he's got the right idea. Sirius eyes me, "You did this, didn't you?"
I wink at him and he smiles down at the table. I fill my mouth with some cold butterscotch and groan in delight at the sweet taste. As Sirius scoops some mint chocolate chip into his own bowl, I wrinkle my nose is disgust. "You can't be serious?"
He smirks playfully and leans into me to say, "I am always being Sirius."
I roll my eyes with a small smile but my eyes return to the minty ice cream. "Out of all of these delicious choices, you go for mint chocolate chip?"
"Have you ever tried it?"
"Well, no."
"Come now, judgy, try the ice cream before you insult it." He picks up his spoon and gently nudges it towards my mouth. I frown down at the spoonful but as my eyes find the pouting face of Sirius, I cave. I open my mouth and he feeds me the scoop. "What's the verdict?" He asks, shovelling some into his own mouth.
"It tastes like toothpaste." I state plainly, returning to my own bowl. Eventually I face Sirius again and open my mouth expectantly. He smirks knowingly. "I knew you'd like it." He scrapes his spoon against his bowl and feeds me some more.
I relish in his attention and the taste of the minty goodness until Lily breaks our moment by announcing that some mail's arrived. I remain unfazed at first at the owls swooping down all around until an unfamiliar one lands directly in front of me. I tilt my head to the side, examining the dopey looking owl curiously.
No one but my parents ever send me letters and this is certainly not our family owl. The thing stares at me through narrowed orange eyes and I shift uncomfortably, almost feeling judged. I hesitantly reach out to untie the perfectly folded up piece of parchment from its leg and read through the note quickly.
Your father and I have decided it's time you got an owl. He doesn't have a name just yet, feel free to pick something appropriate. I hope you're well. We miss you terribly. Tell James we say hello.
I look up from the letter and smile widely at the sloppy-looking owl. He's a brown Great Horned owl with a subtle mix of white and grey feathers, and floppy ears.
"Who's owl is it?" James asks nosily between spoons of vanilla ice cream.
"Mine. Mum finally listened! I've been asking for an owl since before first year. She just never thought I needed a pet so she never let me get one." That's not entirely true she never thought I deserved a pet, but that's water under the bridge now. She's trying, this owl is only further proof of that.
I look at the ever-glaring owl. Can owls glare? If yes, this one is definitely glaring at me. He's got a dopey look to him. "Dope." I test the word out on my tongue with a nod of affirmation. "Dope Holland."
"DOPE!" I holler, losing patience by the millisecond. "GET ON MY ARM! I'M TRYING TO TRAIN YOU, DON'T YOU GET IT?!" The owl hoots in amusement. He's mocking me, I just know it.
"Screaming at your owl?" Sirius' voice sounds from the stairs of the Owlery and I can practically hear the smirk in his voice. I spin around to find him regally walking towards me. "And I thought I was going mad."
"I'm not going mad." I sigh out in frustration. "This owl is an idiot." I say pointedly and at that Dope hoots at me with another glare.
"Or maybe he just doesn't like you." Sirius grins.
"I'm a very likeable person. Why wouldn't he like me? I've done nothing to deserve this!"
Sirius steps forward and holds out his arm. Dope immediately acknowledges the invitation and flies over to sit on his arm.
"Wha – Dope!" I gasp, holding a hand over my heart in betrayal. "You're right, he doesn't like me." I hold out my arm just as Sirius had, but Dope simply eyes it and looks away. "Oh, you silly thing!"
Sirius chuckles, setting my owl off to sit on the slab of stone once more. I kneel down to where Dope is sitting on the sill and meet his orange gaze with purpose. "Alright, listen you. We'll make a deal. If you do as I tell you, I promise to treat you to double the treats and payment you're meant to be getting. How does that sound?" I ask with a hopeful grin. He hoots in reply and it's all the answer I need.
I hold out my arm for the millionth time. Dope flies and grips onto my arm tightly. "Awe, he takes after his mummy." I coo, smiling fondly at the animal and running my fingers over his curvy beak affectionately. "You really are my son."

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."