chapter 65

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Malfoy, Rosier and Mulciber have been a taboo topic of discussion around my friends, mainly Lily, after the incident. See, she may look as though little birds help her get dressed in the morning but beneath that angel face she is one cutthroat character. Passing Lucius this morning proves that.

It takes me, Alice and Violet to hold our red-headed friend back from attacking the boy in the middle of the busy corridor. "Let go of me!" She growls at us with her eyes dark and glued to the blonde.

"I will not." I step forward to block her view of the older Slytherin and stare into her eyes sincerely. "I love you Lils, and that's why I can't let you have a go at him. He's not worth getting in trouble over."

"How can you say that? Those deplorable gits hurt you!" She casts her eyes down to her shoes as guilt washes over her delicate features. She lowers her voice down to a whisper, "And they did it because of me."

"None of this is your fault, do you hear me? You didn't do this." I motion my hand over my bruised face before shrugging nonchalantly. "I'm not angry about the beat-up anyhow. I kneed one of them in the nuts and finally got a black eye! It was the highlight of my week."

Lily giggles, "You don't mean that."

"Oh but I do!" I shake a hand at her in assurance. "Remus even let me keep my favourite jumper of his that day because he felt so terrible for me. You heard about the attack from the boys, yeah? Well they all made it out to be so much more traumatic than it actually was. I also may have taken advantage of Remy in that moment but I don't care! It is one good jumper."

"The knit green one with that pretty pattern?" Alice asks from behind Lily.

I nod my head fervently. "Yep, that's the one!"

"Oh I love that one!" Violet sighs longingly.

"You can borrow it anytime. I'm sure Remus wouldn't mind." I wink at the blue eyed girl and she blushes lightly. Lily eyes me and Violet curiously, she's a bright girl I wouldn't be surprised if she's already figured out about Violet's crush. Not that it would take much to figure it out seeing as whenever the boy enters a room she becomes a spluttering mess.

"Hey, girlies!" Marlene greets us cheerfully as she and Dorcas join our small circle off to the side of the hallway. "Any good gossip to share?"

"Penny Bell is pregnant." Alice briefs casually.

"WHAT?!" The rest of us yell out together.

Alice laughs, "It's been all over school today. How could you not know?"

"I didn't know and I know everything about everyone around here!" I say. "Who's the daddy?"

"Henry Adams, isn't it? He is her boyfriend after all." Marlene adds. "Oh wow! What do you think she's going to do? Quit school to become a mother? Abort mission?"

"We shouldn't be talking about this." Lily says with an earnest look on her face. "Can't you imagine what she must be feeling?" The rest of us stare at her blankly. "I know I wouldn't want this to be out all over school if I were in her position. Oh maybe I should speak to her. She could use the support right now."

"You're so moral." Marlene snorts.

"I cannot believe neither Remus nor Peter told me about this! I'm going to kill them for holding out on me!" I say, still focused on the news.

"Why them?" Dorcas asks me.

"They're my gossip buddies – I've got to go! Maybe they don't know yet. Oh they are gonna go bonkers when they find out!"

"We'll see you later for dinner then?" Violet asks hopefully.

"I'm eating with Duke today." I inform whilst walking backwards away from the group. "Tomorrow though!" At that I run off to find the boys and I find them outside sprawled out beneath a shady tree.

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