Going home for summer has got a bit of a bitter-sweet feel to it. On the one hand I'm sad about leaving Hogwarts and all of my mates behind for two whole months, and on the other I'm just glad to be going back home to my prized room and being free from all the school work. Second year's treated me well and it will be missed dearly, but I absolutely cannot wait to see what third year has to offer.
The train ride back to King's Cross has me on a bit of a tight schedule. See, I've got to divide my time between friend groups as usual, only worse. The girls get the first half of the ride and the boys claim the second. Though I've also put in a good chunk of time to spend with Duke, along with some for Fabian and Gideon. I quite like how large my friend list is becoming. Never a moment alone that's for sure, and I don't care for being alone too long anyhow. Next year I'm hoping for at least one Slytherin friend. I'd consider Severus my friend if he weren't so boring to be around.
Right now I'm recounting what happened in my interview with Zonko to Alice, Marlene, Dorcas and Violet. I've already retold it to Lily, who's currently sitting in another compartment with Severus.
"...and he kept praising my ideas and acting as if I were the one interviewing him. It was quite funny and I had to bite my cheek to keep from laughing. He's a really kind old man though! I can tell he cares about the products so much and he's really fascinated with the job." I babble on excitedly.
Dorcas smiles, listening intently to my every word. "Sounds like your summer should be interesting and full of fun. When do you start?"
"Second week of break! Zonko says he wants me to be able to relax a little to catch up on rest and whatnot before I start." I explain, catching the gleaming eyes of all of my friends.
"Will you be working there all summer or do you reckon we could get together sometime? I want to introduce you all to my brothers. As annoying as they are, I'd love for you to meet them." Marlene says, mouth full of whatever treat she's just stuffed in her mouth.
"It won't be every day. And you know I'm just dying to meet Rupert. He's the little one, isn't he?"
Marlene nods with a distant look of fondness is her eyes. "Rup is the tiniest thing! He's only about two and a half but boy is he a chatterbox. He loves to talk so brace yourself for the longest conversation you've ever had before you come."
"I love him already." I giggle. "I hate to cut this short, but I've got people to see and places to be." I muse, lifting myself up from my seat.
I instantly go to being Alice in a tight embrace. "I'll miss you charming flowers to sprout around my bed in the mornings to cheer me up."
She laughs that familiar tinkly laugh. "Just write me if you ever need a smile and I'll mail you a flower."
"A pink one?"
"What else?" She laughs and I can't but laugh too.
Dorcas wraps her arms around me in the softest hug I've ever been given. She's really precious. "I've still got to make you my famous cookies that I told you about! Look for those in the post, okay?" She says near my ear.
I nod against her shoulder. "You're the best, Dorcas!"
I move onto Violet and hug her as tight as possible. "Have fun backpacking with your dad, alright? And remember to get lost while you're there because it makes for a great story later."
She laughs into her hand when she pulls away. "That is great advice to follow, thank you. I'll write you updates."
"I look forward to it." I wink at her before facing a waiting Marlene.
"Girl, get over here and hug me!" She waves me over with a teasing smile. I jump into her arms, wrapping my arms and legs around her and she topples to the side at my sudden weight. We laugh until our stomachs hurt, still entangled together on the floor of the compartment. "None of this sappy crap. I'll see you soon, Unicorn!"
"Love you, Mar!" I wink before exiting the compartment and making my way over to the where I know the boys are.
"What's up, witches?!" I greet the moment I slide the door open.
After an all too short ride, I bid my goodbyes to the boys with James throwing a fit as usual about how he'll miss me the most meanwhile he lives nearly next door and will see me in a few hours when the distance becomes 'too much'.
Sirius' goodbye is more difficult for me, knowing I won't be able to see him this entire summer. It's obvious he's bothered about going back home and I am bothered about it too. I wish there was some way I could take him home with me. "You'll be okay." I whisper to him and he nods unsurely. "And remember, if anything, there's always my bottom bunk." I muse.
He laughs and I smile at that, glad I got a laugh out of him. "See you soon."
We part ways and I begin searching the crowd of parents for mine. I find my mum and dad standing there craning their necks, searching for their children. Mum's blue eyes find mine and her face lights up. "Chiara!" She squeals, moving forward to hug me.
"Mum!" I greet with a smile. "Did Ever mention that I got the job?"
"She did," Mum nods with a slight grimace. "couldn't you have gotten something more educational?"
I frown and tense in her arms. "Mum...I'm excited about this job."
She shakes her head and her eyes soften. "I'm sorry, you're right. I'm being completely awful. Congratulations on the job, sweetheart!"
I chuckle as she squeezes me tighter into her. I try not to take her words too seriously, I know she's trying to change. She slips up once in a while but she really has been making progress in our relationship.
Dad and I have a bit of a different relationship. He's never been mean to me in any way. He just hasn't stuck up for me with Mum or Grandfather much. He'd try sometimes, and I'd always appreciated that. I don't resent him for not stopping it though. He hates confrontation, always has. I understand, I'm the same way. But the difference is I'd do it if necessary. I think he's just glad Mum's trying to change now.
He brings me into a side hug and keeps an arm thrown around my shoulders as we wait for Benji and Ever to arrive on the platform, and once they do Dad asks cheerfully, "Are we all ready to go?" Benjamin and Everliah nod with matching smiles. "Great, hold hands." We all grab onto one another and leaving a crack behind, we Apparate home.
Not even an hour later do loud knocks sound through the house and I don't need to open to the door to know who it is. James doesn't even wait for anyone to open the door before he lets himself in and I wonder why he even knocked in the first place. "Hello hello! Here I am!" He announces, walking in as if he owns the place. "What do you wanna do?"
"Let's take a nap." I suggest with a yawn.
"Sleepover!" James sings, his hair flopping on his head with every step he takes up the stairs.
"I call top bunk!" We both say in perfect unison. We stop in our tracks and turn to glare at one another before frantically racing each other up the steps. James makes it there before me, courtesy of his longer legs and I growl. "You suck."
"No, you suck. I win. Goodnight!"

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Hayran Kurgu"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."