chapter 48

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I did something bad. I accidentally ate all of Remus' chocolate. In my defence, it was there and so was I. I'm not so sure that will suffice with Remus when he finds out though.

Here I sit on Remus' bed, swinging my legs back and forth with a carefree smile on the outside while my insides churn on the inside with guilt. He knows his chocolate is missing. "Peter Pettigrew!" Remus scolds after searching all over his area of the dormitory for his stash. "Did you eat my chocolate?" He crosses his arms over his chest and begins impatiently tapping his foot.

"No." Peter answers truthfully. "Did you eat your chocolate?" He counters, failing miserably to comeback to the accusation.

This isn't the way I thought this would go but I'll take it. I decide to go along with it seeing as it's the best plan I've got. "Peter! The audacity you have to do this." I cluck my tongue disappointedly shaking my head from side to side.

"Chiara! You ate my chocolates!" Remus scolds. How could he know possibly have figured it out?

"I only did it because of the Dementors." I raise my arms in surrender, smirking at my quick thinking. Remus opens his mouth to argue but clamps it back shut just as quick. Instead he narrows his eyes at me and glares. I squirm under his gaze. "It's okay, Remus. We can go to Honeydukes on Saturday." I reassure him easily. " can go. I'm sleeping that day."

He smiles, seemingly satisfied with the plan but shakes his head. "Tsk tsk, nice try. You're coming with me."

"I should have just stolen from Peter's candy stash instead." I grumble. "At least he doesn't count his sweets and keep track of every single piece."

"Hey!" Peter whines.

"I do not count them!" Remus denies.

"You do too!" I argue. "How else would you have known they were gone?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe because you ate all of them!"

"SHUT IT!" The angry voice of Lily Evans yells up from the common room. Everything goes silent until Remus and I exchange looks and simultaneously burst into a convulsion of laughter, holding each other for support as we gasp for air.


I sit beside Peter for Potions class today. He's dead-awful at the subject but that's what makes it fun. The end result of our mess of a brew never fails to make me laugh.

Slughorn enters with his usual skip to his step and cheerful attitude. He may be annoying at times but I sure do enjoy his energy.

During today's lesson, every time Lily raises her hand to ask or answer a question, James meets her in a high five. It gets funnier and funnier the more he does it. "Potter! Stop it!" Lily whisper-shouts at him, trying to focus on everything Professor Slughorn is saying.

James isn't at all fazed by her anger though, as he continues to smile brightly at her and I have no doubt in my mind that he'll do it again.

Classes go by slowly though spiced together with their usual icebreaking banter and bits of amusement. Now I find myself spending time with my new owl, Dope, while getting some homework and studying out of the way.

"Dope, I will give you one last chance to say sorry for biting my nose." I stare the bird down with, what I hope to be, an intimidating look. The silly thing tilts his head and hoots challengingly. "Fine, you win." I throw my hands into the air. "Maybe I shouldn't have bitten your beak first!"

"What have I just walked into?"

I yelp and jump up in surprise at the unexpected voice. I find Violet standing behind me with a confused but highly amused expression plastered on her kind face. "Oh, it's just you." I let out a shaky breath, holding a hand over my chest and sitting back down criss-crossed on the floor. I pick up a treat and toss it in my owl's general direction in which he catches skillfully in his beak. "Nothing you haven't walked into before, just me being an idiot."

She laughs softly and takes light-footed steps towards me. "I've been looking for you. Lily mentioned you might be up here. Any reason you're all alone?"

"Spending time with yourself is important, you know. Some say it rejuvenates the soul." I inform half-heartedly, scribbling an answer onto a page of my homework assignment. Once I've finished, I shut my textbook and look up at my friend. She's got a far-off look to her as she stares up into the greying clouds. "Did you want to talk about something?"

She's brought back to reality and smiles at me nervously. "Yes."

"Okay, what's on your mind?"

She gets up off the floor and begins pacing a hole through it. "I'm not so sure how to put this so I suppose I'll just come right out with it." I nod slowly, unsure of where this conversation is headed. She doesn't say anything for a long moment as the silence grows louder with every passing second. I begin feeling nerves tread through my body as well. I haven't done anything wrong, have I?

Finally, she faces me and blurts, "I fancy Remus."

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