I'm swimming in the material of my sister's old robes. The sleeves fall right over my hands. Everliah kept these in such good condition that Mum didn't think it necessary to buy me new ones. It's no problem for me, I like how baggy it is.
Remus Lupin is waiting for me downstairs so I rush to refill the missing chocolate bars from my pockets and run out to meet my new friend.
I find the lanky boy sitting on the edge of a squashy red couch, patiently reading his book. "Good read?" My voice startles him into dropping it. Way to go, me. "Sorry!" I immediately apologize. We both crouch down at the same time to pick it up, only to bump heads and fall on our butts to the floor. I break into laughter, rubbing the forming bump on my head with one hand.
Remus laughs too, though he's redder than a tomato. "I'm embarrassed."
I wave my hand dismissively. "Embarrassment is a wasted emotion. That, and anger." I hate the sound of yelling. It twists me up inside and makes me burst into sobs like a cry-baby. "It made us laugh so there's no reason to be, right?" I push myself up and extend a hand to help him too. "So, is it?"
"Is what what?" He asks, blushing harder as he puts his hand in mine.
I tug him into a standing position and then let go. "A good read." I'm genuinely curious, I think it's wicked that he likes to read.
"Oh. I just started this one so I don't really know yet." He tucks said book into his shoulder bag. "Are you ready to go to flying class?"
"Yep, let's go." I lead the way through the portrait hole with Remus hot on my heels. He doesn't talk as we walk so I feel the need to fill in the silence with my own voice. I hope it doesn't come off as annoying to him, I just don't want things to be awkward. "I have always wanted to learn how to fly a broom. My mum never let me use one. I think she's afraid I'll do something stupid and hurt someone. Do you know how to play Quidditch?"
"I know the rules. I played once with my dad and I stunk. We never played again." He grins when I begin to laugh.
"Do you at least like to watch?" I ask hopefully.
"Not really." There go his blushing cheeks again. "But I'd watch your games if you played."
"Really?" He's so nice. Is this what having a friend is like? I've never had one before. "I'm going to be a Beater someday." Mum all but laughed in my face when I told her the same thing. She told me little girls can't be Beaters. "I know," I add before he can tell me the same. "When you think of the word Beater, you see a man with massive muscles, right? I am going to butcher that stereotype, you'll see."
"I believe you."
My eyebrows raise in surprise. I feel strangely validated. It feels different. "My sister Evy told me we should only try out for the team in second year if we're to be taken seriously. That's pants! To wait that long? But I don't even know how to fly yet so what good would I be to the team right now anyhow, you know?"
Remus opens his mouth to respond when we're suddenly surrounded by three other boys. "Chiara!" James Potter calls in greeting. "Everyone was talking about you after you left breakfast."
My smile widens. I want the school to know I exist. "Cool."
Sirius sidles up next to me. "Morning, love."
Laughter bubbles up in my throat. What are we, married? "Good morning, you. How did you sleep?"
"I didn't." He smiles with all his teeth showing.
I furrow my brows. "Why not?"
Sirius gestures between himself and James. "We stayed up all night playing games and talking and stuff."

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."