The House Cup results are just about to be announced. I rub my hands together in excitement. "I have an extremely good feeling about this. We are going to win!"
The whole hall goes dead-silent the second Dumbledore steps up towards his podium. A pin could drop and it would sound like a gunshot. He smiles back at us with that usual special something that is always twinkling in his eyes. "I gather you're all eager to hear who the winner of the House Cup is this year." He says knowingly. I sit up straighter in my seat and grin back at him. "Well, why prolong it any further? The winner is...." Everyone holds their breaths as he pauses dramatically. This man I swear – "RAVENCLAW!"
Cheers of joy and laughter erupt from the table adorned in blue and bronze. My right eye involuntarily twitches and my once bright smile vanishes. "I knew it!" I throw my hands into the air in exasperation. "I knew it from the start it wouldn't be us." Remus snorts in laughter at that.
I search through the sea of blue to find the hugging figures of my two siblings and smile fondly at them.
Dumbledore's voice somehow carries around the hall even through the ongoing loud screams of joy. "That is not all however!" The students quiet down almost instantly, too eager to find out what he's going to say next. "A Hogwarts record has been broken!"
Whispers break out around the room. "What do you think it could be?" Lily asks me curiously but I only shrug my shoulders in response.
"I'd like to announce the points each house has received." He pulls out a small piece of parchment and grins to himself. "Ravenclaw takes the lead with five hundred and seventy-four. Slytherin follows close behind with four hundred and ninety-eight. Hufflepuff with four hundred and six. And lastly, the winner of the most negative points ever scored in Hogwarts History is Gryffindor with a whopping negative six hundred and twelve points!" Silence lingers for a few seconds as the news is digested until I break it by whooping happily. That's all it takes for the rest of the Gryffindor table to burst into cheers of joy much louder than the Ravenclaws had been.
"Albus!" McGonagall scolds, going on about how this kind of behaviour should not be rewarded, but Dumbledore merely shrugs his shoulders and chuckles while shaking a dismissive hand at her.
"Wow! What a rush!" I exclaim, jumping onto Remus' back and pumping a fist into the air victoriously. James has Sirius in a playful headlock ruffling his hair foolishly and Peter is laughing his arse off at the entire scene. There truly is never a dull moment at Hogwarts.
"I guess this is it again." I tell Sirius after saying the rest of my goodbyes to my other friends.
"I suppose it is..." He casts his gaze down to the floor while gently playing with my fingers between his.
"You'll write, yeah? Just to check in?"
"Of course, you know I will." He stares intently into my eyes now.
"What is it?" I ask, heart racing.
"I'm just trying to take you in. I don't know if I'll be allowed out this summer so the next time I see you could be in two months." His cheeks turn a shade pink.
"Two months isn't so long." I reassure though my stomach lurches at the thought. "It'll pass in a flash, you'll see."
"Don't forget me." His voice is musing but I can tell there's an insecurity woven between his words.
"I never could."
"SIRIUS ORION BLACK III!" A firm voice hollers from across the platform. Sirius whips his head over his shoulder to find his mother, Walburga Black, standing there glaring at him and tapping her a foot. "HURRY IT UP!"
I have never wanted to hit a person more than I do right now. Walburga is a good-looking woman with long black ringlets of hair, thin red lips on her pale complexion and a sharp jaw. I subconsciously contort my face into a glare. With all I know about what goes on in their home, I can't help feeling such hatred toward her.
"I-I'll write." He squeezes my hands and looks into my eyes one more time before turning on his heel and walking off without another glance. I follow him with my eyes and notice his back is now straight and his eyes aren't filled with joy or any sort of emotion anymore. A huge part of me is urging me to go over there and take him home with me, but I know the reason he stays. It's all for the boy, whom I haven't properly met yet, standing beside him with the same perfect posture and vacant expression.
Once they Disapparate away, I move to find my own family. I push through the herd of emotional goodbyes and beaming parents, "Mum!" Her face brightens into a big smile and she holds out her arms for me to run into. I do so with so much force that she laughs and stumbles back. "We've got some news."
I pull back. "What is it?"
"Tom, would you do the honours?" Mum asks with a smug smile. I am floored, this is the most mischievous look I've ever seen on my mother.
"With pleasure." Dad replies mirroring her expression. "Seeing as it's Ever's graduating year and the whole Holland clan has worked so hard, your mother and I have decided to take you kids on a trip." He wiggles his eyebrows. "Two weeks, us five in the lovely city of Athens! How does that sound?"
No one knows how to react so we all just meet in for a family group hug laughing and spewing words of sheer excitement. "When do we leave?" I ask bubbling with enthusiasm.
"In a week. I figured we could all use some time to prepare and settle in before taking off." Mum explains. "Oh, Tom! You haven't even told them the most exciting part!"
Dad stares off in confusion as he lists on his fingers to see what he's missed, "Vacation for two weeks,, pack your swim trunks?"
Mum shrugs him off. "We are going to vacation the Muggle way! Which means we will be taking what is referred to as an aeroplane to get there."
"Brilliant!" I smile. I've never been out of the country before, barring going to school in Scotland. And I've definitely never been on an aeroplane before, this is all so exhilarating.
Once we Apparate back home, I sprint down the street straight to the Potter Manor. Knocking fervently on the door, it comes swinging open to reveal a grinning James. "Couldn't stay away?"
"I've got news!"
"Tell me!" He shuts the door and moves to sit his bottom down on his front steps with me following to do the same.
"We're going to Greece!"
"We are?!" He asks excitedly.
"Oh, well, no, you aren't." I say and he frowns. "Unless..." A smirk creeps onto my lips. "I have a plan."
He smirks back now. "Don't even finish that thought. I already know it and I'm in! I'll go convince my parents and you do the same with yours." At that we both run off to take care of our parts of the scheme.

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."