chapter 83

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"Mr Filch!" I greet him kindly as I traipse into his office. I've earned today's detention for turning Lucius Malfoy's long platinum hair a vibrant purple. Unless he shaves his head, the colour will remain for you to a month. That's what he gets for standing back and watching as his cronies beat me to a pulp. "Have a nice weekend?"

"I didn't hate it."

"That's the spirit!" I beam at the grouchy man before me. "And how's our lovely Mrs Norris?"

The mere mention of the cat never fails to brighten his spirit immensely. He runs his mouth about cute gestures his furry friend does that he enjoys, and I happily immerse myself in each anecdote. Once he's finished telling me about the difference between her two favourite toys, we get down to the reason I'm here.

"What have you done to be here? I'm meant to write it down for your records." Filch explains, poising his quill above a piece of parchment paper.

"I just turned this one boy's hair purple."

"...turned student's hair purple." He repeats, scribbling it down. He then sticks the paper into a drawer and turns back to me. We sit there like that and I gather he doesn't quite know what to do with me. He finally heaves out a sigh and says, "Go down to the kitchens and help with the dishes. I'll be back to get you in about an hour."

I fancy working in the kitchens with the house-elves, but if I show too much excitement I know he won't send me there. This is meant to be a punishment after all. "Will I get paid this time?"

"When will you quit asking?" His face is scrunched up as if he's just tasted something sour but my smile remains.

"Oh, come on, sir! I ask you, you get annoyed but secretly love it. It's our thing." He doesn't look at all pleased by my words. I think he's had his extent of antagonization from me for today. "I'll get to cleaning then."

I slip out of the room and start towards the direction of the kitchens. Ever since the night Dad put on all those Muggle Disney movies, I've had some of the songs playing on an endless loop in my mind. The halls are empty so I take that as my pass to sing aloud, "All the flowers, would have very extra-special powers. They would sit and talk to me for hours. When I'm lonely in a world of my own..."

I round a corner only to stumble headfirst into the body of another person. The impact from our collision results in me falling to the floor.

"You should really look where you're going." An unfamiliar voice tells me sharply.

My eyes trail up from his pristine Slytherin robes to his face. Regulus Black. I haven't given the younger boy a second glance since the day he was sorted in his first year. Now, his third year here, I can't deny he's gotten handsome with age. He looks a lot like Sirius, only with distinct differences. While Sirius' eyes are a stormy grey, Regulus' are a soft blue. The younger Black boy's hair is also significantly shorter than his brother's, and he's got a much more define jaw.

I blush slightly as I snap out of my daze and realize I'd been staring. Though he seems to have been sizing me up too because he's now wearing a smirk instead of a scowl. He extends his hand to me and I grab it to help myself off the floor. He shoves his hands into his trouser pockets. "What was that you were singing?"

I laugh, "You heard that?"

"You were loud." He shoots back.

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