"Yeah, Keeks?"
"Could you hold me?"
"I just feel sad all of a sudden. Please come hold me."
He drops his quill and without even a second wasted he takes big strides over to sit beside me on Remus' bed and wraps me in a tight hug. I release a shaky breath, finally able to breathe properly now that I'm in his arms. Being held by James makes me feel safe. "I'm scared, JJ."
"Scared of what, baby sis?"
"Growing up." I hold him closer and bury my face in the crook of his neck. "I don't want to lose my innocence. I don't want to stop our dumb childish fun. I don't want anyone looking at me like someone they want to date yet. It's a lot...I'm aging too fast."
He rubs circles on my back and rests his chin on my shoulder. "Chiara, listen to me. Growing up is inevitable, but who's to tell us childish fun is something we need to stop doing as we grow up? You don't have to date until you're ready and until then I will hex anyone who so much as looks at you wrong. You're still little to me. I still see you as that same eleven year old who tricked me and Sirius into walking up the girls dormitory stairs on our first day here."
I giggle. "I remember that. You know, I wanted to be your friends since I saw you rocking the boats."
"You did?" He chuckles.
"Mhm," I smile. "I'm so happy I have you in my life, James. You're my person, you know?" I pull away only slightly to look him in the eyes and he smiles back fondly at me. "I can see you everyday and never for a second will I get sick of you. You're always so excited to be with me and even though I don't always make it clear, I am just as excited to be with you. It feels like you're my twin brother."
"I am your twin brother." He taps me on the nose. "Don't let any paperwork or supposed biological parents lie to us about that. We know the truth!"
We sit like that, just wrapped up in each other's arms for who knows how long when Remus walks in eyeing James and me. "Hugging happening and I wasn't invited." He sighs dramatically. "It's fine, I'll just stand here all by my lonesome..."
"Get over here, Remy!" James motions his over with his hand behind my back. Remus rushes over and jumps onto the bed to engulf us in a group hug. I groan as both heavy teenage boys lay on top of me.
"So, what was happening in here?" Remus asks us curiously, lifting his head off my chest to get a better look at us.
"To summarize, Keeks wants to stay a baby and we've been hugging for an hour." James says casually.
"She is a baby." Remus instantly replies.
"I know! She's so little."
"She is! Adorable, too!"
"Oh yes, the most!" I feel James nodding.
"She's still here." I say with a laugh. The boys tighten their holds around me and we continue laying there in that comfortable hug just talking nonsense.
It's my first time legally going to Hogsmeade. I am currently seated on a carriage filled with Lily, Marlene, Alice, Dorcas, and Violet. The girls convinced me to go on today's trip with them instead of the boys. I promised James, Sirius, Remus and Peter that I'd spend the rest of the day and the night with them though.
As the girls and I walk through the beautiful village, I wave my wand at the ground and enchant sunflowers to bloom as I go. "Those are beautiful, Chiara." Alice gasps.

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."