Chapter 114

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His lips are on mine so fast and as much as he's longing for the comfort, I impulsively react by slapping him hard across the face. I quickly pull back with wide eyes. "Remus, I-I-"

A shocked look overtakes his face as his mistake dawns on him. His cheek turns dark red in the place that I hit him but he can't be bothered with that right now and neither can I.

Bad Remus!

He starts anxiously tugging at his sandy hair and mumbling profanities to himself, visibly panicking. "Chiara, oh I am so sorry. I am so, so sorry!"

"Remus..." I suck in a shaky breath in an attempt at steadying my thundering heart. "I love Sirius. I'm with Sirius. I'm sorry, but he is the one I'm in love with –"

"I know." He cuts me off defeatedly. "I don't know why I did that. I shouldn't have...oh, Merlin what's wrong with me!" He stands up from the couch and makes a break for the portrait hole.

Sirius is going to be furious. With me, I don't know. But with Remus, undoubtedly.

I feel so many things right now but most of all I can't help being worried about Remus. The boy was already having a terrible night from losing his girlfriend and now this...I have to go after him.

I leave the common room behind and browse the halls in search of the vulnerable werewolf.

"Remus!" I call out into the darkness of the castle. I stomp my foot on the floor out of frustration, wishing I had the map in my possession.

I hear soft sniffling coming from around a corner and I find Remus curled in a heap on the floor similar to the state I'd found him in earlier. "Oh, Remus." I sigh sadly, taking the space beside him.

The only source of light in this dark and empty corridor is a single fire-lit torch but I can see Remus' bloodshot eyes clear as day. "I really am sorry."

"What were you thinking, Remus?" I groan.

He rubs his eyes. "I-I don't know. I was sad and...and you were saying all of these nice things to me. I was caught up in the moment. But it was a mistake. I messed up."

"Yes. Yes, you did." I twiddle my thumbs in my lap.

"Do you hate me?"

"Merlin, no!" I scoot closer to him and take his hand. "I love you. You know I will always love you, Remus. But I don't love you like I love Sirius. And I know you don't love me like that either. You were just sad about Violet and I was there."

"You may not hate me but we both know Sirius will. I deserve it though. I kissed his girlfriend for heaven's sake. What kind of friend does that?"

"Let me break it to him alone, alright? He's bound to be angry at first but he'll get over it." I assure him, though I'm dreading said talk. If Sirius gets jealous over some innocent first year giving me a peck on the cheek, I'm scared to find out how he'll react once he finds out about this. "We really need to work on your self-deprecating attitude, Moony. You're so much more than you give yourself credit for."

"Why are you being so understanding?" He asks quietly. "I just ruined our friendship."

I scoff, "You did not ruin it! Remus, one mistake does not a relationship break. We are friends forever, like it or not. Just don't confuse my kindness for anything else again and we'll be okay."

"I won't, I promise." He cracks a small smile for the first time tonight. "And, I love you too...squishy bean." My heart warms at the nickname, reminding me of when we were younger.

I stand up, and help Remus to his feet too. "Why don't you go down to the kitchens and get yourself a nice soothing cup of tea while I talk to Sirius?"

Remus nods his head slowly. "Okay. I'm sorry again."

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