A/N: Good luck. You're gonna need it.
"What are you writing about?"
Blue-green eyes glance up. Evan flashes me a frisky grin and presses the book to his chest. "Nosy, aren't we, Kiki?" I tilt my head at him, eyes flickering between the book and his eyes. He hands me the pristine copy of a familiar novel. "It's Remus's favourite. I'm annotating it with my thoughts to give to him as a gift. Do you think he'll like that?"
I stroke my thumbs over the smooth top of it. "I'm pretty sure this is every reader's dream. He'll love it."
He smiles inwardly and slips the book into his robes pocket. "So. What's new with you?"
The angel wings on my back dig pins and needles into my skin. The sensation excites me, bringing a smile to my face. "I got a tattoo!"
He goes rigid. "W-What?"
A confused laugh escapes my lips. "I said I got a tattoo. Sirius and I got them together...why are you acting so strange?"
"I'm not. I have to go to class."
He disappears down the hall and I'm left to wonder how on Earth I've managed to strike a nerve. But all questions melt away when warm hands cover my eyes and a sultry voice follows. "Guess who."
"Newt Scamander? The love of my life!"
Sirius's hands leave my face and he slips my bag off my shoulder. "Who would you save in a burning building? Me or Scamander?" He asks half-jokingly.
"Eh, Scamander can burn." I say.
He presses his laughing lips to mine and then tangles our fingers together and starts toward our next class. Wolfsbane is on the curriculum for Potions this year and I'm surprisingly excited to learn about it – mostly for the sake of being able to help Moony, but still. I take the seat closest to the front and Sirius takes the one beside me, setting my bag down on the table.
Lily runs up to us on quiet feet and bumps Sirius off the stool with her butt, smoothly sliding onto it in his place. Sirius staggers and his face contorts in horror. "What the hell, Evans?!"
"You were in my seat." She shrugs innocently.
Sirius's glare remains unfaltering on her as he flips Lily off, the silver ring I gave him gleaming on his middle finger. Lily laughs, good natured. "Bye, Black." When he dramatically stomps away, she leans into me and we start to laugh.
"I bet he secretly loves the banter."
"Well, I know I do." She says.
I swear to myself that I will pay attention during today's lesson, but as it so happens, God, or The Universe, or Somebody has other plans for me.
Dumbledore pulls my attention from Professor Slughorn's spiel not even halfway to the finish. Dumbledore's silky purple robes drape across the floor and flow around him like water. His hands are patiently clasped in front of him since Professor Slughorn is far too absorbed in this subject to be aware of his presence yet.
"Sir! Your robes are fabulous as always!"
The class erupts with laughs at my outburst of praise toward our headmaster. Dumbledore's eyes twinkle in amusement. "Pardon the interruption, Horace, but I'm afraid I must steal Ms Holland from you."

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."