chapter 72

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"Oi, don't look now but someone's staring over here." I tell the boys, leaning over the table to keep things quiet and discreet. Clearly telling them at all is a mistake because suddenly all four heads whip in the direction of the brunette girl seated at the other end of the Great Hall.

"She's totally checking me out." James smirks arrogantly, ruffling up his already messy hair.

"You're mental! It's obvious, isn't it? She wants me." Sirius says leaning back coolly.

Remus' eyes are fixated on the girl. "Guys, I really think she's looking at me..."

"Maybe it's me!" Peter pipes up.

"Why would any girl in their right mind be longing after any of you sods? I'm the most obvious choice. Have you seen me? I am a sex God." Sirius rambles on confidently.

"Sirius has a point there." I add.

"I'm the only sensible option. I can be quite the gentleman, thank you very much." Remus says.

"Remus does have a point there." I continue.

"Not a chance!" James yells passionately. "I'm much more dateable than any of you. I'm the whole package – looks, personality, and brains. She's got to be looking at me."

"Point to James." I state in amusement.

"Chiara, you're a girl." Peter says suddenly causing all eyes to fall on me. "Who out of the four of us would you date?"

I snort out a laugh. "No girl in their right mind would want any of you."

"Oh har har!" James rolls his eyes.

"Come now! Who would you choose?" Sirius urges.

They're all looking at me expectantly now. "Three of you are about to be disappointed so remember you asked for it." I pause. "Well...if I really had to pick, I guess I'd go with..." I look at each one through squinted eyes as if it's such a difficult decision to make. "Sirius."

"What!" James gasps dramatically.

"This is rigged!" Remus says, slapping his hands onto the table in exasperation.

"I knew it wouldn't be me." Peter sighs.

Sirius smirks in accomplishment. "What can I say? The ladies can't get enough." He leans over the table and starts making kissing noises at me and puckering his lips.

"Shove off!" I push his face away from me as he laughs. "I didn't say I wanted to date you!" Even though I do. "You're just the best out of the worst choices."

"Gee, thanks." Remus says sarcastically. He turns to James to reassure him, "It's just blatant favouritism. Sirius has got nothing on us with anyone else." James nods in agreement.

I glance back at the brunette girl only to find her eyes intently meeting mine. She smiles and I realize. "Goodness, huge plot twist for your conceited heads. She's staring at me!"

The boys sneak another look at the girl and James huffs grumpily and crosses his arms over his chest. "Of course she is!" He rolls his eyes. "Now Keeks gets all the guys and girls."

"What can I say?" I send a wink to the girl who in turn blushes bright red. "I'm irresistible to all."

Just then, Duke and Fabian come strolling hand-in-hand into the Great Hall. They're both quite tall lads so they're easy to spot above everyone's heads. "Wait – Fabian and Duke?!" Remus squeals excitedly, nothing gets past him. "When did that happen?!"

"Just recently," I smile.

"That's unexpected." Sirius says thoughtfully admiring the couple.

I scoff, "To you, Mr Oblivious, not to me. Though you weren't there when they met so your ignorance is excusable this time. I knew it was only a matter of time before they get together. The sooner the better so I'm pleased."

"How did this happen?" Remus asks me curiously.

"Well, Fabian asked him out and the rest is self explanatory." I shrug.

"I didn't even know either was gay." James adds.

"Duke is gay, Fabian is bisexual." I correct.

"Huh, go figure." Sirius says. "I think they look hot together."

I nod my head in agreement. "They really do, I love them. They also make such a good balance personality-wise. You know, because Fabian is so out there while Duke is a lot more reserved."

"They look happy." Peter smiles.

"They do, don't they?" We all look out to the Hufflepuff table where the two boys are sitting. I frown in thought, "Why is it people automatically assume everyone else is straight?" I ask in genuine confusion. "I mean, why is that the default? If anything shouldn't the default should be bisexual. I say assume everyone is into everyone else."

They all stare at me in awe. "I like that train of thought, Keeks." James grins, squeezing my cheek between his fingers.

"I have never met anyone that views life the way you do. It amazes me." Sirius smiles dazedly.

A/N: In conclusion, 🏳️‍🌈 !

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