"Boys! I am a genius!" I exclaim the moment I set foot in the common room causing them to jump in their seats slightly along with the few other students lounging around the place. No one pays me much mind after that though as everyone's used to outbursts like this by now.
I hop over the back of a couch and drape my legs across Sirius' lap. "I've got a new prank idea in mind."
"Well, do tell." Peter says excitedly.
"I don't suppose any of you lads know how to brew Polyjuice Potion?" I raise an eyebrow at each of them, still intoxicated on the rush of my prank proposal. No one replies so I take that as my cue to go on. "That doesn't matter anyhow. I say it's high time we give it a go."
"I'm in." James grins mischievously. "Who should we turn everyone into?"
"Us?" Sirius suggests.
I snap my fingers at him thoughtfully. "Yes, I like that. That could work."
"Polyjuice is an advanced potion though. We'd have to steal the ingredients from Slughorn's cabinet. And we'd also need a place to brew it without anyone else finding out. I suppose we could use our dormitory, no one else goes in. After Remus' whole spiel, he turns to find all eyes on him. "What?"
"You beautiful mind, you." James praises happily.
For the next few weeks the boys and I carefully follow the recipe and attempt to the best of our abilities to perfectly brew our Polyjuice Potion. Now here we stand, a whole month later, staring down at the cauldron warily. "It looks right." Remus finally says.
"Yeah," James grimaces. "right off-putting."
"Shouldn't we give it a test whirl or something? Make sure it works?" I ask hesitantly.
"...sure." Sirius says. "You do it."
"Why me?"
"It was your idea."
I pout at him but it proves to be useless because all he does is look away so as not to be drawn in. "How very Gryffindor of all of us." I mutter sarcastically. I then proceed to ladle some of the thick, mud-like substance into a goblet. "I need someone's hair then."
Remus snips off a good bit of Peter's hair, much to his protest, and sprinkles it into my goblet. It bubbles slowly and turns a shade lighter. "Cheers!" James laughs and I glare back at him.
Oh the hell with it. I bring the cup to my mouth and choke down a generous amount of the foul potion. I wait for it to take action but when nothing happens my stomach drops. "Oh no!" I frown sadly. "It hasn't worked. I drank some of Peter's hair for nothing!"
"I could've sworn it was right." Remus frowns down at the cauldron, mindlessly sloshing the chunky liquid around with the ladle.
Pete and I arrive before any of the other boys to lunch today and while we're both busy with the foods on our plates, it takes us both awhile to notice a small Ravenclaw girl calling, "Parker! Oi! Parker!" I glance around the table curiously in search of this Parker she's searching for. It's when Peter shyly raises his hand into the air that I am taken aback completely.
"Here!" He manages to call out to her. "I-I'm here!"
"Parker!" The girl smiles, rushing over to speak with him. "There you are. Meet me in the library after classes to work on the assignment, yeah?" She's bubbly and good-looking and Peter seems far too taken with her.
He blushes and casts his pale blue eyes down. "Y-Yeah, okay."
The girl sends him one last smile and nod before skipping off down to her table to eat. Once she's gone, I turn to Peter with a playful smile. "Pete, why did that girl just call you Parker?"
"She thinks that's my name." Peter says casually stabbing some potatoes onto his fork.
"And why didn't you correct her?!"
"I was nervous! Besides, Peter, Parker, it's all the same to me." He shrugs.
Well I suppose if it doesn't bother him... I dig back into my plate of roasted chicken and potatoes. Sirius and James join us soon after and we fall into a lax conversation until the Great Hall doors swing open, slamming loudly against the walls and in walks Remus Lupin looking more giddy than ever before.
He's coming towards us at top speed with a huge smile plastered across his kind face. "I've done it! It's worked!" He informs us vaguely.
"Remy, don't take this the wrong way but are you plastered?" Sirius smirks.
"No," He remains unfazed by Sirius' words as he continues to grin back at us widely. "I've properly brewed the Polyjuice Potion! Tested and all."
"Brilliant!" I clap him on the back. "Now the prank can proceed!"
James smirks. "I've actually got a better idea. What do you say to turning everyone into Professor Dumbledore?"
"I like the way you think, JJ." I nod in approval and he proudly puffs out his chest.
"How are we meant to get his hair?" Peter tilts his head to the side questioningly. James and Sirius only exchange mischievous smirks.
This is going to be good.

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."