I prance through King's Cross pushing my heavy trunk ahead of me and beaming all around at the familiar crowded station.
With a running start and a pounding heart, I fade into the magical rift that should bring me to the Hogwarts Express.
I come face to face with the big red train of which before today I've only been a viewer in front of. Spinning around, my puffy midnight blue dress whirls around my knees. "Well, bye Mum. Dad—" I giggle as he lifts me around my waist.
"My baby girl is growing too fast!" Dad cries into my hair.
"Oh Tom, she's not a baby. Put her down and let me fix her dress, you've wrinkled it." The moment my feet hit solid ground Mum begins fussing over me, moving her wand in precise flicks. "Stand up straight. Don't hunch, you look lazy." She pushes my shoulders back rather harshly.
I stumble away from her like a baby unicorn trying to find its footing. "Yes, Mum."
I try to make a quick getaway while they're busy fawning over my older sister Everliah, however Benjamin—the youngest of us Hollands—stares up at me imploringly. "Take me with you."
I feel a sad tug in my heart. All the years we've been dreaming up our Hogwarts experience have always included the other. I glance around conspiratorially and lower my voice to a whisper, "Get in my trunk now and no one will be the wiser."
He laughs and then laughs even harder as I begin opening my trunk. Mum bats my hands away.
"Oh, none of this! Only a year until you join her. You girls had better get going before it takes off without you."
"Wouldn't that be a brilliant story!" I beam. "I'd make the most dramatic first appearance! Sorted into my house separately and all. Everyone would whisper and wonder why, and I'd be all mysterious about it."
Benjamin and Dad snigger. Mum rubs her temples annoyedly. I inwardly cringe, wishing I could hide in my ugly dress. I shouldn't have opened my mouth. I always seem to regret it.
"She's only joking, Anastasia." Dad says, finally noticing what I have.
"Let's go." Everliah murmurs. I don't look back. Not even for Benja. "She's just worried about you. You know that, don't you?"
"Yes." I lie, avoiding her blue stare.
Ever, Benja, and I are always told we look a great deal alike, and I think so too, except for our eyes. While Benjamin and Everliah were passed down our parents beautiful blue eyes, mine are gold. Not brown, and not yellow either. They match Mum's gold wedding ring almost perfectly.
The moment we're aboard, I let my back curve and my shoulders droop comfortably.
"I'm this way for a prefects meeting. Will you be alright on your own?" Ever asks.
I nod eagerly. "You go, I'd like to try to make some friends while I'm here."
She gives me a quick hug and then disappears down the corridor. I head in the opposite direction, using all my strength to haul my baggage after me.
I keep peaking into compartments of happy friends greeting each other until I find a promising one holding only two young girls. Here goes nothing...
"Hiya! Please don't tell me these seats are reserved."
"Nope, all free." The blonde girl smiles. "Please sit with us."
I drag my trunk inside, grumbling and groaning at the weight of it. The brunette girl giggles at me and gets up to help tuck it away. "Thanks," I say again.

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."