Lily rushes into our shared dormitory sporting a look of pure worry. "Chiara, you don't happen to know where Sev is, do you? We were meant to meet in the library but he never showed and that just isn't like him." She says without taking a breath, pacing on the floor in front of where I lay on my bed.
"Hey hey hey," I say in a soothing tone, pushing myself up. "I'm sure there's no need to worry, Lils. He's probably just in the Slytherin common room. Want me to go take a look-see?"
Her emerald orbs find my gold ones and her exterior softens. "Oh, would you? That'd be good, thank you. I'll wait in the library just in case he shows."
We part ways and I begin my route to the dungeons where the Slytherin common room is located. I follow the bare stretch of stone wall that leads to my destination and stop upon a door. "Oh, Bludger!" I angrily mutter under my breath realizing I don't know the password. That's when, upon some beautiful miracle, a group of boys open the door and exit their common room. They all survey me curiously before shrugging and continuing on their way. "Huh, didn't think it'd be that easy."
I rush in and climb the stone steps leading up to the boys dormitories. "How did you get in here?" My head snaps towards the voice of a bleach blonde-haired girl, who can only be talking to me.
"Easily." I return smugly, causing the girl's mouth to drop open and her words to sound stumbled over. "Listen, as lovely as you seem, I haven't time for pleasantries. Do you happen to know where Severus Snape is?"
"Not since he left here hours ago. Hasn't returned since." She replies, suddenly smirking at me. I sigh in defeat and take that moment to glance around the room. The place is decorated from top to bottom in the colours of green and silver. The room has plenty of allure, though something about it sends a chill up my spine that can't be ignored. It simply doesn't have the same homey-feel that the Gryffindor one does.
I quickly turn on my heel and about halfway through my way out I call back to her, "Thanks, have a wonderful day, Goldilocks!" I wouldn't expect her to understand my reference seeing as she's probably a pureblood but she sneers back a response that I don't hear anyway.
After roaming aimlessly around the castle in a poor attempt at locating Lily's missing mate, I realize there is one last place to check. Outside. When I get there, a smile finds my lips as I spot the boy in question. The smile is replaced by a frown just as quick, as my eyes come to rest on a group of four boys surrounding him. My group of four boys.
I stalk towards them, arms crossed and eyebrows furrowed. "What's going on here?" I blare as I approach the scene. It's then that I see none other than James Potter throwing a hex at Severus, causing the boy to lose balance and topple in a heap on the ground. "STOP IT! STOP! WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING?!" I yell deafeningly loud at him, whilst moving to stand in front of Severus.
"Why are you sticking up for the greasy slime ball?" Sirius asks with a chuckle, as if all of this is one big joke.
"NO!" I holler, causing their faces to fade from any trace of amusement. "The question is why aren't you?!"
Sirius backs away from me, a look of fear flashing across his usually smug face. "Just move out of the way and you won't get hurt." James says frustratedly, pointing his wand at me now. "Move or I'll hex you too! Wouldn't want that now would you?" As soon as he says the words I can tell he regrets them, but that doesn't stop the hurt I feel inside.
I push Severus aside and tell him to go on to the library where Lily is waiting for him. He wastes no time in scampering off and I face James, hurt oozing from every part of me. "What is wrong with you?" I ask quietly, my voice strained from screaming. "You'd really do that? I thought you cared about me. I thought you were a kind boy, James. I defended you to Lily. All of you." My eyes alternate from James, Sirius, Remus, Peter, and finally fall right back onto James. "Every time, I defended you. And now look at threatened to hex me!" I laugh bitterly. "I thought I was like a sister to you." My eyes fill with tears and a few slip out and fall down my cheeks in streams.
"You are! You are my sister, Chiara. I'm sorry. I didn't mean what I said." He takes a step closer to me but as he does I take a step back.
His sad expression matches mine and we stare at one another for a moment before I turn away and run. I run fast and far and I don't turn back even after hearing the shouts of my name from behind me.
I sit alone on one of the many couches in the common room, staring into the crackling fire. It's a different kind of hurt when your best friend threatens to hex you. But I understand that he was just angry, it wasn't me, it was the situation.
The portrait hole opens and in walks four boys with their heads hung low. Each looking more ashamed than the next. Peter is the first to spot me as he looks up and when he does, he nudges the others to alert them of my presence. They all take a hesitant seat around me and I wait on them to break the uncomfortable silence. I have a feeling no one is sure of what to say, I know I'm not.
"Chiara?" James finally says, so softly I'm unsure if I even heard him at all. My eyes flicker up to meet his and I soften under his clearly apologetic gaze. "Keeks, I am so sorry. You know I love you, don't you? Because I do, with my whole heart. I would never hurt you. I'm sorry, I'm so bloody sorry. I didn't think before saying what I did, please believe me. You know I don't think before I speak. That's no excuse though. I'm a blithering fool. I don't know much, but I know that I cannot lose you." James says, his hazel eyes filled to the brim with sincerity.
I get up off the squashy cushions and walk over to stand directly in front of James. His lips part in surprise as he stares up at me. I remain silent, taking a seat down beside him and wrapping my arms around his waist. I nuzzle into the crook of his neck and he hugs me back carefully. "I'm not angry with you, James." I whisper.
"You should be. I was awful to you."
"You were upset. I understand –"
"You should be mad!"
"I'm not!"
"I'm sorry!"
"No, I'm sorry!"
"Okay!" Sirius shouts, causing all eyes to fall on him. "I hate to break up the love fest guys, but can we all just be friends again?" Sirius asks with a hopeful smile.
"Tell me one thing," I hold up a finger and pull away from James a little, "did you boys start the fight today? Or was it Snape?"
"Snape." Remus finally speaks, honesty lacing his words and sincerity clear in his expression.
"Alright then, I forgive you. I will never understand your whole rivalry with him but I guess I can turn a blind eye to it. I know Snape is just as at fault in all this as you." I admit.
A smile tugs at my lips as I face a still distraught James, his head hung low and his eyes downcast. "And James," I start, causing his gaze to shift to mine. "I love you too."

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."