Chapter 104

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Sirius and I walk along the winding path outside of Hogwarts. He talks about his plans for our upcoming explosive prank.

I nod with a small smile as Sirius describes his ideas with such passion. Watching people speak with meaning is so empowering.

"What about you?" He suddenly asks.

"What ABOUT me?" I counter with a smirk.

"Do you have any ideas for a prank?" Sirius questions, daring me to speak out.

"Yes." I vaguely respond.

"When I asked if you had any ideas, I didn't mean I wanted you to explain them to me." Sirius speaks with playful sarcasm.

"I haven't quite got it yet, but I'm working on one that will blow the roof of this school." I punch the air.

Sirius stops in his tracks, he whispers, "Literally?"

"Maybe." I shrug with a grin. I continue walking, waiting for him to catch up.

Once he jogs up to my side, I mutter, "It is distinctly between me and my thoughts, so stay out of it." I playfully push him to the side.

He laughs with strong enthusiasm.

"You know what tomorrow is, don't you?" I change the subject drastically.

"Uhm - " Sirius sneaks a glance at me out of the corner of his eye, "yes?"

"What is it?" I challenge him with a knowing smirk.

Sirius steps forward with pride, "Our two month anniversary."

I gasp silently, "How did you - but you didn't seem to - " I shake off my thoughts, "You remembered!" Sirius beams with glee.

I throw my arm around his shoulder as we walk.

Sirius replies, "Yes, I remembered. How could I not?" He wraps his arm around my waist.

I smile, "The only reason you remembered was because I wrote it on your hand during Charms yesterday."

Sirius looks away guiltily, "That too."


Lily, Violet and I trudge along to breakfast the next morning.

"I'm starting with Potions." Lily exclaims happily.

"Me too." I sigh in disappointment.

Violet exclaims, "Potions is fabulous! How could you?" She playfully narrows her eyes at me.

Suddenly, I am pushed forward from behind. My body snaps forward, and my books tumble to the ground.

Sirius then appears at my side, laughing hysterically, "Happy anniversary!"

Violet snorts, "What a genuine way of wishing someone happy anniversary."

Sirius flicks his hair to the side, "Thanks."

I shake off the shock and laugh along with Sirius and the other girls. Sirius suddenly grabs my arm and tugs me away saying, "C'mon, it's a surprise."

I turn back to Violet and Lily with a nonchalant shrug as I am pulled away and down another corridor.


Sirius and I arrive outside, at the same spot on the grounds where we had our first kiss. He halts abruptly shortly after arriving and pulls me to face him.

"What?" I question, growing suspicious if there is a pre-planned explosion of some sort.

He turns and fishes around in the pocket of his robes, before pulling out a small, blue-velvet case. My heart starts to pound. I mumble, "If you're proposing, let me just say we are WAY to young."

He laughs heartily, then flips up the small box to reveal a pure crystal, snowflake shaped necklace.

My mouth is gradually opening wider and wider, and I find that my hand is placed on my heart in a flattered manner.

"It's a snowflake because our first kiss was outside in the snow." He pauses for effect, "And, the snowflake represents individuality, because you're definitely far from normal." He laughs, then continues, "Also, it's perfect geometric shape represents perfection, 'cause you're pretty perfect to me."

I swoon in my head. I struggle for words, then finally I spit out, "Oh my gosh. I didn't get anything for you!"

Sirius' eyes twinkle with laughter. I thank him kindly for the lovely gift, then I take it and run off.

"Where are you going?" Sirius calls after me.

I reply in a rushed tone, "To get something for you!"


That evening, Sirius, Violet, Lily, James, Peter, Remus and I lie in the common room, some of us doing homework, and some of us merely lying there.

Remus and Violet are sitting at the desk in the back of the common room, working on homework as a couple. 'How sweet.' I think. 'Not really.' I conclude.

Suddenly, an idea wipes me out. I jump up and race up the stairs within the second. I come plummeting back down with Sirius' gift.

I practically fly onto the couch, and slam his present into his lap.

"What's this?" Sirius picks up the oddly shaped object wrapped in newspaper and examines it.

"Your gift." I smile triumphantly.

"Oh," Sirius pauses, "For me?" He plays dumb.

"Open it." I command. Sirius shakes his head in disbelief and opens it slowly. He purposely acts badly, "I wonder what it could be?"

"You never know." I play along with a smirk. I notice that as Sirius opens it, Lily, James, Peter, Remus and Violet are standing around us, watching excitedly.

Sirius tosses the newspaper away and examines the object. He bites his lip, then mutters, "What is it...?"

"A sock washer." I exclaim with pride.

"Wow. I've always wanted one of these. How'd you know?" He continues to play along.

"Okay, listen. I charmed this sponge with some sort of soap-generator spell that I got from Everliah. Then, I attached this toothbrush to scrub extra well."

I smile proudly, "And, see here?" I pointed to the small gap in between the toothbrush and the sponge, "You insert the sock here. Like so," I demonstrate by sliding my hand in between, and instantly, the sponge foams up with soap and the toothbrush begins scrubbing the top of my hand, "Then, you just let it dry!" I pull my hand out and shake it over my head like a dog after a bath.

"Watch my hair!" Sirius shields his hair from the soap flying everywhere. The boys, Violet and Lily all jump away, careful to not get wet with foam.

"Don't you love it?" I ask, beaming.

Sirius looks down one more time, then throws his arm over my shoulders, "I love it!"

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