Sirius's P.O.V
"You say you had nothing to do with the party. Are you lying to me?" Minnie sounds exasperated like she always does when engaging with me. I draw feelings of satisfaction from her irritation and settle an easy grin on my face.
"That depends on how you define lying." I feel a smirk teasing my lips.
She releases a long, impatient sigh. "I define it as not telling the truth. How do you define it?"
"Reclining your body in a horizontal position." I put my arms behind my head and lean so far back in my chair that I'm only balancing on its two hind legs. She stares at me disapprovingly. I stare back, grin unwavering.
"Get out of my office."
"Absolutely." All four legs of my chair meet the floor again and I'm walking out of her office.
The halls are flooded with students and I'm being watched. It isn't uncommon for girls, most of all, to gawk at me as I pass them by; I'm not oblivious to my own good looks. But as much of an ego boost as the attention is, I couldn't be bothered with any of them.
The only girl that matters in my life is asleep in my bed. A full day of school has come and gone and Chiara is still out cold. I'm a selfish man but I just want to wake her. I don't because of the way James is looking at me, like he already knows what I'm thinking. "Don't, Padfoot. Leave her be."
I'm about to offendedly deny any attempt at waking her when she stirs in her sleep. I watch her blink her eyes open and orient herself. There's a sweetness in the first few seconds after she wakes up that I wish I could bottle.
Her eyes are the sun. I don't mean that poetically. They are a gold so pure and bright, they are two samples of the sun. Her pupils dilate and contract and dilate bigger when they connect with mine. "Sirius," she exhales, stretching her arms out above her head.
"How are you feeling? Does your head hurt? I had Poppy make you a hangover potion." I turn away from her to pour the potion into a glass. "Said it was for me though, she still likes you. I had to sit through quite the lecture but all was worth it."
I look at her out of the corner of my eye. She's sitting up now with the bedsheet tucked under her arms. She's so classically beautiful, even with her hair unkept, skin pasty, lips puffy, eyes big and round and smudged with black.
I sit down in front of her and carefully set the glass in the palm of her hand. She flashes me a regretful smile. "Potions don't work on me, Paddy."
My shoulders drop. "I was going for thoughtful and ended up being thoughtless."
"Eh, it's the thought that counts." She winks at me.
Remus perks up when he comes power-walking into the dorm. "Keeks, good you're awake. I got all the work you missed in your classes today. Even the ones we aren't in together." He sets her assignments down on my bedside table and hesitates when he sees her face. "Uh?"
She's looking up at him, dramatically perturbed. "Why would you do such a thing? Now I actually have to complete them. Way to go, Moons."
I bark out a laugh. Her deterrence to work may come across as unintelligence but that couldn't be further from the truth. She is the brightest witch of our age. Hell, she's the brightest witch I know. But what throws people off from that fact is how quickly she would choose fun over the mundane.

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfic"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."