Sirius has a pack of cigarettes and naturally if one of us does something, we all do. I have a feeling his attraction to these things is more about his mother than anything else.
Anyhow, Sirius' idea is the exact reason we ended up here in the Astronomy Tower at two in the morning. Remus remains unamused at the idea and all he wants is so be in bed right now. "I don't know why we entertain his stupid ideas."
"We're all idiots." I shrug.
"Are we all trying this?" Peter squeaks out nervously.
"Not Chiara." Sirius sings knowingly and wiggles his eyebrows at me. "She's too much of a good girl to try it."
"I'm not sure anyone would describe me as a good girl, but you're right about me not trying it." I cross my arms over my chest and lean back against the railing.
I watch Sirius pass a cigarette out to each boy and giddily shift from foot to foot. "Who wants to go first?" He asks.
"I do!" James sticks his cigarette into his mouth and steps closer to Sirius. Sirius raises his wand and lights the end of the thing for James. We all wait in anticipation as James takes his first drag. Before he can blow the smoke back out, he breaks into a coughing fit.
"How's it tasting?" I muse.
"Shut – up – Keeks." James wheezes.
Remus goes next and handles it easily without a single cough. He seems to like it more than James does, but still not enough to want to do it again. "Pete, you're up!" Sirius says happily.
Judging by my friend's wary look, he doesn't seem too keen on trying it. "You don't have to." I remind the boy. "Just because the others are doing it doesn't mean you have to."
Peter looks between my face and Sirius'. "No, I want to." He states firmly.
"That's the spirit!" Sirius cheers making Peter smile back.
"Come on Keeks. You should try it too – one puff." James taunts, waving his smoking cigarette in front of my face.
I pull a look of distaste as the scent of smoke fills my nostrils. "Nope. Peer pressure is unattractive, Jamie."
Peter gags from his first taste, "I don't like it. It tastes like burnt paper."
Sirius hovers over me with a smirk. "Don't you find it the least bit sexy though?" He takes a drag of his own cigarette and blows the smoke to the side coolly.
"Smoking kills." I say though it's unconvincing. It's difficult to form sentences with him standing so close and looking at me like that. He keeps staring with a knowing look until I cave, "Though maybe when you do it..."
"I bet you'd make it look even better." He bites his bottom lip and his eyes flick down to my lips.
"Argh, will you two quit flirting for two seconds?" Remus says, rolling his eyes in annoyance. Sirius and I blush and look away from each other. "Now can we all agree that smoking is only cool when Sirius does it and go back to sleep?"
"I believe the term he used is sexy." James smirks.
"I hate you all." Remus says plainly.
"We love you too, Remy!" I smile.
"Good afternoon children. Are you all ready for today's evaluation? Pity, I know you aren't because I envision you all failing." Our professor with wild hair clasps her hands together in front of her and smiles at us remissly.
The whole school believes Professor Lucinda to be completely bonkers, but I think she's a genius who is far ahead of her time. She's got this air of mystique to her that I enjoy – it makes her more intriguing. And she's been right about previous visions before so why no one else believes her is beyond me.
With a dainty swish of her wand, the test papers pass themselves out. "Best of luck on your're going to need it." A cryptic laugh escapes her lips and I grin up at her in awe.
"I still can't believe this is the woman you idolize, Keeks. She's mad!" James whispers in my ear.
"Well I think she's brilliant and you're too judgemental." I playfully poke him in the chest before flipping around and examining the test that I will be inevitably failing. "Why give out tests knowing we're all going to fail anyhow?" I think aloud. "Unless...unless Professor Lucy-Goosey telling us that we're going to fail is what leads to our failure in the first place."
James nods his head enthusiastically. "Yeah! Because by telling us, we know there's no hope therefore we don't put in the effort."
"We are so smart!" I exclaim under my breath.
Once our enthusiasm fades, James scratches the back of his neck. "So...are we going to put in the effort?"
I scoff, "Don't be silly! No, we're far too tired for that. Plus everyone's going to fail anyway, might as well join the crowd. Dare to be ordinary."
After not even five minutes of writing, Professor Lucinda picks up our evaluations though I haven't answered half the questions. James leans back into my side, "Scratch all of our earlier genius thoughts. She is the reason we fail."
"Alright! Grading these should be a treat! Now, who would care to see a—" She stops talking abruptly when her eyes land on me. I am startled as she runs towards me and puts her hands on my face. "My dear!" She gasps. "You must not play at the next Quidditch match!"
I remain in my seat with a squished face between her palms. "Why?" I laugh nervously.
Just then, the Clock Tower chimes indicating the end of class and Lucinda quickly snaps out of her distressed daze and dismisses us. She walks straight out of the room before I have a chance to talk to her about what she told me.
"Well that's not at all concerning." I say sarcastically.
James claps a hand to my shoulder and rubs my back with the other. "Don't worry, Keeks, I'm sure everything will be fine."
"Because you're always right." I roll my eyes.
"I wouldn't dwell on it too much, love. She's not all there in the head." Sirius tells me carelessly. He then starts up a new conversation with James and Peter as they leave the classroom together.
Remus stays back with me. "I'm doomed, aren't I?"
"Most probably." He nods. "Pluck up though! At least now you can finally put one of your tombstone quotes to good use." At that I punch his arm but he just throws his head back in laughter.

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."