chapter 89

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I hear my name being called as I walk out of Charms class and towards the toilet. I flip around to find Marlene sprinting after me. I stop walking to let her catch up and once she's at my side, we start walking together.

"Hey, Mar, how annoying is it that we have to worry about O.W.L.s this year? Putting effort into my schoolwork is not a forte of mine." She nods her head but she looks distracted. "Is everything okay?"

I watch her take a shaky breath. "Er, okay, I've been meaning to apologize to you."

I slow my pace and gently pull her into an empty corridor. I frown into her electric blue eyes. "What for, my lovely?"

She smiles at me guiltily. "Well...I would've said something sooner but you and me haven't had any time alone to talk since Professor Slughorn's Christmas party. I didn't mean was Sirius' idea but I shouldn't have. He was teasing me one day about the way I was looking at Dorcas. But when I didn't deny anything he realized that I really do like her. We ended up having a long talk about feelings and such, and he ended up confessing his feelings for you."

My heart picks up in speed.

"I know I probably came off as this rotten bitch but that isn't how I meant it at all! I was just trying to help you and Sirius finally get together, and at the same time get my girl. And then I felt even worse about the whole thing when you were nothing but supportive. And –"

I can't help but giggle at how genuine she's being. "Marlene!" I cut her off, smiling. "It's okay. You don't have to explain yourself to me. Sirius already did that at the party. And I was never cross with you because if you had actually fancied each other, I'd just want you to be happy."

She releases a breath. "Goodness, that felt so good to let out." She looks down at me happily. "You're too good for this world, Unicorn."

I blush but loop my arm in hers. "I've got to go to the toilet, I've had to pee since we started class. Let's walk and talk."

She giggles and we start walking the halls again.

"How are things going with you and Dorcas?" I ask curiously. It feels as though everyone's in a relationship right now and I'm starting to feel the effects of my single life.

Marlene perks up immensely at the mention of her girlfriend's name. "It's so good, Chiara! We came out to our parents over summer and they all actually took it better than expected!"

"That's great!" I grin.

"Yeah," She nods her head. "Dorcas' dad struggled a bit in understanding the fact that she's bisexual, but he listened with an open mind. She's the greatest girl, Chiara, I am so lucky to have her."

My heart melts for them. "You two make the sweetest couple. I love you together."

"I love us together, too!" She squeals.


The night is deep and quiet, and Sirius and I are alone together enjoying it. The black sky is littered with millions of bright dots of light. The only sounds heard as we lay here in the grass is the distant sound of water crawling onto shore, and the rustle of trees in the Forbidden Forest.

"Let's play a game of kiss, marry, kill." I say, breaking the beautiful silence.

Sirius turns his head away from the stars and towards me. He smiles, "Alright. Who are the options?"

"James, Remus, and Peter."

He chuckles softly. "I'll answer if you do."


He turns his body until he's completely facing me and I do the same towards him. "I'd kiss James, marry Remus, I really have to kill him?"

"No." I think for a moment before laughing. "How about a game of kiss, marry, tickle?"

"That's much nicer." He laughs, too. "Tickle Peter. How about you then?"

"I would...kiss Remus, marry James, and tickle Peter."

"Evans, Marlene, and Alice."

I press my lips together in thought. "Kiss Marlene, marry Lily, and tickle Alice." I nod at my final decision. "You?"

"Kiss Alice, marry Marlene, and tickle Evans." He says. I give him a look and he quickly explains, "I'm not going to marry my best mate's girl. Who do you think I am?"

I smile down at the grass and start mindlessly plucking blades out. "Me, Duke, and Robert Wood."

He smirks, "That's easy. Kiss Robert, marry you, and tickle Duke."

I shake my head. "You've done it all wrong!" He puts a hand to his heart and I go on, "You should've kissed Robert, married Duke, and tickled me."

"And humour me on why." He snorts.

"Robert has nice lips, Duke is husband material, and I am ticklish." I say easily.

He shrugs and nods his head, "Point made. Okay, now what, Fabian and Gideon."

"Mm...I suppose I'd have to kiss Gideon, marry you, and tickle Fabian."

"Really?" He raises his eyebrows. "See, I'd kiss Fabian, marry myself, and tickle Gideon."

I giggle and playfully shove his shoulder. He just looks into my eyes fondly. "I love these nights."

"Me too." I smile and look back up at the star-filled sky. "How long have we been going on these little Monday-Friday escapades? Since second year?"

"Wasn't it first?" Sirius asks unsurely, now facing the sky again too.

I frown. "I dunno...but I really am glad our tradition hasn't died. I like to have my alone time with you."

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