"Sirius, have you charmed the chewing gum yet?" I ask, not even bothering to glance up at him as I scribble the last of my Transfiguration essay.
His eyes find my small self curled up at his side and he points an accusing finger in James' direction across the room. "I had other things to attend to so I told James to take care of it for me."
James gasps dramatically and pushes his spectacles higher up on the bridge of his nose. "I wasn't in the mood so I told Remus to handle it."
"Peter, is it finished?" Remus simply asks.
"Yeah...funny thing about that..." Peter rubs the back of his blonde head nervously. By now I'm paying close attention to my four seemingly useless and evidently lazy mates. "I found a bag of sweets at the bottom of my trunk and I got so caught up in the flavour that I ate them...all. I passed out not long after."
"Peter Pettigrew!" Sirius scolds mockingly, shaking his head from side to side. "I cannot believe you'd put off committing such an important task. You're really letting the team down here."
"Tsk tsk, talk about irresponsible." James adds, clicking his tongue to the roof of his mouth.
"Sirius is the one who didn't do as he should've." Remus reminds with a small laugh.
"Remus is right. The blame is on Sirius which means," I drag out the word. "no hugs from me for the rest of the day."
Sirius smirks. "You'll crack. You always do."
I smirk back. "Not a chance."
"I told you you'd crack."
I roll my eyes and stomp into the Great Hall for lunch with the other boys hot on my trail. "It was barely even a hug." I state crossing my arms over my chest.
"You clung onto him as he walked to class and refused to let go." Remus laughs.
"Don't be such a know it all, Rem." I pout. "And besides! He smelled nice!" I yell, my attempt at defending my case. "What was I supposed to do? Not bury my face in his shoulder and hold onto him for dear life?"
James snorts. "Yeah. Exactly that. Imagine if I'd pounce on Evans every time I get a whiff of her delightful fragrance."
"This conversation is reaching borderline creepy, guys." Sirius laughs.
"Change of subject?" Remus proposes as we take our usual seats.
"So if you had to pick between Lily and Chiara, who would you pick?" Sirius asks James.
"Why would I have to choose?" He asks, picking up a wrapped sandwich from a platter.
"Just do it."
James doesn't even take a moment to think before he says, "I'd pick Keeks."
Sirius' jaw drops open. "Over your precious Lily-Flower? That's a first."
"Chiara's my little sister –"
"I'm older than you." I interrupt with a prideful smirk.
"By a pathetic few days!" James squeals. "Anyhow, I'm taller. He who's taller is older. I don't make the rules."
"You don't follow them either." I say, earning a high five from Sirius.
"Back to what I was saying...Evans is someone I want to get to know better and hopefully definitely will one hundred percent marry someday. Who would you pick me or Chiara?" James says staring intently at Sirius.
"I don't like this conversation either because I just know that I'm next in line for this odd me or her business." Remus claps his hands together. "Let's switch it up again! Pete, start us off on a new topic, will you?"
"Alright, uh..." Peter takes a bite out of a green apple and proceeds to examine it curiously. "apples. Thoughts?"
"I've come to the conclusion that we're bad at conversations today." I state.
I spend the rest of the afternoon lounging around the boys dormitories, where the boys and I usually hang out. A length yawn escapes my lips and I take that as my cue to head up to bed. Though as soon as I push myself off Sirius' bed, Peter whines, "Where are you going?"
"Back to my own dormitory." I giggle. "Lily's given me scary warnings about what would happen to me if I don't return to my own bed tonight. She likes sneaking into my bed to hug me tight. It's sweet really."
"Are you saying you prefer when you two cuddle to when we do?" Sirius pushes out his bottom lip and widens his puppy dog eyes.
"Yes. Lily is my wife. I'm sorry you boys had to find out this way." I smile sleepily at my own silliness. "No, but really I've got to get going. Quit acting like I'll be gone long, I'll see you lot in the morning."
"You can't leave!" James stops me by grabbing hold of my wrist. "Our dorm is your dorm. After all, you are our honorary boy." James smirks proudly as if he's just given me the best compliment ever.
"Jamesie, this is why Lily won't speak to you. You're rubbish at compliments." I bite my lip to keep from laughing. "See you boys tomorrow." On my way out I hear Remus berating James and James sputtering about how he meant what he said in the best way possible.
I skip upstairs and breathe in deeply as cool air hits my face. I see Alice has opened the window again. She enjoys the feeling of the breeze at night and the rest of us don't mind. The other girls are already fast asleep and I smile at Marlene's obnoxiously loud snores echoing around the room. I slip off my school shoes and change into an oversized jumper and fluffy socks before tiptoeing over to Lily's bedside.
She's seemed to have kicked off her blanket sometime during her slumber so I carefully drape it over her shivering body. "Sleep tight, Lils."

Liquid Luck [Sirius Black]/editing
Fanfiction"You're the goodest bad girl I've ever met."