chapter 33

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Back at school for the rest of second year and students are already forming a long line by the signup sheet for my piggyback service. "Line up to signup, people! Line up to signup!" I call, mentally congratulating myself on my accidental rhyme.

I fold my arm over my chest and stand there admiring my potential clients. "Oi! No cutsies!" I scold a first year Slytherin boy who attempts to cut to the front of the line. His afraid little face causes me to burst into laughter. "I'm only joking, sly one. By all means, cut to the front. I admire you for your attempt, keep up the good work!" I offer him two thumbs up and he smiles sheepishly back at me.

"Ms Holland, I'd prefer it if you didn't applaud the younger students for committing such heinous actions." McGonagall's Scottish voice sounds behind me.

I flip around to face the stern-looking woman wearing a bright smile. "Minnie!" I greet cheerfully. "Have a good holiday?"

She rolls her eyes though I don't miss the way her lips curl upwards just for a moment. "Yes, Chiara, it was quite lovely. And I expect you've enjoyed yours?"

"I did, thank you very much, Professor." I grin. She shakes her head with a small smile before walking off without even scolding me over the crowd I've formed in the hall. I turn back to my line of students and call, "Next!"

Benjamin's little figure appears in front of me, waving his money in my face with pride. "I'd like to purchase two weeks of piggybacks to classes." I don't know if it's his willingness to actually pay me or the simple fact that he is my brother, but my stomach twists in knots and I feel sympathetic.

"Fine," I sigh and his blue eyes twinkle expectantly. "I'll give you your first week free. A free trial, if you will. If you tell anyone of your special treatment, I will end you."

He quickly pockets his money and smirks at me. "I always knew you had a heart."

"Piss off, I could always change my mind." I say, my threat empty and he knows it.

"No you can't. You like me too much to disappoint me like that." He grins, puffing out his chest.

"Yeah yeah, just write your name and scram, you're holding up the line."


I lean up against a wall in the corridor outside Flitwick's Charms class, awaiting the arrival of my final client of the day. Her name's Rosie Atkins and she's a redheaded girl with pale blue eyes and a sweet and polite personality.

After what feels like hours of waiting which in reality is only a couple of seconds, Rosie comes skipping out of the classroom with her book bag in hand and a cheery smile on her freckled face. "Hey, Chiara!" Rosie exclaims with wide eyes.

"Alright, Rosie?" I ask kindly.

"I'm good! I've got Herbology next." She smiles.

I internally groan. The greenhouses are all the way on the other side of the matter, I've got a job to do and I'll be damned if I don't go through with it. "Hop on." I put on my signature grin and bend my knees. I run as fast as I can with her little, but heavy, body on my back and once we reach the greenhouse, she breathlessly says, "Right here's good."

I drop her and flip around to face the little ginger girl. "Are you satisfied with the service you've received this afternoon?" I ask in a posh accent.

"The service lives up to every expectation." She says with a small nod of her head, the ringlets of her red hair jumping in time with her head.

"I'm so glad!" I grin. "Make sure to spread the word to your friends, deal?"

"Deal." She says. "Thank you! Oh, and before I forget," She fishes into the pocket of her robes before pulling out four Galleons and two Sickles. "I believe this covers me for the next two weeks?"

"That is does, Rosie." I bop her on the nose before collecting the currency from her dainty hand. "Right. See you soon, sunshine!" I offer her one last smile before rushing off in the direction of my next class, Charms.

"Why the bloody hell did my parents have to pass on the short legs gene?" I pant to myself under my breath.

I sit down between James and Remus the moment Professor Flitwick closes the door to signify the start of class. I wipe the sweat off my brow and breathe heavily, clutching my chest as I heave. "What in the world happened to you?" Remus asks, pressing the back of his hand against my forehead. "You aren't warm," He cups my cheeks with both of his hands and looks into my eyes. "but you're sweating a lot."

"I'm okay, Mummy Remy!" I giggle, resting my head against his shoulder. "I just gave another girl a lift to class. I ran from here all the way to the greenhouses and then right back here. I am slumped."

Peter turns around in his seat in front of us and looks at me sympathetically. "Want me to make you a nice cup of tea and bring it to your dorms later?"

My eyes soften. "Pete, you really don't have to do that for me."

"It's no problem. I wanna." He smiles, his small nose scrunching up adorably.

"Well okay." I sigh happily. "Love you."

"Love you too." He mutters back shyly.


I get out of the shower and wrap my white towel around my body. I open the bathroom door and walk out to find Lily and Marlene leaning over a magazine. "Feel better, darling?" Marlene says with a warm smile.

"Much." I sigh, slipping on my red plaid pyjama bottoms and a very comfy green jumper that smells of chocolate that I stole from Remus.

"Chiara!" I hear a squeaky voice call from downstairs. "Chiara, I've got your tea!" I jump up excitedly and rush down the stairs. Peter comes into view, holding a tray full of three steaming mugs of black tea with a soft smile gracing his features. "I also made some for Lily and Marlene because I saw them go up there when you did."

"Peter Pettigrew, please never change." I say, affectionately ruffling his head of blonde hair.

He gingerly passes me the tray, blushing uncontrollably as he says, "I've left a cup of sugar, some milk and spoons there because I wasn't sure how you girls took it. I hope this is okay."

"This is perfect. Thank you, I really appreciate. Get some rest now, okay? I'll see you in the morning." I wave at him and he smiles sweetly while I make my way back upstairs, tray in hand. When I walk back in, the blonde and the redhead eye me curiously. Taking in their questioning glances, I smile, "Peter made us all some tea. Isn't that nice?"

"Us too?" Lily asks, surprised.

"Yeah. Kind boy, he is." I say, staring down at the three steaming mugs.

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